[Oberlist] AT* call/res: City Bruck GmbH - proiectul heART of the CITY

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Sat Feb 5 03:15:56 CET 2011

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Info_Culture] CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - City Bruck GmbH
From:    "metacult" <metacult at yahoo.com>
Date:    Fri, February 4, 2011 3:17 pm
To:      info_culture at yahoogroups.com

City BruckGmbH invitatineri artisti contemporani sa participe la
programul emerging youngartists; take pART, be contemporary, care va
debuta in luna septembrie 2011cu proiectul heART of the CITY. Proiectul
deruleaza rezidente in cadrulsectiunii Night and its Light(curator
Romelo Pervolovici – 2META), ce propune realizarea de
proiecteartistice de tipul light sculpture, folosindsurse de energie

Un număr total de 10 rezidente in Bruck an derLeitha
(Niederosterreich, Austria) sunt oferite pe o perioada de 2
saptamani,incepand cu 12 septembrie 2011. Propunerile de lucrari vor fi
selectionate lasfarsitul rezidentei pentru a fi expuse si prezentate
publicului in luna iunie 2012.

„Într-o primă etapă, Bruck va găzdui
rezidenÅ£eartistice de câteva săptămâni. Pe de o
parte, artiÅŸtii vor veni în contactdirect cu oraÅŸul,
istoria lui, spaţiul public, amprenta specifică a
mitologieicontemporane locale, iar pe de altă parte comunitatea
publică din Bruck an derLeitha se va familiariza cu practicile
artistice contemporane. La sfârÅŸitul perioadei de
rezidenţă, artiştii vorexpune schiţele pentru
următoarea fază a proiectului, ce se va finaliza în2012,
când publicul din Bruck an der Leitha va fi efectiv pus în
miÅŸcare defluxul luminos al sculpturilor, amplasate în
spaţiul urban familiar: pe străzi,squaruri, clădiri etc.
Redescoperirea unor unghiuri ÅŸi perspective noi,ascunse,
evidenÅ£ierea frumuseÅ£ii latente a oraÅŸului în detaliile
lui concretese va face prin fascinanta experienţă a luminii
şi a practicilor artisticecontemporane. (...) Lucrările pe
care artiÅŸtii le vor realiza în proiectulnostru pot include,
alături de lumină – ca mediu – ÅŸi miÅŸcarea,
interactivitatea,instalaţiile spaţiale, culoarea, iluzia
optică etc. "Regimul nocturn al imaginii", de care vorbea
Gilbert Durand, nu va fi singurul care va daprofunzime imaginarului
artiştilor invitaţi."

Modalitate de aplicare

Toti cei interesati sunt invitatisa trimita, pana la data de 31 martie,
dosarul de concurs in format digital.

Aplicatiile se trimit peadresa metacult at gmail.com, in atentia domnului
Romelo Pervolovici –curator al sectiunii si cu mentiunea
„proiectul heART of the CITY".

Cele 10 rezidente sunt distribuite astfel: 5 rezidente in perioada 12
– 25 septembrie2011, iar 5 in perioada 3 – 16 octombrie 2011.

Materiale necesare

- o selectie foto in formatdigital a celor mai reprezentative lucrari

- statement-ul artistului

- un CV la zi

- date de contact

Taxe si cheltuieli

La dispozitia fiecarui participantdeclarat castigator institutia
organizatoare va pune suma de 500 de euro, plus cheltuielile de cazare,
transport, masa.

Nu se percep taxe pentruaplicatie.


Data limita pentru primireaaplicatiilor este 31 martie 2011.Lista
participantilor va fi facuta publica pana la data de 10 aprilie.


Ana-Maria Dragnea

metacult at gmail.com <mailto:metacult at gmail.com>

+40 771 602 658

www.metacult.ro <http://www.metacult.ro/>


(English below)

City Bruck GmbH invitesyoung contemporary artists to participate in the
program emerging youngartists; take pART, be contemporary,that will open
in Fall with the project heART of the CITY. The projectoffers
residencies within the section Night and its Light (curatorRomelo
Pervolovici – 2META), which aims to result in light sculpture-type
projects, using alternative sources of energy.

A total number of 10residencies in Bruckan der Leitha (Niederosterreich,
Austria) are offered for a period of 2 weeks,starting with September 12,
2011. Artists' selected proposals will be shown tothe public in June

„In a first phase, Bruck an der Leitha will accommodate artists in
2-week residencies. On the one hand, the artists willcome in direct
contact with the city, its history, public space, the local contemporary
imprint; on the other hand, the public community in Bruck an der Leitha
will familiarize with the contemporary artistic practices. At the end of
the residency, the artists will exhibit the drafts for the next step of
the project, due to take place in June2012, when Bruck and der Leitha
will come to life in the stream of light generated by sculptures placed
in familiar urban spaces: streets, squares,buildings, etc. Rediscovering
angles and perspectives that are unknown, hidden,and the emphasis placed
on the latent beauty of the city will be made possible by the
fascinating experience of light and the contemporary artistic practices.
(...) The artworks can include, alongside light as a medium, movement,
interactivity, spatia linstalations, color, optical illusion. Gilbert
Durand's „nocturnal order of the image" will not be the only
one to magnify the imaginary of the invited artists".

Submit for selection

All those interested must sendtheir application (digital format) by
March 31st to the address metacult at gmail.com <mailto:metacult at gmail.com>
,in the attention of Mr. Romelo Pervolovici – curator, with the
mention „project heART of the CITY".

The 10 residencies are distributed as follows: 5 residencies during
September12 –25, 2011, and 5 during October 3 – 16, 2011.

Required documentation

- a visual selection of the most representative works in a digital

- artist's statement

- up-to-date curriculum vitae

- contact details

Fees and expenses

Each selected participant will be granted the amount of 500 EUR,plus
accommodation, travel expenses, lunch.

No application fee required.


The deadline for receiving the applications is March 31, 2011. The final
list of participants will be published by April 10.

Contact details:

Ana-Maria Dragnea (for Romelo Pervolovici)

metacult at gmail.com <mailto:metacult at gmail.com>

+40 771 602 658

www.metacult.ro <http://www.metacult.ro/>

www.metacult.ro/en/news <http://www.metacult.ro/en/news>

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