[Oberlist] #8 |Revista la PLIC | Apel pentru contributii / POSTBOX Magazine | Call for contributions
natalia graur
natalia.graur at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 22:27:14 CET 2011
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Am coborit in 'subsol' unde ne veti gasi din 2011, insa in continuare
sintem in asteptarea contributiilor voastre! Pentru urmatorul numar am
decis sa vorbim despre proza contemporana. Cum este influentata de viata
socio-politica? Ce schimbari aduce ea? Care e cartea de proza contemporana
pe care ati citit-o si ati simtit ca e o bucata din realitatea in care va
aflati? Putem vorbi de o noua proza contemporana basarabeana? Intr-un sens
mai larg va rugam sa ne spuneti in ce masura realitatea socio-politica
influenteaza viata culturala? In ce raport se afla aceste doua fenomene?
Pe linga un eventual raspuns la aceste intrebari, asteptam si creatiile
literare si artistice.
In lipsa unei finantari revista va aparea intr-un numar de 50 de
exemplare, insa PLIC-ul va servi in continuare drept o platforma de
promovare a creatiei dumneavoastra, on-line si off-line.
Tocmai de aceea va rugam sa ne trimiteti propunerile pina la data de 15
februarie 2011. Textele nu trebuie sa depaseasca 5.000 de caractere iar
propunerile artistice (imagini, fotografii, film, sunet/muzica, etc.)
trebuie sa contina un scurt concept impreuna cu o lista a materialelor
necesare realizarii lor. Atit textele cit si propunerile trebuie sa fie
Noi le vom analiza pina la data de 25 februarie 2011, dupa care autorii
propunerilor selectate vor fi anuntati prin email. Propunerile pot fi
transmise prin email la adresa: vladimir(a)oberliht.org.md
Revista la PLIC este cea mai noua publicatie culturala din Republica
Moldova, o revista obiect cu un caracter interdisciplinar si experimental
pronunţat, care işi propune sa reflecte si sa reuneasca tendintele
artistice si literare ale tinerilor din Republica Moldova si Romania, dar
si din alte regiuni.
Revista la PLIC stimuleaza comunicarea intre diverse grupuri de creatori
dar si intre exponenti ai altor domenii, insistind pe rolul si importanta
artei, in calitate de ingredient activ, intr-o societate multiculturala ce
se confrunta cu provocarile unei lumi din ce in ce mai globalizate.
Revista la PLIC | Asociatia Oberliht
Gh. Asachi Str., 53/1, lit. "A"
Chişinau 2028, Republica Moldova
+ (373 22) 286317
email: vladimir(a)oberliht.org.md
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We went under the ground where you'll find us in 2011, but we're still
looking forward for your contributions! For our next issue we decided to
talk about contemporary prose and fiction. How is it influenced by the
socio-political life? What changes does it bring? What is the book of
contemporary fiction you have read and felt as if it were a piece of your
reality? More generally, how does the socio-political reality influence the
cultural life, and what is the relation between these two?
Besides your texts covering the above-mentioned topic we will be waiting
for other literary and artistic proposals.
Lacking financial support POSTBOX magazine will be printed in 50 copies,
but it will continue to be a platform for promoting artistic and literary
creation, on-line and off-line.
That's why we ask you to send your proposals till February 15, 2011. Texts
should not exceed 5000 characters and the artistic proposals (images,
photos, films, videos, sound/music, objects, etc.) should contain a short
concept along with a list of materials needed for their realization. Both
texts and artistic proposals must be original.
We will analyze them and the authors whose proposals were selected will be
announced by e-mail till February 25, 2011. Please send your proposals to:
The POSTBOX Magazine is the newest cultural publication from the Republic
of Moldova, with a strong interdisciplinary and experimental character,
which aims at reflecting and unifying the artistic and literary trends of
the youth from the Republic of Moldova and from abroad.
The POSTBOX Magazine encourages the communication among different groups
of artists but also among representatives of other areas of interest,
strengthening the role and the importance of art as an active ingredient in
a multicultural society, which faces the challenges of globalization.
POSTBOX magazine | Oberliht Association
Gh. Asachi Str., 53/1, lit. "A"
Chişinau 2028, Republic of Moldova
+ (373 22) 286317
email: vladimir(at)oberliht.org.md
Natalia GRAUR
Revista la PLIC | Relatii cu publicul
Revista la PLIC este editata cu suportul financiar al Institutului
Cultural Roman din Bucuresti http://www.icr.ro
Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: natalia at oberliht.org.md
. . . . . . . . . . .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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