Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Thu Jun 9 16:32:39 CEST 2011

- - - scroll down for English - - -

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Campania reflecta pozitia unui numar de institutii si initiative din  
sectorul cultural independent, creata ca raspuns la modalitatea de  
desemnare a participantilor la Bienala de la Venetia (editia 54),  
pentru a reprezenta Pavilionul National.

Pavilionul Fantoma este un vehicul de promovare a imagini Republicii  
Moldova pe plan international.


In cadrul acestei campanii un grup de artisti au elaborat texte,  
postere, slogane, stickere, carti postale, stencil-uri si alte mesaje  
care urmeaza a fi expuse si distribuite in spatiul public al  
Chisinaului pe durata desfasurarii Bienalei de Arta Contemporana de la  
Venetia (4 iunie - 27 noiembrie, 2011). Campania va fi, de asemenea,  
gazduita de institutiile implicate in proiect: sediul Centrului KSAK,  
Teatrul Spalatorie, ARThotel si in cadrul proiectului Protest in Vint  
- la Apartamentul Deschis (Asociatia Oberliht). Evenimentul va fi  
mediatizat in

presa (plasarea anunturilor in ziare), la radio si la posturi TV, de  
asemenea in Internet - prin intermediul listei [Oberlist], a retelelor  
si listelor de discutii internationale, paginii Pavilionului Fantoma  
de pe facebook, si pe site-urile organizatiilor implicate; prin  
crearea unui blog al proiectului si prin plasarea bannerelor pe  
portalul civic.md.

In urmatoarea perioada proiectele elaborate de Igor Scerbina (5  
slogane-postere, light box-uri, tomberoane, bannere, trailer video),  
Valeria Barbas (anunturi stradale), Tatiana Fiodorova (tricouri,  
stencil-uri), Lucia Macari (moneda aniversara-stickere in transportul  
public, carti postale) vor fi amplasate si distribuite in spatiile  
publice ale Chisinaului, in reteaua internet si in mass media locala  
incepand cu 4 iunie 2011.

In perioada 1-5 Iunie proiectele Igor Scerbina,Tatiana Fiodorova si  
Lucia Macari fac parte din expozitia din cadrul proiectului HEICO  
prezentat la Bienala de la Venetia (editia 54). Detalii pe web site-ul  
proiectului HEICO: http://www.atlantisprojects.eu/web/index-439.html

Campania va culmina cu prezentarea la Chisinau a proiectului MISSING  
LINK de SOULD OUT (Adel Idris si Denis Bartenev), realizat in cadrul  
retelei ATLANTIS'11 si a proiectului HEICO la Venetia. Prezentarea  
proiectului MISSING LINK si a evenimentelor conexe va fi anuntata  

Campania este sustinuta de:

[KSA:K] - Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana

Asociatia Oberliht

Asociatia Alt Film







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The campaign reflects the position of a number of institutions and  
initiatives from independent cultural sector, developed as a response  
to the designation by the local authorities from Republic of Moldova  
of the participants to represent the National Pavilion at the 54  
edition of Venice Biennale.

The GHOST Pavilion is a new tool to promote the image of Republic of  
Moldova internationally.


Within this campaign, a group of artists have developed texts,  
posters, slogans, stickers, postcards, stencil messages, and other  
sites to be displayed and distributed in public spaces of Chisinau  
during the course of Contemporary Art Biennale in Venice (June 4 to  
November 27, 2011). The campaign will be also hosted by institutions  
involved in the project: the space of KSAK Center, Laundry Theatre,  
the Art Hotel and Protest in Wind Project - at the FLAT SPACE  
(Oberliht Association). The event will be publicized in the press  
(placing ads in newspapers), on radio and TV stations, also on the  
Internet – through [Oberlist] mailing list, networks and other  
international mailing lists, Phantom Pavilion page on Facebook, and  
web sites of organizations involved in the project, also by creating a  
blog and posting banners on civic.md portal.

On the next sage, projects developed by: Igor Scerbina (5 slogans,  
posters, light boxes, bins, banners, video trailer), Valeria Barbas  
(street ad), Tatiana Fedorova (T-shirts, stencils), Lucia Macari  
(commemorative coin- in public transport stickers, postcards) will be  
located and distributed in public places in Chisinau, on the Internet  
and local media since June 4, 2011.

In the period between 1-5 of June the projects by Igor Scerbina,  
Tatiana Fiodorova and Lucia Macari are part of the exhibition in the  
frame of HEICO project presented at the 54th edition of the Venice  
Biennale. HEICO project web site: http://www.atlantisprojects.eu/web/index-439.html

The campaign will culminate with the presentation in Chisinau of  
MISSING LINK project by SOLD OUT (Adel Idris and Denis Bartenev),  
developed under the network ATLANTIS’11 and project Heico in Venice.  
The presentation of the MISSING LINK project and related events is to  
be announced.

The campaign is supported by:

[KSA:K] – Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau

Oberliht Association

Association Alt Film






Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   director de proiect


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
mob:	+ (373) 69 171010
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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