[oberlist] MD* invitatie de colaborare

Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Mon Nov 14 12:59:18 CET 2011

Buna ziua,

revin inca cu un mesaj, pentru cei care totusi vor sa se intilneasca  
cu Karin si Johanna - am stabilit cu ele ca vom organiza o intilnire  
miine (marti) 15 noiembrie, ora 16:00 la ARThotel (str. Gh. Asachi  
53/1, lit. "A": http://arthotel.oberliht.com/map/)
Dupa posibilitati, rog sa confirmati prin email daca ve-ti fi prezent  
(la urmatoarea adresa: vladimir at oberliht.org.md)
numai bine,

ps. un alt motiv de a ne vizita este expozitia CHISINAU CIRCUMVENTION  
despre care puteti afla mai multe aici: http://arthotel.oberliht.com/2011/11/08/chisinau-circumvention/

ps2. si astazi seara este premiera filmului MISSING ARTIST/ARTISTUL  
DISPARUT, despre participarea Moldovei la Bienala de la Venetia din  
acest an. Proiectia va avea loc la cinematograful Odeon la ora 18:00,  
intrarea este gratuita: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=191523767594245

* * *

Stimati colegi,

pe parcursul urmatoarelor citeva saptamini aveti posibilitatea sa  
contactati doi tineri cercetatori din Suedia, care fac un studiu  
despre zonele verzi din Chisinau. Obiectivul cercetarii lor este expus  
mai jos, in limba engleza.
In cazul in care va interseaza ceea ce fac si credeti ca ati putea  
veni cu sugestii si propuneri, sau daca cunoasteti pe cineva care ar  
putea fi util si contribui la cercetarea lui Karin si Johanna atunci  
nu ezitati sa-mi scrieti si o sa va fac legatura.

numai bine,

= = =

Hi Vladimir!

The following is a description of the aim of our study:

The aim with our study is to produce a plan for the green structure in  
Chisinau and more detailed design proposals for 2 or 3 selected places  
within the plan area. We are doing an inventory and analysis of the  
existing public green spaces in Chisinau where we look at ecologic,  
aesthetic and social aspects in relation to the whole city. After that  
we will choose a district we find interesting (where improvements  
could be made socially and ecologically) to work with on a more  
detailed level and we will map the social activity in the area through  
talks with people living there. From this material we will make a  
green structure plan with suggestions for the future development.

We will find the answer to the following questions: How can a green  
structure plan be used as a tool for sustainable urban development?  
How can it be applied on the city of Chisinau?

If you have any suggestion to what people we should talk to it would  
very useful for us. Thank you!

Best regards,
Karin and Johanna

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   curator


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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