[oberlist] Fwd: [platform_chtodelat] платформа artsleak начала работу!

vadim lungul GumGun at yandex.ru
Thu Sep 1 11:51:13 CEST 2011

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение  --------
01.09.2011, 12:01, "dmitry vilensky" <dmvilen at gmail.com>:

*Привет всем!*


*мы тут с нашими товарищами начали международную платформу посвященную
публикации случаев нарушения прав художников и других работников культуры со
стороны институций и капитала. Пора делать все эти факты открытыми к
публичному обсуждению. также необходимо в стиле антиджоб информировать
коллег о местах которые нагло нарушают базовые условия труда. Платформа
открыта к освящению материалов на множестве языков и основную информацию мы
будем переводить на англ. Я буду модерировать русскую часть материалов - так
что пишите если у вас появиться необходимость - а она к сожалению
становиться все более насущной. Распространяйте материалы и присоединяйтесь
к нашему facebook community*

*ваш ДВ  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*

*Artleaks* is collective platform initiated by an international group of
artists, curators, art historians and intellectuals in response to the abuse
of their professional integrity and the open infraction of their labor
rights. In the art world, such abuses usually disappear, but some events
bring them into sharp focus and therefore deserve public scrutiny.  Only by
drawing attention to concrete abuses can we underscore the precarious
condition of cultural workers and the necessity for sustained protest
against the appropriation of politically engaged art, culture and theory by
institutions embedded in a tight mesh of capital and power.

In our case, we began collaborating as a working group who wanted to
publicly bring to light Pavilion UniCredit's consistent mistreatment of
artists, workers and even visitors to their center in Bucharest, Romania.
This center is devoted to contemporary art and culture and financed by one
of the most prominent banks in Europe - UniCredit. Yet, we saw its mission
to provide a space for critical thinking and dialogue compromised - through
the management's repressive maneuvers against those of us who problematized
their politics and criticized their dubious engagement with their main
sponsor. Having witnessed and experienced first-hand the exploitations
perpetrated by the management, we decided it was our collective duty to
openly speak against them, as well as warn those artists, curators and
workers collaborating with this center.

Further, we regard this case to be more than a singular instance of abuse;  but
seek to enable other members of the community to raise similar issues -
related to corporate sponsors' co-opting of cultural activity and mis-use of
social credibility thus gained.  We consider it unacceptable on the part of
these so-called benefactors to refuse decent conditions for cultural workers
through oppressive measures - the same workers whose labor makes their
subsistence possible.

In response to blacklisting and continued abuse conjoined with unbridled
exploitation, it is our civic and political duty to bring to light the
mechanisms of corruption and inspire others to do so as well. Instead of
letting singular protests succumb to anonymity, gossip or institutional
hush-hush, we must extract from situations of inequality, general conditions
that affect the social and political mission of workers and establishments
for art and culture.

Implicit in this collective protest is a radical form of institutional
critique - emphasizing the urgent need to make visible and counteract all
forms of repression, abuse, mistreatment and arrogance that have been
normalized through the practices of many cultural managers.  While each case
of abuse may be different, the increasing amount of power vested in art
institutions controlled by corporate players, calls out for a collective
struggle for equal rights and fair treatment of cultural workers.

We  must expose common-currency practices of slander, intimidation and
blackmail as they are. We seek to enable like-minded people to stand
together against instances of mistreatment related to cultural labor,
repression channeled through dishonest management or blatant censorship. We
want to create a strong network of art systems' whistleblowers - through
which we support and protect each other in critical moments as much as
possible. Through the power of facts, first-hand testimonies and visual
information we seek to deconstruct the politics of who, what and how is
invited into the exhibition space, and most importantly the circumstances
under which one is ousted and then blacklisted.

We believe in the power of sustained artleaking  to turn the tables on
corruption and exploitation, to force art and culture institutions to
publicly account for their politics and their actions. To mafia tactics and
authoritarian tendencies, we answer with openness, angriness and solidarity
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