[oberlist] Join us for two Conferences in May: "Do we really need yet another piece of public art?" and "Kulturens roll i Stadsutvecklingen"

Martin Schibli martin.schibli at kalmarkonstmuseum.se
Mon Apr 16 11:25:42 CEST 2012

Welcome to join us for two conferences:

Do we really need yet another piece of public art?
- Towards a new approach on art in public spaces

In collaboration with Ölands Konstskola

The conference wants to raise questions regarding art and its  
relationship with what is called “public space”. There has been a  
huge interest in art in public spaces since the 1990s, and it seems to  
be increasing since the last couple of years. To include temporary  
public artworks is a standard procedure today for most art biennales  
or larger exhibitions on contemporary art. We have also seen yearly  
conferences and an increased interest from artists to do projects in  
the public space in Sweden and elsewhere. Still, despite this  
increased interest, it seems to be hard to form consensus on the  
fundamental basics of how to approach the process.

Topics addressed in the conference will be; art projects that work in  
the public space, that a single definition of the public space is  
insufficient when working in different cultural contexts and different  
ways to work in the public space based on applied contemporary art  
theories. Most participants come from Sweden and Poland, which will  
bring forward different views on the topic. The speakers will be  
artists and persons involved in the realization of projects. The  
conference will take place at Ölands Folkhögskola.

The conference is free of charge. Limited seats.
Registration is free but obligatory, email Jörgen Platzer at jorgen.p.platzer at folkbildning.ne 

Ölands folkhögskola can help to arrange accommodation close to the  
conference for 300 SEK/night.
Contact Jörgen Platzer for more information.
The school cafeteria will sell food and coffee to visitors during the  
For questions regarding content, please contact Director of  
Exhibitions Martin Schibli.
martin.schibli at kalmarkonstmuseum.se

Preliminary program
Conference at Ölands folkhögskola May 7th and 8th 2012

Monday May 7th
09:00 Registration
10:00 Johanna Karlin and Martin Schibli Welcome Address
10:15 Martin Schibli Some Remarks on Public Art
11:00 Krzysztof Żwirblis Between Symbolization and Participation
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Helle Kvamme The Artist's Eye - Welcome
13:45 Professor Varg Nimis, a Public Project With a Large Audience
14:30 Break
15:00 Agnieszka Wołodźko Friendly about/with Vandals
16:00 Discussion

Tuesday May 8th
09:00 Johanna Karlin
10:00 Vladimir Us In Between the Roads, Blocks of Flats and Monuments
11:00 Gustav Hellberg Public Art or Decoration? How Art in the Public  
Space is Valued
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Aneta Szylak
14:00 Oscar Guermouche Text in the Public Realm
14:45 Break
15:15 Łukasz Surowiec Use of public sphere
16:00 Discussion

Krzysztof Żwirblis
Between Symbolization and Participation
Some remarks on public art on the example of my  activity as a   
curator and artist.  I will demonstrate link between the  idea of the   
Open Form (coming from 1955) and my practice based on participation of  
local people in artistic actions. I will stress that private content  
revealed in public space lifts its borders and could be important  
factor for creation of communication channels distroyed by political  
and social processes. I will show how multivector artistic works at  
the city open space should be to cover its complicated texture of  
memory and contemporary meanings and to act for positive social change.

Helle Kvamme
The Artist's Eye - Welcome
With this lecture Helle Kvamme starts a dialogue how artists manifest  
their actions to public works. What is the artistic process? How  
involved are citizens who move in the public places? When does the  
action become a work of art? How can public works  challenge human  
patterns,  actions, movements and konversations. In Kalmar Helle works  
on a temporary piece that will become a meeting place designed like an  
eye. The title is: The artist's eye - Welcome

Professor Varg
Nimis, a Public Project With a Large Audience
When an artwork receives a lot of attention and gets a large audience  
it is a problem in the artworld. The artworld wants the art to reach a  
large and general public. In those rare cases when an artwork gets a  
large audience the situation is uncomfortable. Something must be wrong  
with the art. Or is it something wrong with the artworld?

Agnieszka Wolodzko
Friendly About/With Vandals
I want to propose a close look at a phenomenon of street murals. I use  
two perspectives. The 1st of them conceives murals as an act of  
vandalism. Here I want to raise a question who Vandals were and what  
was their meaning in European culture. The 2nd perspective proposes an  
interpretation of murals as an act of communication.

The authorities of Gdansk, taking under the consideration a long  
tradition of the struggle for freedom in this city, decided to take  
the 2nd perspective and to have the friendly policy towards murals. It  
is relatively easy to obtain a permission from the authorities for  
painting on a wall in the public spaxerent localizations in Gdansk.
I would like to put a question what is the policy towards murals in  
Sweden – a country with a very long social-democratic tradition.

Vladimir Us
In Between the Roads, Blocks of Flats and Monuments

My interest for public space is related to the major shift that took  
place 2 decades ago, when Republic of Moldova appeared as a new entity  
on the European map resulting from the dissolution of the Soviet  
Union, and the way these changes have affected the whole society. This  
shift was also provoked by the need to reshape the soviet identity of  
the country, which fact created space for different scenarios to  
happen later. The major shift, however, was of economic and  
geopolitical nature. Generally speaking the city of Chisinau stays as  
a witness for various scenarios being developed along the last two  
centuries, when Chisinau, initially a tiny market on a crossroads of a  
medieval state, was first assigned the role of a capital of the  
Bessarabia - a small gubernia on the periphery of Tsarist Russia, then  
it became one of the important cities in the eastern part of Great  
Romania and starting with 1944 the capital city of Soviet Socialist  
Republic of Moldova. Since 1991 Chsinau is the capital of the  
independent state Republic of Moldova, but it still bears all the  
signs of the previous epochs.

Today I am very much concerned with the ongoing process of  
politicization and commercialization of urban areas in post-soviet  
cities, which fact provokes me thinking about new public spaces that  
need to be opened. This interest have materialized in several projects  
that involved different artists and that were curated by me, and few  
individual works that I have been working on during the last few years.

Gustav Hellberg
Public Art or Decoration? How Art in the Public Space is Valued
I will talk about my experiences in working with art in the public  
sphere which is mainly practiced without the common employers, such  
as; the state or the municipality. I will put my own activity, which  
emanates from aesthetic frameworks about the public sphere and how it  
is defined, against the ideas about the officially commissioned  
artworks, where political agendas and views on art differ from present  
definitions within the artworld. The cultural differences when it  
comes to public art will be included since my practice is conducted  
mostly in Sweden and Germany. For example, there are differences when  
it comes to qualifications or subject knowledge from the commissioning  
part. Art, artworks and being an artist is valued differently, both  
emotionally and economically, and this will lead me to touch upon  
certain cultural traditions, in both Sweden and Germany, that creates  
different attitudes when it comes to investments in art, especially  
when it comes to public art.

Oscar Guermouche
Text in the Public Realm
Oscar Guermouche is focused on the words' construction of the subject.  
Through the language’s relation to structures and its structuring  
functions, he questions the biography, the self-portrait, and  
identification. All his work is more or less based on displacements  
and compilations of existing texts, though the works themselves can be  
depicted in a number of different techniques such as painting,  
photography, objects, video, print, and tattoos.

Last year, his work "The Great Communicator" was the winning proposal  
in an international competion for public art in Ronald Reagan Park,  
Gdansk, Poland. The work consists of a Ronald Reagan quote, to be cast  
in white cement and marble, in the same font as the iconic Hollywood  
sign. However, "The Great Communicator" work was stopped, as other of  
Guermouche's works have been before, based on claimes that the quoted  
text is too provoking.

Łukasz Surowiec
Use of public sphere
I will present my definition of the public sphere, I plan to present  
the public space as a tool/medium of art - not a destination/purpose  
of art or a place for art. For example, the last two of my works:  
"Berlin-Birlkenau", "Cars" and the planned "Black Diamends". I will  
try to define public space as a social space where the audience  
becomes a community. I want to say something about visual violence.  
The activity of art in the public space is associated with problems  
such as exclusion and visual violence.

The conference is a collaboration with Ölands Folkhögskola, and is  
part of the international art-project Art Line, which is part-financed  
by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).


Kulturens roll i stadsutvecklingen
21-22 maj 2012 i Kalmar

I samarbete med SKL (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting), Kalmar Kommun  
och Regionförbundet i Kalmar län.

Attraktiva stadsmiljöer med stark identitet är allt viktigare  
samtidigt som konkurrensen om invånare, arbetskraft och besökare  
ökar. Kvaliteten i det liv som ska levas i staden hamnar i allt  
starkare fokus. För att nå en lyckad stadsutveckling måste  
människan tillåtas stå i centrum. Men vilka är då människors  
sinnliga och sociala behov för att trivas i staden? Hur kan offentliga  
organisationer nå bättre dynamiskt tänkande i stadsplaneringen? Och  
vilken roll spelar konst och kultur i formandet av intressanta  
stadsmiljöer och i samspelet med medborgarna?

Varmt välkommen till en konferens som bjuder på internationella och  
nationella före-läsare, workshops och exempel. Du får bl.a. höra  
Steffen Gulmann, Joanna Rajkowska och konstnärsgruppen COM&COM i  
inspirerande föreläsningar.

Moderator för dagen är Ulf Wickbom.

Konferensen erbjuder Dig att delta i spännande diskussioner genom ett  
World Café med frågor som utgår från kulturens roll i  
Konferensen vänder sig till politiker, stadsplanerare, arkitekter,  
konstnärer, kulturstrateger m.fl. intresserade av en dynamisk  

PROGRAM – dag I, 21 maj 2012 11.30–12.45
Lunch och registrering
Johan Persson, kommunalråd, Kalmar kommun
Håkan Brynielsson, regiondirektör, Regionförbundet i Kalmar län
City design – ett sätt att tänka kring dynamisk stadsutveckling
Steffen Gulmann, professor, Copenhagen Business School presenterar ett  
helhets-tänkande för en levande, aktiv och kreativ process för  
Från Borås till Malmö – om kommunala processer kring  
stadsutveckling och kultur
Hur driver man arbetet för att konst och kultur ska vara en del i  
Elisabeth Lundgren, kulturdirektör, Malmö stad, tidigare kulturchef i  
Borås kommun
Den mänskliga dimensionen. Människans sinnliga och sociala behov i  
den fysiska miljön
Hur ser relationen ut mellan våra behov och kvaliteten i den fysiska  
miljön? Vad säger forskningen kring stadsliv och stadsutveckling?
Ewa Westermark, arkitekt Gehl arkitekter, Köpenhamn
The Role of Art and Culture in Public Spaces
Who owns Public Spaces? Who decides what these spaces communicate?  
What is the role of Public Art and the artistic interpretation?
Joanna Rajkowska, artist and staff member Krytyka Polityczna
Kulturinstitutionen och staden – roll och funktion
Vad kan kulturinstitutionen bidra med i stadsutvecklingsperspektiv?  
Tar uppdraget slut vid ytterväggarna?
Inspel från Kalmar konstmuseum och Kalmar kommun
Martin Schibli, utställningschef Kalmar konstmuseum och Staffan  
Lidholm, stadsarkitekt Kalmar kommun
Marie-Louise Rönnmark (S) kommunalråd Umeå kommun, Mats Green (M)  
kommunalråd Jönköpings kommun, Lisbeth Lindeborg forskare, Gustaf  
Hellberg konstnär, Eva Sjölin f.d. stadsbyggnadschef Lomma kommun
Moderator: Ulf Wickbom
Specialvisning Kalmar konstmuseum
För den som vill – Visning av utställningen Self Governance i  
samarbete med Berlin-biennalen. Konstnärerna finns på plats.
Middag på Kalmar slott
Festlig måltid med historiska förtecken i nordens bäst bevarade  
Värdar: Kalmar kommun och Regionförbundet i Kalmar län

Exempel, processer och metoder
Fyra parallella spår – Du väljer mellan:
Spår 1
The role of Culture for identity
Bregenz – das Mehr am See – and what it means
Juri Troy, Austrian architect with offices in Bregenz and Vienna
A library makes a new city
Eric Thelen, Senior projectleader with the Development Corporation,  
City of Amsterdam tells us about the redevelopment of the area around  
Central Station of Amsterdam, the Oosterdokseiland
Spår 2
Kommunala metoder i närbild
Holsterbro – vad hände sedan?
På 1980-talet vände den danska staden Holsterbro en negativ  
utveckling till framgång genom medvetna satsningar på kultur. Vad har  
hänt sedan dess?
Lisbeth Lindeborg, statsvetare och forskare
Stadsbyggnadsvisionen – Stadsutveckling och Stadens liv och innehåll
Jönköpings kommun arbetar långsiktigt med sin vision från ord till  
handling. Kulturella aspekter är en naturlig del i  
Mathias Holmberg, projektledare, Jönköpings kommun
Spår 3
Kulturhistoria som drivkraft i stadens utveckling
Med en stark kulturhistorisk identitet som grund skapas det moderna  
Om aktuella projekt, komplikationer och planer i framtidsbygget och om  
konstnärers medverkan i att formulera stadens unika värden.
Staffan Lindholm, stadsarkitekt, Elena Kakavandi, projektledare, Päivi  
Enqvist, konstnär.
Spår 4
With Man as a starting-point
Temporary structure on unexpected place
Steve Messam, artist from Cumbria, England, about interactive and  
place specific art projects involving citizens, and their impact on  
creating identity and belief in the future
Who has the right to define the identity of a place?
Linda Lien, researcher at the Bergen National Academy of the Arts,  
about a project on identity design with citizens in the small  
municipality of Kvam in Norway.
World Café (inkl kaffe)
Cafésamtal mellan deltagarna med frågeställningar som utgår från  
konferensen tema
Pernilla Luttropp leder processen
Exempel, processer och metoder
Fyra parallella spår i repris (se programmet ovan)
Art as a Way to create Identity
MocMoc is an imaginary figure created by the artist group COM&COM.  
Group Member Johannes Hedinger explains how MocMoc gave the Swiss city  
Romanshorn a whole new identity.
Johannes Hedinger, artist, COM&COM
Konferensen avslutas

Start klockan 11.30 den 21 maj och slut klockan 16.00 den 22 maj 2012.
Kalmar teater
Deltagaravgiften är 2 500 kronor exkl. moms och inkluderar kaffe,  
luncher och middag den 21 maj. Anmälan är bindande men kan  
överlåtas på annan person.
Via www.skl/kalender, sök på datum eller konferensens namn – eller  
via denna direktlänk
Senast den 20 april vill vi ha din anmälan.
Vi har rum förbokade på dessa två hotell
BW Kalmarsund Hotel (925:-/enkelrum inkl. frukost och moms), tfn  
0480-480 380 – ange bokningsnummer 40192476.
Calmar Stadshotell (1 063:-/enkelrum inkl. frukost och moms), tfn  
0480-49 69 00 – ange bokningsnummer 16053165.
Du bokar och betalar ditt rum själv direkt på hotellen!
Välj spår dag 2:
I anmälan ber vi dig välja ett spår av fyra på förmiddagen och ett  
på eftermiddagen – samma spår går i repris på eftermiddagen.
Konferensen är ett samarrangemang mellan SKL, Kalmar kommun,  
Regionförbundet i Kalmar län och Kalmar konstmuseum.
Vissa föreläsningar är på engelska.
Frågor om konferensens innehåll besvaras av Eva Hägglund, eva.hagglund at skl 
.se, Calle Nathanson,calle.nathanson at skl.se, Björn Samuelsson,Bjorn.Samuelsson at kalmar.s 
e och Martin Schibli,martin.schibli at kalmarkonstmuseum.se.
Praktiska frågor besvaras av SKL FS Kurs och konferens, konferensservice at sklfs.s 
e tfn 08-452 72 86.
Kalmar teater: Larmtorget 1
Kalmar konstmuseum: Stadsparken
Kalmar slott: Kungsgatan 1

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