[oberlist] MD* SPACES: turul situaţionist al Chişinăului / situationist tour of Chisinau, 27.08.2012, 14:00

Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Fri Aug 24 10:46:49 CEST 2012


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27 august 2012, ora 14:00 / luni
punctul de intilnire – Apartament Deschis
str. București 68/1, Chișinău

Vă oferim un tur de o zi al Chişinăului, în baza metodei  
Situaţioniste Dérive (derivă). Dérive este o metodă introdusă de  
către sociologul francez Guy Debord – “o trecere rapidă prin  
ambianţe diferite” (1). Atunci cînd faci deriva, oraşul e cel care  
te conduce. Eşti condus de arhitectură şi zonele pline de viaţă  
sau zonele moarte ale oraşului.

Debord a creat Dérive pentru a combate modelele standardizate –  
“casă-serviciu-şcoală” de locuire şi utilizare a oraşului în  
lumea industrializată. Sub semnul industrializării, majoritatea  
clasei muncitoare care locuieşte în oraş traversează zilnic  
aceleaşi rute, cu 3-5 puncte de oprire, fără a merge mai departe.

Modelele anilor ’90 nu sunt mai puţin aspre decît cele din perioada  
socialistă. Într-o nouă economie a capitalismului, cetăţenii post- 
socialişti fie îşi urmăresc “etica protestantă” încercînd  
să-şi ducă lucrul la capăt, fie sunt surprinşi de explozia  
şomajului; nici unii nici alţii nu experimentează cu peisajul urban;  
deci atomizaţi, ei sunt legaţi de locurile deja cunoscute. Şi mai  
nou, modelele lumii industriale sunt înlocuite cu modelele online ale  
lumii post-industriale, plimbările virtuale (nu mai puţin  
standardizate) înlocuindu-le pe cele reale.

Noi vă invităm să faceţi deriva. Turul va începe cu o introducere  
de 5 minute, oferită de către Mikheil SVANIDZE (Urban Reactor /  
Tbilisi), lîngă Apartamentul Deschis la ora 14:00 (str. Bucuresti  
68/1, Chisinau: http://chiosc.oberliht.com/apartament). Vor urma apoi  
clădirile, curţile, troleibuzele, microbuzele şi oamenii care vă  
vor însoţi într-un tur propriu al Chişinăului pe care îl veţi  
(re)descoperi şi (re)desena. După aceasta vom pune materialele  
oferite de participanţii la tur pe o hartă mintală şi vom produce  
un eseu bazat pe experienţa şi impresiile voastre.

Deriva se poate face individual sau în grupuri de maximum 3 persoane.  
Însă, membrii grupului ar trebui “să fi atins acelaşi nivel de  
conştientizare” (2), însemnînd că membrii ar trebui să se  
cunoască foarte bine.

note de subsol:
(1) Debord, Guy. 1956.  Theory of the Derive.  Les Lèvres Nues 9.
(2) Ibid.

Vedeţi “referinţele” pentru mai multe informaţii despre derivă/ 
situaţionism mai jos (în engleză/rusă). Aceste lecturi sint  

Theory of the derive (EN)  http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/si/theory.html
Theory of the derive (RU) http://psychogeo.spb.ru/page_75.html

Introduction to a critique of Urban Georgraphy (EN): http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/presitu/geography.html

Society of the Spectacle (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/rurfezlq5
Fragmente în Română: http://idea.ro/revista/?q=ro/node/40&articol=315
în Rusă (text compet): http://avtonom.org/old/lib/theory/debord/society_of_spectacle.html?q=lib/theory/debord/society_of_spectacle.ht 

Writings on Cities (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/au712p5mo
The Production of Space

Critique of everyday life (EN): http://www.revalvaatio.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/Lefebvre-Henri-The-Critique-of-Everyday-Life-Vol-1.pdf

de Certeau The Practice of everyday life (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/v3hikn6ul

Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (Chapter 2, The Spirit  
of Capitalism): http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/weber/protestant-ethic/ch02.htm
(întreaga carte / RU): http://filosof.historic.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000297/index.shtm 
(sumar / RO): http://facultate.regielive.ro/seminarii/sociologie/etica-protestanta-si-spiritul-capitalismului-76721.html

Proiectul de artă drift (дрейф) de Lee Wells: http://leewells.org/home/images/media/drift-final-doc-nc 
și aici: http://www.chtodelat.org/images/pdfs/Chtodelat_07.pdf

Un articol de Mustafa Emirbayer și Mimi Sheller “Publics in History”: http://depositfiles.com/files/83sz 

- – -

Acest tur este organizat în colaborarea cu Mickheil SVANIDZE,  
participant la programul de rezidenta CHIOȘC, ca parte a proiectului  
SPACES: CENTRUL CIVIC al CHIȘINĂULUI – cinema în aer liber (http://chisineu.wordpress.com/proiecte/centrul-civic-c 

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August 27, 2012, 14:00 / monday
meeting point – Flat Space
București str. 68/1, Chisinau

We offer you a day tour of Chisinau based on the Situationist method  
of Dérive (drift). Dérive is a method introduced by a French  
sociologist Guy Debord – a “rapid passage through varied  
ambiances.”(1) When doing the derive, the city walks you. You are  
driven by the architecture and the bustling or dead areas of the city.

Dérive was designed by Debord to counter the standardized “home-work- 
school” patterns of practicing the city in the industrialized world.  
With industrialization, most working class city dwellers would daily  
traverse the exact same routes with 3-5 stopping places without going  

Post-90s working patterns are no less grueling than the socialist. In  
a new capitalist economy, the post-socialist citizens are either  
pursuing their “protestant ethic” trying to make ends meet or are  
caught up in the rapid unemployment surge; both of those as a result  
don’t practice the cityscape; thus atomized, they stick to the places  
they know. More recently, the industrial world patterns are changed by  
the post-industrial online patterns when (no less standardized)  
virtual walks exchange the real ones.

We offer you to take your holiday and do the dérive. The tour will  
start with a 5-minute introduction by Mikheil SVANIDZE (Urban  
Reactor / Tbilisi) near FLAT SPACE at 2 pm (Bucuresti str. 68/1,  
Chisinau:http://chiosc.oberliht.com/apartament/). Then the buildings,  
the courtyards, trolleybuses, minibuses and the people take you on  
your tour of Chisinau that you’d (re-)discover and (re)-map. We would  
then blend these into a mental map of the tour-takers and produce a  
short essay based on your experiences/essays.

Derive can be done individually or in groups of maximum of three  
people. However, members of the group should “have reached the same  
level of awareness,”(2) meaning the members should know each other  

(1) Debord, Guy. 1956.  Theory of the Derive.  Les Lèvres Nues 9.
(2) Ibid.

See attached “references” for more context of the derive/ 
situationism and beyond (in English/Russian). These readings are  

Theory of the derive (EN): http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/si/theory.html
Theory of the derive (RU): http://psychogeo.spb.ru/page_75.html

Introduction to a critique of Urban Georgraphy (EN): http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/presitu/geography.html

Society of the Spectacle (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/rurfezlq5
Fragments in Romanian: http://idea.ro/revista/?q=ro/node/40&articol=315
in Russian (full): http://avtonom.org/old/lib/theory/debord/society_of_spectacle.html?q=lib/theory/debord/society_of_spectacle.html

Writings on Cities (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/au712p5mo
The Production of Space

Critique of everyday life (EN): http://www.revalvaatio.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/Lefebvre-Henri-The-Critique-of-Everyday-Life-Vol-1.pdf

de Certeau The Practice of everyday life (EN): http://depositfiles.com/files/v3hikn6ul

Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (Chapter 2, The Spirit  
of Capitalism): http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/weber/protestant-ethic/ch02.htm
(whole book / RU): http://filosof.historic.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000297/index.shtml
(summary / RO): http://facultate.regielive.ro/seminarii/sociologie/etica-protestanta-si-spiritul-capitalismului-76721.html

Art project drift (дрейф) by Lee Wells: http://leewells.org/home/images/media/drift-final-doc-ncc 
and this: http://www.chtodelat.org/images/pdfs/Chtodelat_07.pdf

An article by Mustafa Emirbayer and Mimi Sheller “Publics in History”: http://depositfiles.com/files/83szu 

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This tour is organized in collaboration with Mickheil SVANIDZE, KIOSK  
artist in residency program participant, as part of SPACES: CHISINAU  
CIVIC Center – open air cinema project (http://chisineu.wordpress.com/proiecte/centrul-civic-cine 

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   curator


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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