[oberlist] BADco. // PREMIJERA / "Ima li zivota na sceni?" / "Is There Life on Stage?" 13.-15.12.2012. POGON Jedinstvo, Zagreb

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Tue Dec 4 12:19:59 CET 2012

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BADco. vas poziva na zagrebacku premijeru naseg najnovijeg projekta!

*IMA LI ZIVOTA NA SCENI? - vjezbe iz oblikovanja Zemlje*

13.-15.12.2012. 20:00 @ POGON Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip bb, Zagreb

13.12.2012. cemo se nakon izvedbe druziti uz promociju suradnickog
izdanja casopisa za izvedbene umjetnosti FRAKCIJA #62-63 "Actionable
Image" i glazbu DJ Funk Gurua!

Vise o Frakciji #62-63 "Actionable Image":
(najava na hrvatskom jeziku u prilogu).

Niste jos bili u dvorani POGON Jedinstvo? Link na kartu:

Cijena pojedinacne ulaznice 40 kn (30 kn za studente i umirovljenike).

Rezervacije i ostale informacije:
Lovro Rumiha, lovro at badco.hr, +385-(0)98-9691474

Nova predstava BADco. umjetnicko je istrazivanje dva povezana skupa
problema: stvaranja minimalnih uvjeta za zivot i cinjenicnosti u
kazalistu. Nase polaziste je u pitanju "Koje su posljedice kazalisne
fikcionalizacije stvarnosti poput globalne ekoloske krize?" Stoga su
se obzoru predlozaka nasli umjetnicki i medijski materijali od
dokumentarnih snimki osvajanja svemira, preko S.F. proze do

Predstava-serija svoj je zacetak nasla u ideji terraforminga,
hipotetskog procesa ciljanog preoblikovanja atmosfere, temperature,
povrsinske topografije ili ekologije nekog planeta ili svemirskog
tijela kako bi ga se ucinilo slicnim Zemlji te naseljivim zemaljskim
organizmima. U namjeri da se realizira kao serijalna, epizodna
struktura, predstava ce iz nekoliko razlicitih perspektiva prici ideji
scenskog iskusavanja uspostavljanja novih zivotnih (ali i radnih)
uvjeta, medjuljudskih odnosa, ekosustava, oblika zivota, zajednica
itd. S jedne strane, cilj nam je reflektirati poviseni stupanj
osjetljivosti za buducnost planeta Zemlje, a s druge, status
stvarnosti u kazalistu. Dok se njegova socijalna i politicka
argumentacija sve vise artikulira strascu za stvarnim, za
dokumentarizmom i "stvarnim ljudima" na sceni, kazaliste neizbjezno
fikcionalizira odnose medju ljudima i stvarima, cinjenicama i
iluzijama. No paralelno tome kazaliste jest uvijek svojevrsni
zajednicki cin, uvijek neka privremena zajednica koja ima svoje
sociopoeticke posljedice.

Predstava ima serijalnu strukturu ciji segmenti ce se mijenjati iz
prigode u prigodu, od izvedbe do izvedbe. Predstava je vec u dva
navrata prezentirana u radnim uvjetima, a rijecka premijera otvara
ciklus javnih izvedbi u teatru. Inicijalni projektni prijedlozi
razvijeni su kroz niz radionica i suradnji s umjetnicima i
strucnjacima izvan kolektiva. Predstava ce se nadalje razvijati kroz
niz radionica s publikom i drugim stvaraocima, a rezultirajuci,
novoproizvedeni segmenti ce se ukljucivati u serijalnu i izmjenjivu
strukturu predstave. Predstava je namijenjena za izvodjenje u
kazalistima, galerijama, ali i drugim otvorenim i zatvorenim javnim

Autori: Pravdan Devlahovic (izvedba), Ivana Ivkovic (dramaturgija), Ana
Kreitmeyer (izvedba), Tomislav Medak (dramaturgija), Goran Sergej
Pristas (rezija), Nikolina Pristas (izvedba i koreografija), Zrinka
Uzbinec (izvedba).

Suradnici: Daniel Turing (software), Silvio Vujicic (kostimi), Alan
Vukelic (oblikovanje svjetla), Jasmin Dasovic (tonski tehnicar).

Producent: Lovro Rumiha

Projekt ukljucuje i film "Posljednja VHS snimka sa Zemlje s komentarom
Jacquesa Derride, 2011.", pronasli: Goran Fercec i Lovro Rumiha.

Koprodukcija: BADco. i Domino

Podrzali: Ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba,
Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske
Predstava je pripremana u Centru za kulturu Novi Zagreb.

Za vise informacija:


BADco. invites you to the Zagreb premiere of our newest project!

*IS THERE LIFE ON STAGE? - Exercises in Terraforming*

13.-15.12.2012 20:00 @ POGON Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip bb, Zagreb

13.12.2012 - party with us after the performance as we promote the
collaborative publication of FRAKCIJA Performing Arts Journal #62-63
"Actionable Image", music by DJ Funk Guru!

More about Frakcija #62-63 "Actionable Image":

Don't know where POGON Jedinstvo is? Click to see map:

Tickets 40 kn (30 kn reduced).

Reservations and other information:
Lovro Rumiha, lovro at badco.hr, +385-(0)98-9691474

BADco.'s new production is an artistic exploration of two connected
sets of problems: establishing the minimal conditions for life and the
facticity in the theater. Our starting point is the question "What are
the consequences of theater's fictionalization of a reality such as
the global environmental crisis?" Therefore our reference horizon
spans artistic and media sources ranging from documentary footage of
our conquests of outer space, through science-fiction prose and
The performance-series starts out from the idea of terraforming, a
hypothetical process of deliberately modifying the atmosphere,
temperature, surface topography or ecology of planet, moon or other
body to be similar to those of Earth in order to make it habitable by
terrestrial organisms. Conceived as serial, made up of individual
episodes, the production's primary interest is to approach and exhaust
the topic of establishing new conditions for life and work on stage,
networks of relations, ecosystems, forms of life, communities etc. On
the one hand we wish to reflect on a heightened sense of urgency to
relate the global environmental crisis, on the other hand our aim is
to reflect on the status of the real in theater. While theater's
social and political argumentation increasingly exhibits a passion for
reality, for the documentary, for the "real people" on stage, theater
always inevitably fictionalizes relations between people and things,
facts and illusions. And yet, theater always is a collective act of
sorts, always a temporary community with its own set of sociopoetic

The performance has a serial structure whose segments will be changing
from occasion to occasion, from venue to venue. The production has
already been presented twice as a work-in-progress, while the Rijeka
performance opens a cycle of public showings in theaters. The initial
project propositions were developed through a number of workshops and
collaborations with artists and experts outside of the collective. The
performance will remain after its premiere open through continuous
workshops with the audience and yet other creators, resulting in yet
other segments that will be added to the serial and permutable
structure of the performance. It is adaptable to performance and
gallery venues, but also other open-air of enclosed public spaces.

Authors: Pravdan Devlahovic (performance), Ivana Ivkovic (dramaturgy),
Ana Kreitmeyer (performance), Tomislav Medak (dramaturgy), Goran Sergej
Pristas (directing), Nikolina Pristas (performance and choreography),
Zrinka Uzbinec (performance).

Collaborators: Daniel Turing (software), Silvio Vujicic (costume
design), Alan Vukelic (light design), Jasmin Dasovic (sound design).

Company manager: Lovro Rumiha

The project includes the film "The last VHS recording from planet
Earth with commentary by Jacques Derrida, 2011", found by: Goran
Fercec and Lovro Rumiha.

Coproducers: BADco. and Domino

Supported by: Zagreb City Council for Education, Culture and Sport;
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia
The production was prepared at the Culture Center Novi Zagreb.

For more information:




badco at badco.hr


BADco. podrzali / BADco. is supported by:

Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba
City Office for Culture Zagreb

Ministarstvo kulture RH
Ministry of Culture, Croatia


BADco. je suorganizator LABO21 - Evropske platforme za
interdisciplinarna istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija partnera
BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) i
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21
je podrzana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is co-organizer of LABO21 - European Platform for
Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic Methodologies, a partner
project of BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp)
and International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). With the
support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.


BADco. je koordinator platforme TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u
kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH
(Beograd) i Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana
od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is coordinator of TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time
in late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska
(Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory
(Belgrade) and Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.


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