[oberlist] MD* SPACES: proiectie de film documentar / documentary film screening

Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Tue Jun 19 01:58:43 CEST 2012


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APARTAMENT DESCHIS – proiectie de filme documentare de scurt metraj
str. București 68/1, Chișinău
Joi, 21 iunie 2012, ora 21:00

Secretul unei piscine (TAJOMSTVO JEDNÉHO BAZÉNA)
dir: Andrea Kalinová
2006 / Slovacia / 25 min

În 1942 o piscină a fost construită la temelia castelului din  
Bratislava. Cu toate acestea, ea nu a fost niciodată folosită. De ce  
nu a fost niciodată piscina pusă în funcţionare? Unde a dispărut  
apa din aceasta? Un mister? Am decis să răspundem problematicii  
acestui spaţiu în degradare din Bratislava sub forma unui film pseudo- 
documentar. Am inventat toată povestea pe baza datelor istorice.

Extratereştri şi bîtlani (VETŘELCI A VOLAVKY)
dir: Rozálie Kohoutová
2008 / Cehia / 26 min

Documentarul descrie soarta sculpturilor datînd de pe vremea aşa- 
zisei perioadei de normalizare a regimului comunist în spaţiul public  
din Cehia. Filmul abordează tema degradării spaţiului public actual  
şi a devastării unor valoroase opere de artă.  Pavel Karous merge pe  
bicicletă de-a lungul acestor statui pentru a demonstra că operele  
produse sub regimul comunist nu sunt neapărat de calitate inferioară.  
Sub ce criterii este făcută azi arta? De ce întotdeauna sculpturile  
nevinovate sunt cele care suferă din cauza schimbărilor politice?

7 minuni ale Bratislavei (7 DIVŮ BRATISLAVY)
dir: Alexandra Gojdičová
2007 / Cehia / 13 min

În acest film subintitulat Sountrack Alternativ, care a fost produs ca  
un exerciţiu de şcoală în departamentul de editare al FAMU din  
Praga, capitala Slovaciei devine un semn, un simbol, dezvoltînd un joc  
al asocierilor multiple. Acesta este punctul de pornire al unui  
portret fragmentat al realităţii, unde fluenţa prin care o  
întîmplare, o atmosferă sau un mediu sunt exprimate este accentuată  
de sensibilitatea artistică şi muzicală., care ajută la crearea  
unui reprezentări autentice a unei lumi lăuntrice.

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Seria de proiectii dedicate spatiului public urmareste sa explice  
posibile relatii intre comunitate si spatiul construit, rolul celui  
din urma in viata comunitatii locale si formarea noilor forme de  
comportament si atitudini sociale. Sunt invitati artisti, istorici,  
arhitecti, sociologi si toti cei interesati in transformarile urbane.  
Proiectia totodata poate servi drept cadru de comunicare si dezbatere  
in jurul relatiei: om – spatiul public.

Proiectia face parte din rezidenta artistica K.A.I.R/CHIOSC la care  
participa Paula Durinova, in cadrul proiectului SPACES

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Proiectul SPACES (Zone Publice Durabile pentru Cultura în Tarile din  
Est) aduna la un loc artisti si lucratori din domeniul culturii din  
patru tari ale Parteneriatului Estic, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova,  
Ucraina, care se preocupa de reprezentarea unor subiecte sociale  
specifice pentru spatiile publice din orasele lor. Proiectul mai are  
drept scop fortificarea scenei independente de arta si cultura din  
aceste tari.
Cuvintul cheie este dezvoltarea capacitatii – de la dezvoltarea unor  
pozitii ferme de pe care de lansat un proces de negociere cu agentii  
guvernamentali pina la procese de autoinstruire, imbunatatire a  
contactului cu societatea civila si publicul, si identificarea unor  
noi spatii unde arta si cultura pot avea loc. Intrebarea principala  
este: Cum prin arta si cultura sa recistigam noi spatii pentru  
cetateni, in special pentru tineri? In cadrul proiectului SPACES vor  
fi organizate si desfasurate evenimente artistice participative in  
spatiul public din cele patru tari. Procese de lucru in retea,  
cercetare sociologica si dezbateri pe marginea policiticilor culturale  
vor acompania aceste evenimente. O intelegere mai buna a rolului pe  
care il poate avea arta si cultura vizavi de spatiul public in  
spatiile post-comuniste, un sprijin mai puternic acordat scenei  
independente, noi concepte de guvernare culturala in regiune vor fi  
citeva din rezultatele proiectului SPACES.

K.A.I.R. Program de Rezidenta pentru Artisti in Kosice
K.A.I.R. este un program de rezidenta organizat de Kosice 2013 –  
Capitala Culturala Europeana prin intermediul caruia artisti din  
diferite tari pot petrece 3 luni lucrind si locuind in Kosice, iar  
artistii din Slovacia de Est pot calatori in alte tari.

CHIOSC – program de rezidenta pentru artisti si curatori
Programul CHIOSC de rezidenta pentru artisti incurajeaza crearea unor  
lucrari noi, produse in raport cu contextul si realitatile locale. El  
ofera posibilitatea de a explora diferite probleme ce se refera la  
situatia Moldovei in general si de a analiza procesele care modeleaza  
astazi spatiul public al Chisinaului.

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FLAT SPACE – short documentary film screening
68/1 str. Bucuresti, Chisinau
Thursday, June 21, 2012, 9 pm

dir: Andrea Kalinová
2006 / Slovakia / 25 min

In 1942, a swimming pool was constructed under the Bratislava castle  
rock, however, it was never really used. Why was the pool never set in  
operation? Where did its water go? A mystery? We have decided to solve  
the question of this deteriorating place in Bratislava in the form of  
a pseudodocumentary film. We have made the whole story up on the basis  
of historical facts.

dir: Rozálie Kohoutová
2008 / Czech Republic / 26 min

The documentary Aliens and Herons portraits the fate of the sculptures  
from the Communist so called normalization era in the Czech public  
space. During the Communist regime there was a law ordering 4 per cent  
of building budget to be used for fine art and decoration in  
The film describes the atmosphere of the time and the relationship of  
the artists to the “official art” and it’s topics, but, mainly,  
it addresses the decay of the public space today and the devastation  
of often valuable artworks. There is no official protection of these  
“normalization” sculptures in the public space.
Today’s officials or developers often demolish the sculpture, viewing  
it as an unwanted heritage of Communism, and renovating the blocks of  
houses with new pistachio green façade and a saddle roof instead.
Pavel Karous, a graduate of the Academy of Arts Architecture and  
Design started to map the disappearing statues, and to loose weight,  
he rides along the paths of these statues on his bike showing that the  
artwork made under the order of the Communist regime doesn’t have to  
be shoddy. In terms of what order is the art being made today?
Why does it always have to be innocent sculptures who suffer from  
political change?

dir: Alexandra Gojdičová
2007 / Czech Republic / 13 min

In this film subtitled Alternative Soundtrack, which emerged as a  
student exercise in the Editing Department at FAMU in Prague, the  
capital city of Slovakia becomes a sign, a symbol, unleashing a game  
of multiple associations. This is the basis of a fragmented portrait  
of reality, where the fluid manner in which an occurrence, an  
atmosphere, or an environment is expressed is heightened by artistic  
and musical sensitivity, which helps to create an authentic  
representation of an inner world, replete with poetics.

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The series of documentary film screenings dedicated to public space  
aims to explain possible relations between the community and build  
environment, the way the latter is determining the life of the local  
community, whether it creates new models of social behavior and  
contributes to the formation of attitudes. Artists, historians,  
architects, sociologists and other people interested in urban  
transformations are invited. The screening can also serve as a frame  
for discussing the people – public space relation.

This screening is taking place in the frame of Paula Durinova’s  
K.A.I.R/KIOSK artist in residency program organized in the frame of  
SPACES project

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SPACES (Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries)  
project assembles artists and cultural workers in four Eastern partner  
countries, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, who aim at reflecting  
societal issues in the public realm of their city. It also aims at  
strengthening the independent art and culture scene.
The key word is capacity building – from developing a better standing  
in negotiations with governmental agencies, to processes of self- 
learning, increasing contact with civil society audiences, and finding  
new spaces where art and culture can take place. The core question of  
the project: How can art and culture regain public space(s) for  
citizens, especially for young people? SPACES will curate and carry  
out participatory art events in public spaces in the four countries.  
Processes of networking, social research and policy debates will  
accompany the in situ events. A better understanding of the role  
culture and art can play with regard to public space in post communist  
spaces, a stronger lobby for the independent scenes, new concepts for  
cultural governance in the region: these are some of the SPACES results.

K.A.I.R. Kosice Artist in Residence
K.A.I.R. is a residency programme in the frame of Kosice 2013 –  
European Capital of Culture to invite international artists to work  
and live for three month in Kosice as well as to send Eastern Slovak  
artists to international residencies.

KIOSK AIR program
KIOSK artist in residency program encourages creation of new work in  
relation to the local context and reality. It offers the opportunity  
to explore various issues that relate to Moldova’s situation in  
general and to analyze the processes that shape Chisinau’s public  
space today.

This event is part of K.A.I.R./KIOSK artist in residency program  
organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES. The SPACES project is  
financed by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture  
Programme. This residency is in cooperation with Kosice 2013 –  
European Capital of Culture and further supported by the Slovak  
Ministry of Culture.

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   curator


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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