[oberlist] LV* call/fest: Survival Kit 5

ober at emdash.org ober at emdash.org
Fri Feb 1 23:29:18 CET 2013

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Artinfo Digest, Vol 49, Issue 19
From:    artinfo-request at lists.c3.hu
Date:    Tue, January 29, 2013 1:00 pm
To:      artinfo at lists.c3.hu

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 16:52:58 +0100
From: Virag Major <virag.major at moe-kulturmanager.de>
Subject: [artinfo] Fwd: Call for artists to participate in ?Survival Kit 5?

---------- Forwarded message ----------

*The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA) invites artists to submit
ideas for the ?Survival Kit 5? International Contemporary Arts Festival
which will take place from the 5th to the 15th September, 2013. Each year
artists have been encouraged to contemplate on some theme of importance in
the community and reflect it in their works, creating alternative scenarios
for survival in the modern world.*

?Survival Kit 5? has focussed on slow revolution, which emphasizes the
importance of margins, overturning positions of power and questions the
dominance of the centre. It is a non-hierarchical movement which has
evolved from the needs of individuals and develops direct democratic
traditions. The slow revolution invites not to be afraid of reaching out
for what you really desire.

Applications can be submitted online, by filling in the application form
hereby March 10th, 2013, 11:59PM.

The director of LCCA and *?Survival Kit 5? Festival curator Solvita
Krese *comments
on this year?s theme: ?Each year when we organize the ?Survival Kit?
Contemporary Arts Festival, we try to find out what has changed in the
world, and what sort of survival strategies are being used in today?s
society and how these activities are reflected in art. The world is still
in the midst of rapid changes ? political systems and maps are changing, as
well as the balance of economic power. At the same time we can see an
increase in mass community activity, stimulating a wave of protest against
the system which controls political and economic power.?

Registering the world?s ?hot? spots, we can look back on the Arab Spring
and the Occupy Wall Street actions in ?ew York, which turned into a global
movement within a surprisingly short period. This reverberated in Greece,
Spain, Israel and in other countries. The demonstrations and protest
actions in Russia against V. Putin?s regime cannot go unmentioned among
these. They are no longer events organized by a handful of ?leftist?
intellectuals or activists, but a massive and all embracing movement, which
continues to grow wider, creating a dominant mood in a significant part of
the community.

*The slow revolution does not have any national borders, or leaders, nor
does it have a political programme. The main demand is to change the
existing system or to create an alternative to the existing one. What is
the possible alternative? Has the tradition of criticism come to a kind of
dead-end, criticising the existing situation but being unable to provide a
new vision for the future, a new utopia?*

What can an artist do in such a ?seismic? situation? Is influencing the
situation even possible? What sort of strategies can we use, being in quite
a marginal position, in opposition to the dominating power? The advantage
of marginality and being outside the official organs of power is the
possibility to exhibit a critical point of view. The most daring ideas
arise right on the margins of power. It?s important not to get ?bogged
down? in the predictable, but to develop one?s own rules and game, and to
take the first step before the control mechanism has been able to classify,
subordinate, take over and make your extraordinary solutions into
components of the existing system.

*To submit the idea for your work to the ?Survival Kit 5? Festival, an
application form has to be filled in and submitted online her:
http://www.survivalkit.lv/en/application-form/, with the appendices
indicated (artist?s CV, portfolio and visual materials) by 11.59pm on 10th
March, 2013 .*

Inga L?ce
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art
T. +371 22147593

End of Artinfo Digest, Vol 49, Issue 19

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