[oberlist] AT* call/fest/vid: danubeVIDEOARTfestival 2013

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Wed Jul 3 23:38:23 CEST 2013

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: SPECTRE Digest, Vol 124, Issue 38
From:    spectre-request at mikrolisten.de
Date:    Fri, June 28, 2013 1:18 am
To:      spectre at mikrolisten.de

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:20:46 +0200
From: Roland WEGERER <wegerer.roland at gmx.at>
Subject: [spectre] OPEN CALL - danubeVIDEOARTfestival 2013

Media and video artists from all over the world are invited to submit
their works for the second*danube**VIDEOART**festival*that will be held
in October 2013 in Stadtkino Grein (upper Austria).


  * more Informations on: http://danubevideoartfestival.wordpress.com

  * There is no theme, but the work(s) must be defined as videoart by
    the artist.

  * *There will be a first price of ¤ 1.000,-

  * The duration of video works are max. 10 minutes and have to be
    completed after 1 January 2011

  * All entries, maximum of 3, have to have an acceptable screening
    quality and be suitable to show as a single-channel projection.

  * The video must be submitted in DVD (PAL) format or as video file.*We
    can`t offer online entries*. Please, send your DVD's in simple paper

  * *danubeVIDEOARTfestival*offers full 3D-Projektion (Stereoscopic).
    Please, send your 3D-Videos in .mkv

  * If there is dialogue in the video(s) and it is not in English or
    German it must be subtitled.

  * <http://danubevideoartfestival.wordpress.com/>Only entries with
    filled in and signed Entry form will be accepted.

  * Please also send the filled Entry form with 2 video stills (.jpeg)
    and optional information to:danubevideoartfestival at gmail.com
    <mailto:danubevideoartfestival at gmail.com>

  * The work(s) will not be returned.

  * There is no entry fee and we cannot offer any payment for screened

  * Artist helds exclusive copyright on submitted videowork(s).

  * The artist agrees that*danubeVIDEOARTfestival*is allowed to use the
    work(s) for promoting and advertising purpose. The artist also
    agrees to let*danubeVIDEOARTfestival*keep a copy of the work(s) for
    a video archive to be used for other non-commercial
    screenings/events. The participant will be informed in advance.

  * Please send your Artwork(s) to:
    Roland Wegerer
    St. Nikola Nr. 1
    4381 St. Nikola an der Donau

  * *Deadline is 31^st of August 2013 (postmarked)*

Unbenanntes Dokument

Freundliche Grüße

Roland Wegerer

www.rolandwegerer.com <http://www.rolandwegerer.com>

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