[oberlist] BADco. // SYMPOSIUM "Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion", 21.-24.03.2013, Zagreb, Croatia

badco news badco_news at badco.hr
Tue Mar 12 13:55:36 CET 2013

BADco. newsletter

/hrvatski nize/


BADco. invites you to the symposium and artistic programme organized
in partnership with the Multimedia Institute/MAMA and the Academy of
Drama Arts, University of Zagreb:

"Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion"

21.-24.03.2013 in Zagreb, Croatia

"Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion" is a proposal to
examine relations between the present-day modalities of time and the
production of forms of life. The symposium will bring together a
number of prominent international scholars and artists to share their
thoughts on how to critically address the ways time conditions labor,
affect and values, and how this then gets reflected in performance and
media. The rise of new precarious forms of work and flexible
organization of working time, as well as changes in the content and
the nature of work, lead to a corresponding search for balance among
the various forms of social time. "Time-scarcity" therefore becomes a
relevant topic not only from a social or biological perspective, but
also as a dramaturgical and performative problem. Having developed in
the 20th century in connection with the principles of Fordism and
Taylorism (endless motion, speed of execution, oscillation between
order and chaos, the regulated and the coincidental), the development
of contemporary performance, especially dance, over the last two
decades has reflected the deep changes brought about by post-Fordist
modes of labour (cognitive and affective virtuosity, multi-layered
temporality, proximity, collaboration processes, openness of work,
etc.). In this sense, different choreographic practices should not be
understood only as aesthetic practices, but also as wider social
processes of distributing bodies in time and space. Simultaneously,
the pervasive erosion of differences between film, television, and
computers and linked temporal experiences of technologies of work,
travel, communication, and vision results in new ideologies of speed
and compression, which opens new possibilities to rethink elaborative
slowness and strategies of recapitulation in performance.

Within the scope of this exploration and in the programme of the
symposium you'll be able to hear presentations and talks, attend book
presentations, see performances and a film screening by Sean Cubitt,
Marie-Luise Angerer, Benjamin Noys, Stephen Zepke, Bojan Djordjev,
Maska Seminar, Nik Wakefield, TkH - Walking Theory, Karin Harrasser,
Giles Brokensha, Marjana Krajac, Franck Leibovici, Saska Rakef,
Nicolas Rey and BADco.

All events are going to be in English.

For detailed symposium and artistic programme schedule see:

The attendant artistic program is organized in collaboration with the
Multimedia Institute/MAMA, Academy of Drama Arts - University of
Zagreb, POGON  - Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth,
Culture of Change - Student Center, What, How and for Whom/WHW and
Zagreb Dance Center.



BADco. vas poziva da prisustvujete simpoziju i umjetnickom programu
organiziranom u suradnji s Multimedijalnim institutom/MAMA i
Akademijom dramske umjetnosti Sveucilista u Zagrebu

*Strgane izvedbe: Vrijeme i (ne)ispunjenje*

21.-24.03.2013. u Zagrebu

Simpozij "Strgane izvedbe: Vrijeme i (ne)ispunjenje" uzima kao
polaziste za istrazivanje konvergencija izmedju vremenskih struktura,
slika vremena i proizvodnje oblika zivota. Simpozij ce okupiti niz
strucnjaka i umjetnika u razmjeni misljenja o kritickom pristupu
nacinima na koje vrijeme uvjetuje rad, afekte i vrijednosti te kako se
to odrazava u izvedbenim i medijskim umjetnostima. Uvodjenje novih
oblika rada i organizacije radnog vremena vodi u potragu za ravnotezom
medju razlicitim formama drustvenog vremena. "Nedostatak vremena" time
postaje ne samo vazna tema iz drustvene i bioloske perspektive, nego i
dramaturski i izvedbeni problem. U dvadesetom stoljecu izvedba se
razvijala u korespondenciji s principima fordizma - neprestano
kretanje, brzina, oscilacija izmedju reda i kaosa, reguliranog i
slucajnog. Suvremena izvedba, prije svega ples, u posljednje dvije
dekade odrazava duboke promjene postfordistickih nacina proizvodnje
(kognitivna i afektivna virtuoznost, viseslojna temporalnost,
neposrednost, suradnicki procesi, otvorenost djela itd.) Shodno tome,
razliciti koreografski procesi ne mogu se samo shvacati kao umjetnicke
prakse, nego i kao siri drustveni procesi rasporedjivanja tijela u
vremenu i prostoru. Istovremeno opceprisutno dokidanje razlika izmedju
filma, televizije i kompjutora te urusavanje razlicitosti medju njima
odgovarajucim vremenskim iskustvima kroz tehnologije rada, putovanja,
komunikacije i gledanja rezultiraju novim ideologijama brzine i
sazimanja koje otvaraju mogucnosti promisljanja izlagacke sporosti i
strategije rekapitulacije u izvedbi.

Krecuci se unutar tog tematskog preispitivanja u programu simpozija
simpoziju izlagat ce, predstaviti knjige, filmove i kazalisne izvedbe
umjetnici i teoreticari: Sean Cubitt, Marie-Luise Angerer, Benjamin
Noys, Stephen Zepke, Bojan Djordjev, Maska Seminar, Nik Wakefield, TkH
- Walking Theory, Karin Harrasser, Giles Brokensha, Marjana Krajac,
Franck Leibovici, Saska Rakef, Nicolas Rey i BADco.

Sva dogadjanja su na engleskom jeziku.

Za detaljen raspored simpozija i umjetnickog programa pogledajte:

Umjetnicki program BADco. organizira u suradnji s Multimedijalnim
institutom/MAMA, Akademijom dramske umjetnosti Sveucilišta u Zagrebu,
POGON - Zagrebackim centrom za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade, Kulturom
promjene - Studentski centar, Sto, kako i za koga/WHW i Zagrebackim
plesnim centrom.





badco at badco.hr


BADco. podrzali / BADco. is supported by:

Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba
City Office for Culture Zagreb

Ministarstvo kulture RH
Ministry of Culture, Croatia


BADco. je suorganizator LABO21 - Evropske platforme za
interdisciplinarna istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija partnera
BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antverpen) i
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21
je podrzana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is co-organizer of LABO21 - European Platform for
Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic Methodologies, a partner
project of BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp)
and International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). With the
support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.


BADco. je koordinator platforme TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u
kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH
(Beograd) i Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana
od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is coordinator of TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time
in late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska
(Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory
(Belgrade) and Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.


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