[oberlist] RO/LV* call/danc: “Fragile” – a dance piece by Cosmin Manolescu

ober ober at emdash.org
Thu Apr 17 20:44:10 CEST 2014

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Call for performers: “Fragile” – a dance piece by Cosmin Manolescu
Apel pentru dansatori: piesa [Fragil], de Cosmin Manolescu

[Fragil] este un nou spectacol ce va fi creat în 2014 de coregraful 
Cosmin Manolescu în cadrul componentei de creație și producții a 
proiectului "E-Motional: rethinking dance", sub labelul companiei 
Paradis Serial. Noua creație coregrafică, realizată cu participarea a 
trei dansatori din România și alte două țări UE, investighează tema 
corpului emoțional, văzut ca o harta personală compusă din amintiri 
imprimate pe piele, traume și semne fizice, și toate poveștile pe care 
le poate spune un corp in mișcare. Dansatorul/ performerul român va fi 
ales pe baza unui atelier-auditie care va avea loc la București între 
27-30 mai 2014. Înscrierile pentru atelier sînt deschise pînă pe 1 mai.

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Fragile – mapping bodies [working title] is a new dance project to be 
created by Romanian choreographer Cosmin Manolescu in 2014-2015. The 
project is developed under the co-production strand of the European 
programme E-Motional: rethinking dance, and under the label of the 
Serial Paradise Company/ Gabriela Tudor Foundation, in partnership with 
the Association of Professional Dance Choreographers of Latvia (Riga), 
Fabrica de Movimentos (Porto) and Centre de Création Chorégraphique 
Luxembourgeois – TROIS C-L (Luxembourg).

Fragile will research the theme of the e-motional body, viewed as a 
personal geography made of memories embodied on the skin, physical 
traumas and signs, and all the histories that a body could tell. A 
political project about identity, researched in different spaces 
(private houses, hotels, streets, studios), which will also question the 
fragility and vulnerability of our daily lives. Through its vision, the 
project represents an organic part connected to the more general theme 
of the E-Motional programme, of rethinking dance and of finding the 
right language of expression.

Fragile will be developed in collaboration with 3 performers from 
different EU countries to be selected by choreographer Cosmin Manolescu 
following a series of workshops conducted in Porto, Luxembourg, 
Bucharest and Riga, scheduled as follows:

Porto: May 5-9, 2014
Luxembourg: May 20-24, 2014
Bucharest: May 27-30, 2014
Riga: July 3-5, 2014

The workshops will include daily sessions on the proposed themes, 
personal coaching time for participants and, selectively, a closing 
sharing event open to the local audience. Details for registration 

The piece will be developed in Riga and Bucharest and subsequently 
presented in the E-Motional project countries, according to the calendar 
below. All interested performers have to be available for the entire 

Working periods
Riga: July 4-18, 2014
Bucharest: October 13 – November 6, 2014

Performance dates
Bucharest: November 7-8, 2014
Bucharest/Riga: June 4-14, 2015
Porto: July 3-4, 2015

For the 6-week working period and the above scheduled performances in 
2014-2015 the selected performer will receive a total fee amounting to 
EUR 3.000 (gross amount). The travel costs, accommodation and per diem 
are covered through the project.

Interested performers can register for the announced workshops at 
apply at e-motional.eu by sending an email that includes:
- Their interest to participate in the co-production and confirmation 
of availability, in case of selection, for the entire project calendar, 
as announced above (working periods and performance dates).
- The chosen city to attend the workshop.
- Two photos – one head photo, one photo of them performing (up to 2M 
in total).
- A video-link in which they perform and they can be clearly 
- A biography or CV.

For the Bucharest workshop, organisers may secure accommodation for 3 
foreign or Romanian participants not residing in Bucharest. If it 
applies, please mention the interest in your registration.

Registration deadline: May 1, 2014. For more information about the 
co-production project please contact Cosmin Manolescu at 
contact at e-motional.eu.

Cosmin Manolescu is choreographer, artistic director of the 
“E-Motional: rethinking dance” programme and of ZonaD – Serial Paradise 
studio & company. His artistic work was successfully presented in 
important festivals and venues in New York, San Diego, Paris, Lyon, 
London, Dublin, Porto, Rome, Florence, Catania, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, 
Malmo, Luxemburg, Barcelona, Bremen etc. He played an important role in 
the development of contemporary dance in Romania and in the creation of 
National Dance Centre in Bucharest. His artistic work was awarded 
several grants and prizes among which the Sadco Prize (Bucharest, 2001), 
Grand Prix for “Serial Paradise” awarded by Atelier Experimental Theatre 
Festival (Sf. Gheorghe, 2003), SACD and Sogeda Awards for the project 
“Don’t Ask The Blond” (in collaboration with Kira Riikonen, Roberto 
Casarotto – Monaco Dance Forum, 2004), “Nouveau Talent Choregraphie” 
(Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques Paris, 2005). His 
ongoing project “Room 1306 (I Am Myself)”, especially created for a 
hotel room, was extensively presented in Romania, as well as in 
festivals in Stockholm, Riga, Plymouth, Bucharest, Alba-Iulia and 
Timisoara. Since 2011, in collaboration with Stefania Ferchedau, he 
leads E-Motional – a European mobility, artistic research, exchange and 
co-production project developed in different phases in various European 
countries (Romania, Latvia, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, UK, Turkey), 
targeting artists and managers alike. In 2013 he initiated “Eastern 
Connection” – a three-year programme of exchanges and collaboration 
between Romania and Japan. Cosmin Manolescu is currently interested in 
cross-cultural collaboration and exchange, experiment and artistic 
innovation, creating performances that challenge the audience.


The co-production is part of “E-Motional: rethinking dance”. Project 
created and led by Gabriela Tudor Foundation (Bucharest) in cooperation 
with the Association of Professional Dance Choreographers of Latvia 
(Riga), Fabrica de Movimentos (Porto) and “George Apostu” Cultural 
Centre (Bacau), with the support of the Culture programme of the 
European Union. “Fragile” is also supported with a research residency by 
Bogliasco Foundation in Italy.


Oberliht, Young Artists Association
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