[oberlist] BADco. // FEB 2014 // BADco. @ Zagreb, Gdansk, Copenhagen

badco news badco_news at badco.hr
Thu Jan 23 19:12:14 CET 2014

BADco. newsletter

/hrvatski nize/


BADco.'s Ivana Ivkovic and Zrinka Uzbinec are taking part in

*SPAZIO - A European network for dance creation*

by leading a creative lab focusing on using Whatever Dance Toolbox.

09.-23.02.2014 @ Zagreb Dance Centre, Zagreb

SPAZIO is a European formation and creation program for young dance makers,
focused on the interdisciplinary character of the dance discipline. It
offers young makers a one year cycle of 5 residencies in all partner

During the residencies the SPAZIO participants follow workshops, lectures,
discussions, are coached in creative processes and are challenged to create
new work based on these experiences. At the same time the project opens up
this network of artists and art works to the local communities of the

The residency in Zagreb will focus on the topic of "Dance and Interaction
with New Technologies" and will also include a creative lab led by Andrea
Bozic (HR/NL) and Julia Willms (DE).

SPAZIO is co-organized by: ICKAmsterdam - Amsterdam, the Netherlands; CSC
DanceHouse - Bassano del Grappa, Italy; Croatian Institute for Movement and
Dance - Zagreb, Croatia; Art Stations Foundation - Poznan, Poland.

More about the program:

More about Whatever Dance Toolbox:


Join us for a television watching session within BADco.'s performative

*TVolution will not be televised*

15.-16.02.2014 20:00 @ Zagreb Dance Centre

Television is a public medium that has seen its golden era come and go. TV
was a companion to the post-war trente gloriueses of democratic welfare
states. Now it is again a companion to their dismantling. Throughout the
50s, 60s, 70s and well into the 80s it was a generator of shared
experience, a mitigator of a bourgeois public sphere, an ideological
apparatus reinforcing political hegemony. But since that period the
commodification has slowly shifted TV's social function from a public
service to a marketing machine, replacing information with entertainment,
expertise and education with opinionated and partisan commentary, public
interest with attention-value.

"TVolution will not be televised" is a counterproposal to the television as
we know it. This performative installation is a short-circuit television
environment populated by performative interventions in the field of the
melodramatic as the dominant social sentiment of our age.

Concept: BADco.
Performers: Darija Dozdor, Zrinka Uzbinec
Costumes: Silvio Vujicic

"TVolution will not be televised" is run using the algorithmic live video
system (ALVES) that was developed in collaboration with the German
human-machine interface developer Daniel Turing.

Coproduction: BADco. and SKOGEN (www.skogen.pm)

More information:


BADco.'s long-time collaborators Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld and Pravdan
Devlahovic take part in

*Gdansk Dance Festival*

10.-23.02.2014 @ Klub Zak, Gdansk

Where they'll be mentoring a trio by Katarzyna Kania, Daniela Komędera,
Piotr Stanek (MA students at dance school in Bytom) on a piece called
"They've Stolen My Bike".

The public presentation of the work will take place 23.02.2014.

More info:


BADco.'s Goran Sergej Pristas and Nikolina Pristas will be working with 3rd
year students of

*Danish National School of Performing Arts*

03.02.-14.03.2014 @ Copenhagen

They'll be teaching and working with the students on the preparation of
their final production. The public presentation of the work will take place

More info on the school:


Clanice BADco. Ivana Ivkovic i Zrinka Uzbinec sudjeluju u programu

*SPAZIO - evropskoj mrezi plesnog stvaralastva*

vodjenjem kreativnog laboratorija uz koristenje alatke Whatever Dance

09.-23.02.2014. @ Zagrebacki plesni centar, Zagreb

SPAZIO, evropska mreza za plesno stvaralastvo, namijenjena je mladim
plesnim umjetnicima, s naglaskom na odnos izmedju plesa i drugih
umjetnickih disciplina kako bi se ispitivala, razmatrala i osnazila plesna
umjetnost. Jednogodisnji program ukljucuje ciklus od 5 rezidencija u
zemljama partnera.

Program obuhvaca radionice, predavanja, diskusije, a sudionici sudjeluju u
kreativnim procesima i stvaraju novi rad na temelju stecenih iskustava.
Istovremeno, projekt stvara novu mrezu umjetnika i umjetnickih djela za
lokalnu zajednicu partnerskih gradova.

Rezidencija u Zagrebu ima fokus na "Ples i interakciju s novim
tehnologijama" te takodjer ukljucuje kreativan laboratorij koji vode Andrea
Bozic (HR/NL) i Julia Willms (DE).

SPAZIO zajedno organiziraju: ICKAmsterdam - Amsterdam, izozemska; CSC
DanceHouse - Bassano del Grappa, Italija; Hrvatski institut za pokret
i ples - Zagreb, Hrvatska; Art Stations Foundation - Poznan, Poljska.

Vise o programu:

Vise o alatki Whatever Dance Toolbox:


Pridruzite nam se u TV sesiji izvedbene instalacije

*TVolution will not be televised*

15.-16.02.2014. 20:00 @ Zagrebacki plesni centar

Televizija, javni medij, pratilac poslijeratnom usponu drzave blagostanja,
no medij cije zlatno doba je proslo. Komercijalizacija televizije pomice
njezinu drustvenu funkciju iz one generatora zajednickog iskustva prema
marketinskom stroju. Danas, kada je suputnik razaranja te iste drzave
blagostanja, televizija kao medij simptomaticno odrazava fragmentiran
drustveni dozivljaj tjeskobe.

"TVolution will not be televised" je protuprijedlog televiziji kakvu
poznajemo. Ova izvedbena instalacija je zatvorena petlja televizijskog
okolisa napucenog izvedbenim intervencijama u polju melodramatskog kao
dominantnog drustvenog sentimenta nase epohe.

Koncept: BADco.
Izvodjacice: Darija Dozdor, Zrinka Uzbinec
Kostimi: Silvio Vujicic

"TVolution will not be televised" koristi ALVES  sustav za algoritamsku
montazu video materijala uzivo nastao u suradnji s njemackim dizajnerom
sucelja Danielom Turingom.

Koprodukcija: BADco. i SKOGEN (www.skogen.pm)

Vise informacija:


Dugogodisnji suradnici BADco. Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld i Pravdan Devlahovic
sudjeluju u

*Plesnom festivalu Gdanjska*

10.-23.02.2014. @ Klub Zak, Gdanjsk

Gdje ce mentorirati plesni trio Katarzyne Kania, Daniela Komędera, Piotra
Stanek (MA studenata plesne skole u Bytomu) "They've Stolen My Bike".

Javna prezentacija odrzat ce se 23.02.2014.

Vise informacija:


Clanovi BADco. Goran Sergej Pristas i Nikolina Pristas mentoriraju studente
trece godine na

*Danish National School of Performing Arts*

03.02.-14.03.2014. @ Kopenhagen

Uz predavanja ce sa studentima pripremati njihovu zavrsnu produkciju. Javna
prezentacija odrzat ce se 14.03.2014.

Vise informacija o skoli:




badco at badco.hr


BADco. podrzali / BADco. is supported by:

Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba
City Office for Culture Zagreb

Ministarstvo kulture RH
Ministry of Culture, Croatia


BADco. je suorganizator LABO21 - Evropske platforme za interdisciplinarna
istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Random
Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antverpen) i International Choreographic Arts
Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21 je podrzana od programa Kultura
Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is co-organizer of LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary
Research on Artistic Methodologies, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb),
Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) and International Choreographic
Arts Centre (Amsterdam). With the support of the Culture Programme of the
European Union.


BADco. je koordinator platforme TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u
kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana
od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is coordinator of TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time in
late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory (Belgrade) and
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.


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