[oberlist] BADco. // SYMPOSIUM "Art, Institutional 'Dead Labor' and Limits of Valorization" 09.-10.05.2014, Zagreb // + Ljubljana, Antwerp, London

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Sun May 4 14:59:25 CEST 2014

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BADco. invites you to symposium and its accompanying artistic programme

*Art, Institutional 'Dead Labor' and Limits of Valorization*

09.-10.05.2014, Zagreb

Within this symposium and its accompanying artistic programme we intend to
problematize the shifting grounds of institutional evaluation and
valorization in the art. Selection procedures such as curatorial concepts,
institutional programmation, criticism, theory, funding priorities, project
assessment, interpersonal connections, political clout and so on affect
what is included and what remains outside the art system, but also how
artworks engage with the broader socio-economic context. They define the
types of work that are produced and that are not, the types of of work that
are presented and that are not. In turn they re-configure subjectivities
involved in the process of artistic production — i.e. roles and
self-understanding of artists, curators, spectators, audiences, funders,

However, the works that fall outside, escape and subvert these quantitative
and qualitative boundaries of assessment, sometimes succeed in
re-configuring the filtering mechanisms of valorization and sediment in the
institutional knowledge that is applied toward future valorization. This is
artistic ‘dead labor’ sedimenting in the circuitry of institutions. And
while this dialectical process has been a constant topos of institutional
critique, we want to focus on contemporary and ascendant forms of
valorization and subjective determinations that they reproduce – for
instance: project, practice, didactism, realism, etc. – and look at the
works that try to undercut their centripetal force.

The question of valuation and valorization we consider particularly urgent
as we are seeing – at least in our context – a confluence of several
tendencies: criticism increasingly loosing significance with the crisis of
print and broadcasting media, quantitative project assessment and audience
metrics rising in the growing expansion of project-based work, and direct
co-optation of cultural institutions by political appointments persisting
in the face of mounting pressure to commercialize due to budget cuts.


_Friday_, 09. May 2014 @ Zagreb Dance Center, Ilica 10

18.00 presentation of the reader "Time and (In)Completion"

For more information:

19.00 – 22.00 performative installation by BADco. "TVolution will not be

– free entrance, audience can enter one by one for the duration of the

For more information about the work:

_Saturday_, 10. May 2014 @ Gallery Nova, Teslina 7

11.00 symposium "Art, Institutional ‘Dead Labor’ and Limits of Valorization"

Participants: Katja Diefenbach, Marie Nerland, Laurence Rassel, Janez
Jansa, Bojana Kunst

More information about the program, including abstracts and biographies of

18.00 "Institution as a medium" – public talk with visual artist and
cinematographer Goran Trbuljak (moderated by Marko Golub)

20.00 cinematographic 3-screen assemblage "Remediation: Makavejev’s Dream
Film Experiment"; in the presence of film.factory filmmakers and Béla Tarr,
production: Film-protufilm.

This event is a part in the framework of "TIMeSCAPES, Images and
performances of time in late capitalism", a partner project of BADco.
(Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Vienna),
Walking Theory (Belgrade) and Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of
the Culture Programme of the European Union.


BADco. will perform its newest production in Ljubljana!

*A Pound of Hysteria, Acceleration...*
- melodrama -

12.05.2014 20:00 @ Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia

While discussing the disintegration of the Soviet Union in a 1989 televised
interview, Heiner Müller and Alexander Kluge return to Brecht's sentence
"Petroleum resists five acts". That sentence sums up the problem that faces
epic theater. How can dramatic material depict historical processes with
all their inner contradictions, progressions and setbacks that transcend
characters and their relationships? The same question - what dramatic
material is an adequate means of representation of the organizing
principles of today’s reality - is the speculative problem of "A Pound of
Hysteria, Acceleration..." BADco.'s new performance attempts to find the
answer in the historical dialogue of two artists, the playwright Heiner
Müller and the film director Alexander Kluge. At the end of the eighties
two artists speculate about politics and social upheaval, yet today that
speculation resounds as a document of our own present.

More on the performance:

This performance takes part in the framework of "TIMeSCAPES, Images and
performances of time in late capitalism", a partner project of BADco.
(Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Vienna),
Walking Theory (Belgrade) and Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of
the Culture Programme of the European Union.


BADco.'s Ivana Ivkovic, Lovro Rumiha and Zrinka Uzbinec are taking part in
the colloquium

*Thinking bodies – Moving minds*

15.-17.05.2014 @ Troubleyn & Royal Conservatoire, Antwerp, Belgium

The colloquium "Thinking bodies – Moving minds" is a collaboration between
the European platform LABO21, the Research Centre for Visual Poetics of the
University of Antwerp and CORPoREAL the research group of the Royal
Conservatoire Antwerp.

LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic
Methodologies is a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance
(London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) and International Choreographic Arts Centre
(Amsterdam). With the support of the Culture Programme of the European

More on the event:


BADco.'s Nikolina Pristas and Goran Sergej Pristas are taking part in a
four-day programme that examines publicness in places exhibiting
contemporary art

*BMW Tate Live: Spatial Confessions (On the question of instituting the

21.-24.05.2014 @ Tate Modern, London, UK

The programme is comprised of a series of choreographic experiments staged
within the unique public arena of Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall, a performance
of social choreography as part of the ongoing series "Performance Room" and
a day of talks, debates and films. It addresses questions of social,
political and choreographic forms of publicness arising through
contemporary art practices.

"Spatial Confessions" is conceived by Bojana Cvejic in collaboration with
Christine De Smedt, Lennart Laberenz, Marta Popivoda, Ana Vujanovic and
other invited guests.

Nikolina Pristas will be taking part with a choreographic, and Goran Sergej
Pristas with a spoken intervention.

More on the event:


BADco. vas poziva na simpozij i popratni umjetnicki program

*Umjetnost, institucionalni “mrtvi rad” i granice vrednovanja*

09.-10.05.2014., Zagreb

U okviru ovog simpozija i njegovog popratnog umjetnickog programa
problematizirat cemo nestabilan teren institucionalne evaluacije i
valorizacije u polju umjetnosti. Postupci selekcije poput kustoskih
koncepcija, institucionalnih programa, kritike, teorije, prioriteta
financiranja, projektnih evaluacija, interpersonalnih sprega, politickog
utjecaja i tako dalje definiraju sto ce biti ukljuceno i sto ce ostati
izvan umjetnickog sustava, utjecuci pritom i na to kako ce sami radovi
reflektirati siri drustveno-ekonomski kontekst. Ti postupci postavljaju
granice koji tip umjetnickih radova ce se producirati a koji nece, koji ce
se predstavljati javnosti a koji nece. Kao sto i transformiraju subjekte
ukljucene u proces umjetnicke proizvodnje, tj. uloge i samorazumijevanje
umjetnika, kustosa, gledatelja, publika, financijera, itd.

Djela koja se nadju izvan ovih kriterija, koja isklizuju i subvertiraju te
kvantitativne i kvalitativne granice procjena, ponekad uspijevaju
transformirati filtere vredomanja i sedimantirati se u institucionalna
znanja koja ce se primjenjivati u kasnijim ciklusima valorizacije. Ovaj
'mrtvi rad' proizasao iz umjetnickog rada talozi se u sklopovima
institucija. I dok je ovaj dijalekticki proces subverzije i
institucionalnizacije stalan topos institucionalne kritike, mi se zelimo
usredotociti na suvremene i novonastajuce oblike valorizacije i
subjektivnih odredjenja koja oni reproduciraju - primjerice: projekt,
praksa, didakticnost, realizam, itd. - i sagledati radove koji se
pokusavaju istrgnuti njihovoj centripetalnoj sili.

Pitanje evaluacije i valorizacije smatramo osobito urgentnim jer svjedocimo
- barem u nasem kontekstu - podudaranju vise tendencija: kritika gubi
znacaj u krizi tiskanih i elektronskih medija, kvantitativno projektno
ocjenjivanje i vrednovanje kroz prizmu brojnosti publike dobivaju sve veci
znacaj, kulturne institucije bivaju izravno potcinjene politickim
imenovanjima te raste pritisak prema komercijalizaciji zbog rezova u javnom
financiranju kulture.


_petak_, 09. svibnja 2014. @ Zagrebacki plesni centar, Ilica 10

18.00 prezentacije knjige "Time and (In)Completion"

Za vise informacija o knjizi:

19.00 – 22.00 izvedbena instalacija BADco. "TVolution will not be televised"

- slobodan ulaz, publika ulazi jedan po jedan tijekom trajanja instalacije

Za vise informacija o instalaciji:

_subota_, 10. svibnja 2014. @ Galerija Nova, Teslina 7

11.00 simpozij "Umjetnost, institucionalni 'mrtvi rad' i granice

Sudjeluju: Katja Diefenbach, Marie Nerland, Laurence Rassel, Janez Jansa,
Bojana Kunst

- radni jezik simpozija je engleski

Vise informacija o programu, ukljucujuci biografije i sazetke izlaganja

18.00 "Institucija kao medij" – javni razgovor s likovnim i filmskim
umjetnikom Goranom Trbuljakom (razgovor moderira Marko Golub)

20.00 kinematografski 3-kanalni asemblaz "Remedijacija: MAKAVEJEVLJEV
SNOVITI FILMSKI EKSPERIMENT"; uz prisutnost sudionika programafilm.factory
i Béle Tarra, produkcija: Film-protufilm.

Dogadjanje se odvija u okviru platforme "TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe
vremena u kasnom kapitalizmu" partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana od programa
Kultura Evropske zajednice.


BADco. vas poziva na ljubljansku izvedbu nase najnovije predstave!

*Dodatak histerije, ubrzanja...*
- melodrama -

12.05.2014. 20:00 @ Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia

U televizijskom razgovoru iz 1989. o raspadu Sovjetskog Saveza Heiner
Müller i Alexander Kluge vracaju se na Brechtovu recenicu "Nafta se opire
petocinki". U toj recenici sazet je problem pred kojim se nalazi epski
teatar. Kako kroz dramski materijal prikazati historijske procese sa svim
njihovim unutarnjim kontradikcijama, napredovanjima i nazadovanjima koji
nadilaze likove i njihove medjusobne odnose? To isto pitanje - sto je
prikazivanju organizirajucih nacela danasnjice adekvatan dramski materijal
- problemski je ulog i predstave "Dodatak histerije, ubrzanja..."

Vise o predstavi:

Izvedba se odrzava u okviru platforme "TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena
u kasnom kapitalizmu" partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science
Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana od programa
Kultura Evropske zajednice.


Clanovi BADco. Ivana Ivkovic, Lovro Rumiha i Zrinka Uzbinec sudjeluju u

*Thinking bodies – Moving minds*

15.-17.05.2014. @ Troubleyn & Royal Conservatoire, Antwerpen, Belgija

Simpozij je suradnicki projekt evropske platforme LABO21, istrazivackog
centra Visual Poetics Sveucilista u Antwerpenu i CORPoREAL - istrazivacke
grupe Kraljevskog konzervatorija u  Antwerpenu.

LABO21 - Evropska platforma za interdisciplinarna istrazivanja umjetnickih
metodologija je partnerstvo BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London),
Troubleyn (Antwerp) i International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam).
Platforma LABO21 je podrzana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

Vise o dogadjanju:


Clanovi BADco. Nikolina Pristas i Goran Sergej Pristas sudjeluju u
cetverodnevnom programu koji propituje moment javnosti u izlozbenim
prostorima koji predstavljaju suvremenu umjetnost

*BMW Tate Live: Spatial Confessions (On the question of instituting the

21.-24.05.2014. @ Tate Modern, London, Velika Britanija

Program se sastoji od serije koreografskih eksperimenata unutar jedinstvene
javne arene Turbine Hall muzeja Tate Modern, izvedbe socijalne koreografije
kao dijela serije "Performance Room" i dana predavanja, debata i filmskih

"Spatial Confessions" je osmislila Bojana Cvejic u suradnji s Christine De
Smedt, Lennartom Laberenzom, Martom Popivodom, Anom Vujanovic i dr.

Nikolina Pristas sudjeluje s koreografskom, a Goran Sergej Pristas s
govornom intervencijom.

Vise o dogadjanju:


badco at badco.hr


BADco. podrzali / BADco. is supported by:
Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba
City Office for Culture Zagreb
Ministarstvo kulture RH
Ministry of Culture, Croatia


BADco. je suorganizator LABO21 - Evropske platforme za interdisciplinarna
istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Random
Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antverpen) i International Choreographic Arts
Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21 je podrzana od programa Kultura
Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is co-organizer of LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary
Research on Artistic Methodologies, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb),
Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) and International Choreographic
Arts Centre (Amsterdam). With the support of the Culture Programme of the
European Union.


BADco. je koordinator platforme TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u
kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana
od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is coordinator of TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time in
late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory (Belgrade) and
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.


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