[oberlist] IT* call/fest: Survival Festival

ober ober at emdash.org
Sun May 1 23:23:31 CEST 2016

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: nettime-ann Digest, Vol 149, Issue 11
From:    nettime-ann-request at nettime.org
Date:    Sat, April 23, 2016 7:23 am
To:      nettime-ann at nettime.org

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 18:12:21 +0200
From: "CAM | Casoria Contemporary Art Museum"
	<info at casoriacontemporaryartmuseum.com>
To: "newsletter" <newsletter at casoriacontemporaryartmuseum.com>
Subject: <nettime-ann> [newsletter] Call for artists/Invito agli
	artisti: Survival Festival | Send your submission/Invia la tua

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Al via "Survival", il Festival di Arte Contemporanea del Museo CAM.?
Data 23/30 settembre 2016 Apertura Bando 20 aprile/31 luglio 2016
Leggi le info

Starts "Survival", the Contemporary Art Festival of CAM Museum.?
Date: 23/30 September 2016 Open Call: 20 April/31 July 2016
Read the details

il grande festival d?arte contemporanea sulla sopravvivenza dell?arte
contemporanea nella societa? di oggi ed?autogestito direttamente dagli
Il Festival ha come filo conduttore ?Survival? la sopravvivenza dell?arte
contemporanea nella societ? di oggi, con un programma che prevede una
grande mostra, performance, live music, incontri e workshopUno
straordinario esperimento visivo e mediatico lanciato dal museo CAM con
pi? di?300 artisti internazionali esposti su una superficie di 1.500
mq?per dare risposte a quesiti quali: Cos?? l?arte contemporanea oggi?
Dove va? L?artista ha ancora un ruolo nella societ? contemporanea? ?
ancora libero??Esiste una differenza tra il pensiero artistico comune e
l?estetica decisa dal grande mercato speculativo mondiale dell?arte? La
cultura ? diventata una macchina che produce arte come merce da consumare
o resta ancora il concetto di arte libera per innalzare lo spirito? ?
ancora possibile la sopravvivenza dell?arte, cos? come la conosciamo,
nella societ? della mercificazione capitalistica? Sar? Ikea il futuro
degli artisti non commercializzati dalle grandi gallerie? E i musei e le
 d?arte, diventeranno tutte sale da Happy Hour pur di ricevere pubblico?

This Festival common thread is about contemporary art survival in today
society and the program consists in a big exhibition, performances, live
music, meetings and workshops. An extraordinary visual and media event
launched by CAM museum involving?more than 300 international artists
exhibiting inside a 1.500 sm large area, to provide answers to such
questions: What?s contemporary art today? Where is it going? Has the
artist any role in contemporary society yet? Is he free yet? Is there any
difference between artistic common thought and aesthetics as imposed by
worldwide speculative art market? Has culture become a machine producing
art as consumption commodity or is the idea of art as free, able to raise
our spirit, existing yet? Can art, the way we know it, survive in the
society of capitalist commodification? Is Ikea going to be the future for
those artists out of big galleries commercialization? How about museums
and art galleries, are they becoming Happy Hour lounges in order to
  get audience?

APPLICATIONSCAM | Casoria Contemporary Art Museum
Via Calore snc 80026 Casoria Naples - Italy
INFO:?tel/fax +39 0817576167
WEB: www.casoriacontemporaryartmuseum.com
BLOG: http://www.casoriacontemporaryartmuseum.com/blog/
TWITTER: @MuseoCAMCasoria
EMAIL: info at casoriacontemporaryartmuseum.com
?casoriacontemporaryartmuseum at hotmail.com
PRESS OFFICE: +39 3332972239 Fax: +39 0817576167 cam.pr at hotmail.it
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