[oberlist] fwd: tranzit/hu / newsletter (March 2017)

vladimir us vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Mon Mar 13 19:23:28 CET 2017

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "tranzit.hu" <office.hu at tranzit.org>
> Subject: Newsletter (March 2017)
> Date: March 13, 2017 at 19:01:32 GMT+2
> To: vladimir at oberliht.org.md
> Reply-To: office.hu at tranzit.org
> tranzit/hu
> Newsletter (March 2017)
> 14/03/–18/03/2017
> János Sugár: PST book launch and exhibition of œuvre
> œuvre is on view until March 18, by appointment at office at tranzitinfo.hu <mailto:office at tranzitinfo.hu>
> Time: March 14, 2017, 7 pm 
> Venue: Mayakovsky 102, the open office of tranzit. hu, 1068 Budapest, Király utca 102.
> The book is presented by Beáta Hock, cultural historian 
> œuvre is on view until March 18, by appointment at office at tranzitinfo.hu <mailto:office at tranzitinfo.hu>. 
> The Hungarian and English language book PST (Public – Street – Tactical) The Public Art Practice of János Sugár, published by tranzit. hu, endeavors, on the one hand, to contextualize Sugár’s public art activity within an international framework, considering also local specificities. On the other hand, it looks at all of his initiatives that connect to the umbrella term PST, reinterpreting also such works from the 1980s as Fast Culture or the Persian Walk. 
> PST (Public – Street – Tactical). The Public Art Practice of János Sugár
> Hungarian and English 
> Authors: Dóra Hegyi, Sándor Hornyik, János Sugár, Eszter Szakács, Andrea Tarczali 
> Edited by Eszter Szakács
> Translation by Júlia Laki, Eszter Szakács
> Proofreading, copyediting by Shawn Bodden, Nikolett Erőss, Eszter Szakács
> Published by tranzit. hu, Budapest 
> Graphic design by Szilárd Miklós
> On the occasion of the book launch, János Sugár’s non-public art piece œuvre will also be exhibited at tranzit. hu, the story of which likewise goes back to several decades and turning points. Sugár first presented œuvre in 1986 at the Studio Gallery in Budapest, at an institution financially supported by the socialist state, but which brought together young artists. Sugár, at that time, worked outside such state-supported structures; however, when he was offered a solo show at the Studio Gallery, he took this opportunity to deliberately create something that is incompatible with the (then) present’s interpretive framework. That is, he wanted to create a piece in 1986, in and about the present, which, from the future, looks already past: an already existing evidence. That is why the young Sugár chose œuvre—as in retrospectively from the future—as the title of his exhibition.
> To test the dimensions of past-present-future, as well as the current and changing context of the art work, Sugár decided already in 1986 that he would exhibit œuvre every ten years. In 1996 and 2006, the exhibition took place at the Studio Gallery, this time, in its most complete reconstruction, it will be on view at tranzit. hu until March 18, in conjunction with the launch of the 2016 book on the artist’s public art practice.
> See more <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2503_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>
> 23/03/–21/05/2017
> Imagining Conceptual Art
> Lászlo Beke 1971 Collection in an International Context
> tranzit. hu presents at tranzitdisplay in Prague László Beke’s project Imagination, the first collection of Hungarian Conceptual Art, compiled in 1971. 
> The exhibition at tranzitdisplay looks at Beke’s collection in an international context, through other projects that also happened in the year 1971, as well as through the history of exhibitions of Conceptual art. The other legendary 1971 art projects on display—similarly to Imagination—can be interpreted as “exhibitions in a publication format.” One of them is the book Aktuelle Kunst in Osteuropa, published at Dumont Aktuell by artist and collector Klaus Groh, presenting East European artists of the time. The other exhibition projects highlighted are At the Moment (Zagreb) and At Another Moment (Belgrade) where the curators, Nena and Braco Dimitrijević, experimented with the format of the exhibition in space and time. The two exhibitions showcased works by artists from Yugoslavia and international representatives of Conceptual art. The Belgrade exhibition was also accompanied by a catalog, which will also be on view.
> Another aim of Imagining Conceptual Art is to survey László Beke’s international art network unfolding from the 1970s. The exhibition also gathers information about the internationality of the art world of the time centered around less object oriented and increasingly dematerialized practices, which we now call, in a broad sense, Conceptual art. 
> A possible map of the reception of Conceptual art with a focus on geopolitical and cultural relations will also be created for the exhibition.The timeline of the map starts from projects of the time, such as Beke’s collection or artist Dóra Maurer’s activity supporting the international presence of Hungarian artists, and runs until today’s projects that revisit the period of the 1960s and 1970s. This section looks primarily at the history of exhibitions, including artistic and curatorial research projects, such as tranzit. hu’s Parallel Chronologies—An Archive of East European Exhibitions. 
> The exhibition also features reflections by contemporary artists Virág Bogyó, Judit Fischer, Szilárd Miklós, among others. 
> Works presented in the exhibition from the Imaginationcollection by Gábor Attalai, Imre Bak, Miklós Erdély, István Haraszty, György Jovánovics, Ilona Keserü, Dezső Korniss, László Lakner, János Major, Gyula Pauer, Géza Perneczky, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Péter Türk
> Concept by Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Eszter Szakács
> The project is realized in collaboration with László Beke.
> The Czech exhibition chronology is compiled by Pavlina Morganova.
> Exhibition display by Zbyněk Baladrán
> Image: © Géza Perneczky: dialectical experience, 1971
> See more <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2504_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>
> 10/03/2017
> mezosfera.org <http://mezosfera.org/>: New thematic issue
> 1975, Gyöngyös. Forrás FORTEPAN
> The third issue of Mezosfera was published in February 2017. The authors responded to the mezosfera concept as it was laid out in the previous issue, as well as to themes that the preceding issue’s essays brought forward—including unlearning, independence, “unacademia,” resistance, or “walking theory.” An overarching theme that has emerged in the latest texts are the contradictions and complexities of independence, underlining the near omnipresence of the fragile, conflictual, and in-flux positions art and cultural workers assume today.
> Back to Basics. Responses to the Issue Inside the Mezosfera
> Issue edited by Nikolett Erőss and Eszter Szakács 
> Contributors: Chiara De Cesari, Tatiana Kochubinska, Anne Szefer Karlsen, Jelena Vesić, Raluca Voinea
> See the issue here <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2505_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>
> 10/03/–26/03/2017
> Fellowships for Curators and Artists at Summer Academy Salzburg 2017
> Call for Applications
> Photo: Jennifer Allen, Lunch Talk 2014, Hohensalzburg Fortress
> © Pia Streicher
> ERSTE Foundation offers five fellowships for young artists and five fellowships for emerging curators from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and the Slovak Republic to take part in a course of their choice at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg 2017.
> Every summer more than 300 students from more than 50 countries worldwide participate in over 20 classes on art projects at the Salzburg Summer Academy of Fine Arts. The Academy is renowned for the high reputation of the teaching artists and for the high number of international participants, aiming on a wide variety of artistic production.
> The participants can choose from various courses taking place at Summer Academy Salzburg between July 17 and August 26, 2017.
> For the selection of the fellows, ERSTE Foundation forms a jury together with its project partners tranzit. cz, tranzit. hu, tranzit. ro and tranzit. sk.
> Deadline for submission of applications: March 26, 2017.
> Photo: © Pia Streicher
> See more information and the requirements for application <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2506_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>
> 13/03/2017
> Catalyst Project concludes with the event of the winner Csakoda
> In 2016, the Csakoda (One Way) artist group won the prize of the Catalyst Project <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2507_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89> open call that we announced for projects to reconsider the genre of the traveling exhibition. Csakoda is a group of young artists, established in March 2011 by Dominika Trapp and Márton Dés, who, with their traveling exhibition program since 2011, have visited various settlements in rural Hungary. From the prize of HUF 1 500 000 the artists this time realized a six-month long exhibition series consisting of four parts. 
> On January 27, 2017, the group presented at tranzit. hu a report with screenings on their experiences of these six months. As Csakoda formulated, “we have continued within the framework of the Catalyst Project the program we started several years ago. Yet, this time, we focused on cultural centers that had been either built before socialism, as civil initiatives, or on ones that already existed and that were, for the most part, built by employers for self-development courses initiated by workers. By choosing these locations, we salute those who, already 100 years ago, created communities and communal spaces to satisfy their own cultural needs. Furthermore, our overt aim was also to unsettle a bit the common view of cultural centers in Hungary as ‘formations of socialist cultural policy.’"
> If you have questions about the use of the newsletter please contact tranzit.hu at tranzit.org <mailto:tranzit.hu at tranzit.org>
> In case you do not wish to receive this newsletter any longer please unsubscribe here: hu.tranzit.org/en/newsletter <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2508_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>
> tranzit <http://tranzit.hu/>. <http://tranzit.hu/>hu <http://tranzit.hu/>
> H-1068 Budapest Király u 102. 1st floor
> tranzit.hu at tranzit.org <mailto:tranzit.hu at tranzit.org>
> facebook.com/tranzit.hu <http://nl6.sitepackage.de/link/2509_tranzit.org/5b432722f9166c89>

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