[oberlist] WEB# call/cult: Cultural rights and public spaces

ober ober at emdash.org
Sat May 11 23:01:17 CEST 2019

Call for submissions for upcoming report: Cultural rights and public spaces

In her forthcoming thematic report to the General Assembly, the Special
Rapporteur will consider in her next report how actors from across the
cultural ecosystem access and use public spaces, identify the challenges
they face and the strategies they develop to overcome them, and analyse
the impact this has on their cultural rights. She invites all concerned
stakeholders, including States, United Nations agencies, academics,
experts, artists, scientists, cultural workers and practitioners, as well
as civil society organizations, to answer to the questionnaire below, in
order to benefit from their diverse views and experiences.

The Special Rapporteur will address multifaceted issues at stake, such as
impediments in public spaces to cultural expression, the organization of
cultural events, the conduct of cultural practices and the use of
languages. She will consider the presence or absence of cultural
narratives in public spaces, for example in the form of symbols,
memorials, architecture or advertising.

Please note that the term "public spaces" in its plural form aims at
underlining the plurality and diversity of "public spaces" and their
differences in nature and scope. Public spaces may include, for example,
not only urban but also rural and natural spaces, real and virtual spaces.
Various degrees of privatization may affect public spaces. This may
require different measures be adopted to ensure the realization of
cultural rights.

Submissions should be sent electronically no later than 20 May 2019 to
srculturalrights at ohchr.org, using the email title: "Submission: Cultural
rights and public spaces". Those submitting information should feel free
to answer only specific questions that they find most relevant.

Kindly limit your responses to 2,500 words and attach annexes where
necessary. To facilitate their consideration, it would be preferable if
responses could be sent in the working languages of the OHCHR, English,
French or Spanish.

Please also indicate if you have any objections with regard to your reply
being posted on the OHCHR website.

We look forward to reading your contributions soon!

Questionnaire on cultural rights and public spaces
1. What are the various existing definitions of "public spaces" used in
national legislation or proposed by international mechanisms, experts and
civil society organizations? Are other terms used such as "civic space"
and "public domain"? What is the scope of the concept of such public

2. What are the diverse legal frameworks, trends and practices at the
national level that either promote or impede actors from across the
cultural ecosystem, including women and persons with disabilities, from
accessing and using public spaces? What strategies are most useful in
overcoming such challenges?

3. What are the specific characteristics of public spaces that either are
conducive to the realization of cultural rights, including of women and
persons with disabilities, or are an impediment to them, including in
relation to issues of discrimination, equal access, accessibility,
availability, and adequacy?

4. What could be the contents and contours of a possible "right to public
spaces", and of legitimate restrictions that could be made to it, in
accordance with international standards? Is this concept employed in your
country or in your work? Is it helpful?

5. What is the role of cultural rights in ensuring the existence,
availability, accessibility, and adequacy of public spaces that are
conducive to widespread participation in cultural life, the realization of
citizenship, cultural democracy, as well as the realization of other human

6. What is the impact on the enjoyment of cultural rights of trends
regarding privatization, which may affect a variety of public spaces?

7. What recommendations should be made to States and other stakeholders
concerning these topics?

Asociatia Oberliht / Association
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova & beyond

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