[Oberlist] Concurs pentru burse NEC 2007-2008 >>>

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Vin Noi 17 03:27:50 CET 2006


Concurs pentru burse NEC 2007-2008
„New Europe College” anunţă concursul anual pentru bursele de
cercetare NEC 2007-2008 pentru universitari/cercetători romвni
din domeniile ştiinţelor umaniste, sociale şi economice.


candidatul trebuie să fie оnscris la doctorat sau să
aibă titlul de doctor;
se va acorda prioritate candidaţilor sub 40 ani;
o foarte bună cunoaştere a cel puţin două din limbile
străine de circulaţie internaţională.
Prin profilul său, NEC pune accentul asupra dezbaterilor inter-
şi trans-disciplinare. Se оncurajează proiectele care
permit această deschidere, fără a pierde din rigoarea


Programul bursierilor presupune prezenţa obligatorie оn
Bucureşti cel puţin o dată pe
săptămвnă timp de 9 luni. In cea de-a 10-a lună,
bursierii vor beneficia de un stagiu de cercetare оntr-unul din
marile centre universitare/de cercetare din străinătate.
Valoarea bursei lunare (acordată pe durata a 9 luni) este
echivalentul оn RON a 550 EURO (neimpozabili), la care se
adaugă 2.560 EURO pentru stagiul de cercetare.


Formularul de participare la concurs poate fi obţinut de mai jos sau
prin e-mail de la asuter la nec.ro. De asemenea, formularul poate fi ridicat
de la sediul Colegiului оn zilele de luni - vineri, orele 10-17, sau
poate fi primit prin poştă (оn cazul candidaţilor din

Termenul limită de depunere a dosarului completat este 15 decembrie
2006 (inclusiv).

Pentru informaţii adiţionale sau nelămuriri vă
puteţi adresa la:

Alexandru Suter
Coordonator de programe

New Europe College
Str. Plantelor 21
023971 – Bucuresti, sect. 2
Tel: (+40 21) 307.99.10;
Fax: (+40 21) 327.07.74
E-mail: asuter la nec.ro


Call for Europa Fellowship Program 2007-2008
The New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest,
Romania –, announces the EUROPA FELLOWSHIPS PROGRAM, supported by the
VolkswagenStiftung (Hanover, Germany).

The program targets researchers and academics from South-Eastern Europe
(including Romania), as well as young Western scholars working on
South-Eastern Europe. Applicants must be doctoral students, or hold a
Ph.D. title.

Duration of the Fellowship: a) a full academic year (10 months, October
through July) or b) a one-term fellowship (October through February, or
March through July).

Location: the New Europe College in Bucharest, Romania.

The Fellowship consists of a monthly stipend of 600 Euro (tax free),
accommodation, international transportation to and from the home country
of the Fellows at the beginning and the end of the Fellowship, as well as
for season holidays. The Fellows who stay for the whole academic year are
offered a one-month research trip abroad to an institution of their choice
(2,560 Euro for transportation, accommodation, and per diem).

The Fellows will be invited to work as members of a team in the framework
of a general research topic entitled Traditions of the New Europe. A
Pre-history of the European Integration in South-Eastern Europe. (Please
see the appended document for the description of the general research

This year’s theme–within the general research topic–is focusing on the
issue of Inhabiting. (Please see the appended document for the description
of the theme!) Each Fellow will contribute with his/her own research, and
will take part in scientific events organized by the New Europe College.
At the end of their Fellowship, each Fellow is expected to hand in the
research paper comprising the results of his/her work over the duration of
the Fellowship. The papers will be included in a NEC publication.

Working languages: English, French, and German. A good command of English
is desirable.

The deadline for submitting the completed application by regular mail is
December 15, 2006. The applications will be evaluated by the Scientific
Board of the NEC. Subsequently, the applicants will be notified both by
e-mail and regular mail on the results of the evaluation process.

For further information please contact:
Irina Vainovski-Mihai, Program Coordinator

New Europe College
Str. Plantelor 21
023971 – Bucuresti
Phone: (+40 21) 307.99.10;
Fax: (+40 21) 327.07.74
e-mail: imihai la nec.ro


Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

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