[Oberlist] [Fwd: [Info_Culture] call for applications explore dance festival]

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Info_Culture] call for applications explore dance festival
From:    "Nicoleta Braniste" <mikibraniste la yahoo.fr>
Date:    Tue, December 19, 2006 17:27
To:      "infoculture" <info_culture la yahoogroups.com>
         "incepem" <incepem la yahoogroups.com>

eXplore dance festival 2007
editia a II-a
Festival international de dans contemporan pentru tineri coregrafi,
Bucuresti, ROMANIA
  (versiunea in limba engleza mai jos)

Dragi colegi,

Suntem bucurosi sa va anuntam ca ArtLink va organiza a doua editie a
festivalului “eXplore dance” in perioada 22 – 28 octombrie 2007, la
Tema acestei editii este “Identitatea” – cat de mult din mesajul
coregrafic se datoreaza identitatii personale si cat de mult identitatii
Identitate artistica? Identitate personala? Identitate sociala?
Estetica personala a unui artist este o alegere naturala sau este
conditionata de context?
Ceea ce are artistul de spus este atat de important incat sa ii intereseze
si pe altii?

Apelul pentru aplicatii este deschis tinerilor coregrafi romani si straini
care se afla la inceputul carierei lor coregrafice, de preferat cu cel
putin 3 ani de experienta.
Obiectivul festivalului este de-a creea un cadru special pentru promovarea
tinerei creatii, schimbul de idei si sprijinirea artistilor cu
perspectiva. Artistii prezenti in festival vor putea astfel intra in
vizorul unor importanti programatori de festivaluri ce vor veni la
Bucuresti, in calitate de invitati ai festivalului “eXplore dance”.

Festivalul asigura: cazare, diurna (pentru artistii straini) si onorariu.
Cheltuielile de transport, viza pentru Romania si asigurare medicala vor
fi acoperite de artisti.
(In situatii speciale putem oferi sprijin prin Institutele Culturale din
Romania si din tarile de origine ale artistilor.)
Este preferabil ca montarile tehnice sa fie cat mai simple.

Trimiteti propunerile dvs. impreuna cu un DVD si CV la adresa:
ArtLink - “eXplore dance festival”
O.P. nr.1, C.P. 161, BUCURESTI, Cod 014700, ROMANIA

Termen limita: 28 februarie 2007(data postei),

Pentru informatii suplimentare:
Coordonator “eXplore dance festival”
andreea la artlink. org.ro
www.artlink. org.ro

eXplore dance festival 2007
second edition
International contemporary dance festival for young choreographers,
Bucharest, ROMANIA

Dear all,

We are happy to announce you that ArtLink is going to organize the second
edition of “eXplore dance festival” between 22 - 28 of October 2007, in
Bucharest, Romania.
The theme for this edition is “Identity” – How much in the choreographic
message of an artist is due to his personal identity and how much to the
social identity?"
Artistic identity? Personal identity? Social identity?
The personal aesthetic of an artist is an organic choice or is conditioned
by the context?
What the artist have“to tell” is it so important that can also find an
interest in other ones?

The call for applications is open for young emerging choreographers -
Romanian as well as foreign artists - that are at the beginning of their
careers, preferably with 3 years of experience at least.
The aim of the festival is to create a special frame for promoting young
creation, exchanging ideas and supporting promising artists to became
known by important festivals or artistic events organizers invited in
Bucharest as “eXplore dance festival” guests.

The festival offers: accommodation, per Diem and a small artistic fee.
Travel costs and medical insurance must be covered by artists.
Visa costs for Romania are in the artist’s charge.
(In special situations we can offer support through the Cultural
Institutes in Romania and in the home countries of the artists.)
The technical set up has to be as simple as possible.

Please send your proposal together with a DVD and CV to:
ArtLink - “eXplore dance festival”
O.P. nr.1, C.P. 161, BUCURESTI, COD 014700, ROMANIA

Deadline: February 28th 2007 (post date)

For additional information please contact:
“eXplore dance festival” Coordinator
andreea la artlink. org.ro
www.artlink. org.ro

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