[Oberlist] Call for video submissions - SIMULTAN03 Festival

mr_k la simultan.org mr_k la simultan.org
Lun Mar 19 15:41:58 CET 2007

(English version – mai jos versiunea in Romana)

SIMULTAN is an annual festival for video and new media art, which takes
place in May, in Timisoara , Romania.
Simultan is a platform for the development of audio-video concepts,
wishing to support and promote the new movements and trends in
contemporary culture, like the digital media, the video art and the
experiment in sound and electronic music.

SIMULTAN03 exploits the idea of audio-visual and socio-cultural
Interference, the way in which technology and society give rise to new
forms of artistic expression by using the new media.

TERMS OF ENTRY__________________________________________________
SIMULTAN03 is open for submissions of innovative works which use
technology in a creative, ingenious way or are based on a peculiar,
unusual story.

The video section is open to all video artists and not only, who can apply
with narratives, documentaries, animations, vj-ing movies and experimental
motion graphics.
Those interested may apply with a maximum number of 2 video works, each
having a duration which must not exceed 5 minutes.

TECHNICAL DETAILS______________________________________________________
- 5 blank seconds must be recorded before the video.
- works must be sent in 720x576 Quicktime or Avi format, with dv-pal
compression and 48kh sound, on CD/DVD(data) or mini DV tape.

APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION___________________________________________
Works will be submitted by mail, together with:
- the filled in and printed application form (.doc or .pdf) - a separate
copy for each work.
The application form can be downloaded from:
- 3-4 still images from each video, in jpg format, 720x576 pixels dimension
- a CV and a photo of the artist

Please submit the material to the following address:
Asociatia Simultan - OP.1 - CP.571, Timisoara, Romania

The application form in Word format must also be sent by e-mail to:

The deadline for the submission of works and applications is April 10th,
2007 (postmark).

All works will be watched and selected by a jury. Only those accepted will
become part of the screening programme. The decision of the jury is
final.Members of the jury: Alexandru Patatics - media artist, Daniel Gontz
- media artist, Sorin Vreme - visual artist

After the event, a DVD/catalogue will be published and a documentation
will also be available on our website.
Each of the admitted participants will receive a DVD/catalogue by the end
of 2007.

- the organisers reserve the right to use the works in other presentations
with the aim of promoting the Simultan Festival, but not for commercial
- submitted works will not be returned, but stored in the Simultan
Association archive.
- the organisers reserve the right to make changes in the program.
- no entry fee!

For additional information please contact: Levente Kozma,
email: simultan(at)simultan.org, tel: +40-740.300.806


Versiunea in limba Romana


SIMULTAN este un festival anual de arta video si new media, care se
desfasoara in luna mai la Timisoara.
Festivalul Simultan este o platforma pentru dezvoltarea conceptelor
audiovizuale, urm a rind sustinerea si promovarea noilor miscari si
tendinte in cultura contemporana, precum mediile digitale, arta video,
experimentul in sound si muzica electronica.

SIMULTAN03 exploateaza ideea de Interferente pe plan audiovizual si
socio-cultural, felul in care tehnologia si societatea provoaca si
genereaza noi forme de expresie artistica, prin intermediul noilor medii.

CONDITII DE PARTICIPARE_____________________________________________
SIMULTAN03 asteapta lucrari cu caracter inovativ, care folosesc tehnologia
intr-un mod ingenios, creativ sau au la baza un scenariu inedit.
Sectiunea video/film este deschis a tuturor arti s tilor video s i nu
numai, care pot participa cu lucrari narative, documentare, animatii,
vj-ing movies si productii experimentale motion-graphics.
Fiecare artist care doreste sa participe poate trimite maximum 2 lucrari,
fiecare avand o durata maxima de 5 minute.

DETALII TEHNICE____________________________________________________
- inainte de movie se inregistreaza 5 secunde blank.
- lucrarile trebuie sa fie in format quicktime sau avi 720x576 cu
compresie dv-pal si sunet de 48kh, pe suport CD/DVD (data) sau caseta

PROCEDURA DE APLICARE SI TRIMITERE__________________________________
Lucrarile se trimit prin posta, insotite de urmatoarele:
- formularul de aplicare completat Word sau Pdf - cate un formular separat
pentru fiecare lucrare in parte.
Formularul disponibil pe: http://www.simultan.org/ro/2007/callforentry.htm
- 3-4 imagini still din fiecare video, de dimensiuni 720x576 pixeli, in
format jpg.
- un CV si o fotografie a artistului

Lucrarile se trimit pe adresa:
Asociatia Simultan - OP. 1 - CP. 571, Timisoara , Romania

Formularul in format Word se trimite si pe e-mail pe:

Data limita pentru trimiterea aplicatiilor este 10 aprilie 2007 (data

Toate lucrarile vor fi vizionate si selectate de un juriu si doar cele
admise vor intra in program. Decizia juriului este finala. Membri
juriului: Alexandru Patatics - artist media, Daniel Gontz - artist media,
Sorin Vreme - artist vizual

Dupa eveniment, se va publica un DVD/ si o documentatie va fi disponibila
pe pagina www.simultan.orgFiecare participant admis va primi acest
DVD/catalog pana la sfarsitul anului 2007.

- organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul sa foloseasca lucrarile in alte
prezentari cu scopul de a promova Festivalul Simultan, dar nu si in
scopuri comerciale.
- aplicatiile nu vor fi returnate, ci se vor pastra in arhiva Asociatiei
- organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a face modificari in program
- nu se percepe taxa de participare!

Pentru informatii suplimentare contactati: Levente Kozma,
email: simultan(at)simultan.org, tel: +40-740.300.806


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