[Oberlist] RU* international kansk video festival

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Lun Iul 2 02:35:46 CEST 2007

Kansk, Russia

international kansk video festival
Call for entries

not only professional video-makers or video artists could submit to the
festival, amateur video-makers too

participation rules:
- the festival entry is free.
- the running time of video shorts entered for the festival should last no
longer than 30 minutes.
- number of videos by the same author (sent to the contest) is not limited.
- each video must be entered for one of the following categories.
- every video sent to the festival will be viewed by the jury.
- only video shorts created after january 1st, 2005 should be submitted.
- the entry deadline is july 25st, 2007. please, submit earlier, if
possible. please make inquiries on delivery terms – submissions delivered
after 1st july won’t be participating in the contest. in case of postage
by express-mail etc. please obtain an address via e-mail or by phone.
- a vhs video copy should be submitted only accompanied with detailed
application form.
- films without aplication form are not accepted to the festival.
- vhs copies will not to be returned, but will be kept in the festival
- all deliveries from international participants must be marked: "no
commercial value - for cultural purposes only".
- if the original language of the video is neither russian nor english the
video copy should be subtitled in one of these two languages or an english
dialogues text should be attached.
video documentary / fiction video / animated video / experimental video /
video art / 'video enchantment'

‘video enchantment’ special category:
the special nomination in which video work opening the theme of ‘magic’ in
art of contemporary artist, that was made since 2002 till 2007.

grand-prix – the palm secateur d'or.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place diplomas and the special diploma of jury also are
presented to the winners.

data limita: 25/07/07

international kansk video festival
post box #35, post office #184
115184 Moscow
tel: + 7(095)9515404
fax: +7 095 951 6585
videodom la gmail.com

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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