[Oberlist] SI* Luksuz festival poceni filma / Luksuz film festival

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Mar Iul 3 05:45:30 CEST 2007

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Trška gora pri Krškem, Slovenia

Luksuz produkcija DZMP
Luksuz festival poceni filma / Luksuz film festival

Poziv k prijavam / Call for films

Slovensko (english below):
Kategorije: Kratki igrani, Kratki animirani, Kratki eksperimentalni,

1. Filmi naj ne bodo daljši od 10 minut. Dokumentarni filmi so lahko
daljši, vendar ne preko 25 minut. Število filmov, ki jih želite prijaviti,
ni omejeno.

2. Filmi na Luksuz festivalu poceni filma naj bodo v slovenšcini ali
anglešcini. Filmi v drugih jezikih naj bodo podnaslovljeni v anglešcini
(pogojno razumemo tudi jezike iz republik bivše Jugoslavije).

3. Izvirniki filmov so lahko v kateremkoli formatu, vendar naj bodo
poslani na: miniDV (samo PAL) ali DVD-ju (zaželeno PAL).

4. Zaželeni so filmi, ki so bili konèani v letih 2006 in 2007.

5. Prijavnine ni.

6. Poslanih filmov ne vraèamo. Filmi bodo hranjeni v arhivu Luksuz
Festivala poceni filma.

7. Rok za prijavo je 15. julij 2007.

8. DZMP ne plaèuje najemnine za filme ali stroškov projekcije.

9. Komisija bo pregledala in izbrala filme, ki bodo prikazani na festivalu.

10. Prijavitelji bodo o izboru filmov obvešèeni po elektronski pošti
najkasneje do 25. avgusta 2007.

11. Filmi, sprejeti na Luksuz festival poceni filma 2007, bodo (z
avtorjevim privoljenjem) prikazani v sklopu LUKSUZ distribucije v
Mladinskih centrih in filmskih klubih.


“Digital democratisation”, drop in the price of technique and increase of
its availability enable the young creators, who have not yet won
recognition, to articulate themselves, their activities, views,
standpoints, criticism etc. through modern media - video, film,

Luksuz film festival wants to show short and low budget production of
domestic and foreign authorial, experimental, alternative, activists’
films and videos, which are made especially by young autors (<30) in
traditional or “garage” productions, in the clubs, in the frames of
non-commercial, experimental, authorial, non-institutional productions and
mean the alternative cultural media image to otherwise dominant official
mass distributors’ offer, which is mainly controlled by big distributors
with traditional “hollywood” programme.

Especially welcome are: - films which have the subject society and culture
- films with social critic meaning - films which show youth culture -
films with the subject of cultural diversity - films that reflects the
topics of campaign "All different - All equal"

The festival will be held on Trška Gora near Krško. Free camping will be

1. Films should not be longer than 10 minutes. Documentaries may be longer
than that, but the preferable duration is up to 25 minutes, due to the
limited projection time. The number of entries is not limited.

2. The languages of the Luksuz Film Festival are English and Slovenian.
Films of any other language should be subtitled in English.

3. Films may have originated in any format but must be submitted on miniDV
(PAL only) or DVD (PAL preferably).

4. Only films completed in 2006 and 2007 are eligible.

5. There is no entry fee.

6. DZMP is not able to send films back to the submitters. Each film
submitted will be included in the festival's archives, for the internal
use only.

7. Deadline for submissions is July 15th, 2007.

8. DZMP is not able to pay any rental or screening fee.

9. Each film will be previewed by the preview jury, which will select the
films to be shown at the Luksuz Film Festival.

10. Before August 25th, 2007, all submitters will be informed via e-mail
about the films selected for the Luksuz Film Festival.

11. Films selected for the Luksuz Film Festival 2007 will be (with autor's
agreement) taken into consideration for alternative microcinema
distribution in the network of Youth and Film clubs.


1. Short fiction (drama, comedy, action, any other genre)
2. Short animation (all kinds)
3. Documentary
4. Experimental

data limita: 15/07/07

Luksuz film festival
DZMP Krško
Cesta 4. julija 58
SI - 8270 Krško
luksuz.produkcija la gmail.com

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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