[Oberlist] AL* The Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE 2007

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Sām Noi 17 16:33:03 CET 2007

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From:    "TICA TIRANA INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART" <contact.tica la gmail.com>
Date:    Sat, November 17, 2007 17:21
To:      "Tina Finns" <tina.finnas la gmail.com>

For the english version please scroll down.....


Ēmimin pėr Artin Bashkėkohor ARDHJE

Ēmimi pėr Artin Bashkėkohor ARDHJE ėshtė veprimtaria mė e re nė skenėn
e artit shqiptar, e ideuar nė bashkėpunim me Fondacionin pėr Shoqėri
Civile nė New York dhe me mbėshtetjen e Akademsė sė Arteve tė Bukura
dhe Ambasadės Amerikane nė Tiranė.

Kjo ngjarje ėshtė konceptuar pėr tė ndihmuar dokumentimin, vlerėsimin
dhe mbėshtetjen pėr artistėt bashkėkohorė qė jetojnė dhe punojnė nė
Shqipėri. Ēmimi funksionon mbi bazėn e njė kėrkimi tė shtrirė nė
skenėn artistike shqiptare, nė mėnyrė qė pjesėmarrėsit tė jenė fryt i
njė pėrzgjedhjeje tė gjerė por cilėsore. Nė kėtė frymė, Ēmimi pėr
artin bashkėkohor ARDHJE do tė shėrbejė si njė hartė qė do tė ndjekė
zhvillimet e situatės artistike shqiptare, duke ofruar tė vetmen
metodė arkivimi tė zhvillimeve artistike nė Shqipėri, si dhe duke
luajtur rolin e njė ure komunikimi mes artistėve dhe publikut pėrmes
nxitjes sė diskutimit mbi zhvillimet e reja nė artin bashkėkohor
shqiptar. Artistėt e ftuar nė ēdo edicion tė kėtij ēmimi do tė
pėrfaqėsojnė njė shumėllojshmėri gjuhėsh tė artit bashkėkohor, si
video, fotografi, pikturė, instalacione, skulpturė, performancė,
tekst, etj.

Procesi pėr realizimin e Cmimit pėr Artin Bashkėkohor ARDHJE do tė
kalojė pėrmes njė periudhe tė ngjeshur kėrkimi, gjatė sė cilės stafi
organizator i TICA do tė zhvillojė vizita nė studio, takime dhe
pranime prezantimesh tė dokumentimit tė punės nga njė numur sa mė i
madh artistėsh qė jetojnė dhe punojnė nė Shqipėri. Nė mbarim tė kėtij
kėrkimi, stafi i TICA do tė pėrzgjedhė njė numur prej jo mė pak se 5
dhe jo mė shumė se 7 artistėsh me tė cilėt do tė organizohet ekspozita
e Cmimit ARDHJE, pranė galerisė sė Akademisė sė Arteve tė Bukura. Njė
Juri e pamvarur do tė shqyrtojė punėt e artistėve pjesėmarrės nė kėtė
ekspozitė, dhe do tė pėrzgjedhė artistin fitues. Artisti fitues fiton
tė drejtėn e njė rezidence artstike pėr 6 javė nė New York tė Shteteve
tė Bashkuara tė Amerikės. I vetmi kufizim nė procesin e kėrkimit dhe
pėrzgjedhjes paraprake ėshtė kufiri i moshės – tė gjithė artistėt e
vėzhguar apo pėrzgjedhur duhet tė jenė nėn moshėn 35 vjec.

Ēmimi pėr Artin Bashkėkohor ARDHJE realizohet nė bashkėpunim me
Fondacionin pėr Shoqėri Civile dhe me mbėshtetjen e Akademisė sė
Arteve tė Bukura dhe Ambasadės Amerikane nė Tiranė. Gjatė vitit 2007
programet e Institutit tė Artit Bashkėkohor, Tiranė kanė patur
partneritetin e European Cultural Foundation dhe mbėshtetjen e
Institutit tė Bienales sė Tiranės dhe OJF "Kultura nė Lėvizje". Pėr mė
shumė informacion apo pyetje tė mundėshme mbi Cmimin ARDHJE apo mbi
programet e IABT/TICA mos hezitoni tė na kontaktoni nė nr. e tel:
0692069011 apo nė adresėn e emailit: contact.tica la gmail.com


The Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE 2007

The Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE is the newest art event in the
Albanian contemporary art scene conceived in collaboration with the
Foundation for Civil Society in New York and supported by the Academy
of Fine Arts and the U.S.A. Embassy in Tirana.

This event aims at helping the documentation, evaluation and support
for the contemporary artists that live and work in Albania. The Award
is realized through an extensive research in the Albanian art scene,
bringing out qualities from a large selection process. Under this
light, the Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE will serve as of mapping the
Albanian contemporary art scene, providing the only form of archiving
of its development, as well as forge new relations between artists and
audience while promoting discussion on the role of art in society. The
work of the artists that will be invited will represent a multiplicity
of contemporary art expressions such as video, photography, painting,
installations, sculpture, performance, text, etc.

The process of the realisation of Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE will
consist of an intensive research period, during which the staff of
TICA will realize studio and gallery visits, meetings with artists and
research through publication and portfolio materials, of as big as
possible number of artists that live and work in Albania. In the end
of the research period TICA staff will select a number of not less
than 5 or not more than 7 artists whose works will be shown in the
ARDHJE Award exhibition to be held at the gallery of the Academy of
Fine Arts in Tirana. An independent Jury will be invited to consider
the works and award the prize. The winner of Contemporary Art Award
ARDHJE will gain a 6 weeks artist residency in New York City. The only
condition for participation in the preliminary research period is the
age limit of 35.

The Contemporary Art Award ARDHJE is realized in collaboration with
the Foundation for Civil Society, New York and through the support of
the Academy of Fine Arts and the U.S.A. Embassy in Tirana. During
2007, TICA's program has been supported by, European Cultural
Foundation, as well as the Institute of Tirana Biennale and "Moving
Culture" NGO. For more information or eventual questions on
Contemporary Art Prize ARDHJE don't hesitate to contact us at tel.
no.: 0692069011 or email at: contact.tica la gmail.com

TICA is founded and directed by:
TINA FINNÄS (artist and project leader)
JOA LJUNGBERG (curator and project leader)
MONICA MELIN (artist and project leader)
EDI MUKA (curator and project leader)
GEZIM QENDRO (curator and project leader)
STEFANO ROMANO (artist, curator and project leader)

info la tica-albania.org

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