[Oberlist] NL* CfP: Nationalism and Communism, Eastern European History and Eastern European Studies, Amsterdam, 25.4.2008

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [balkans] CfP: Nationalism and Communism, Eastern European
History and  Eastern European Studies, Amsterdam, 25.4.2008
From:    "Balkan Academic News" <balkans la gmx.net>
Date:    Sat, December 8, 2007 15:12
To:      balkans la yahoogroups.com

Workshop 'Nationalism and Communism'

Eastern European History and Eastern European Studies,
University of Amsterdam, 25 April 2008

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 nationalism suddenly resurfaced
in Eastern Europe, or so the common wisdom goes. This implies communism and
nationalism have little to do with each other. In reality, the communist
regimes of Europe all flew the national flag in order to gain popular
legitimacy. After 1948, the People's Republics of Central and Eastern
Europe constructed the state ideology of 'Socialist Patriotism', a
conscious blend of national and socialist imagery. Parties presented
themselves as heirs to national traditions, and as guardians of national
interests. They appropriated national symbols and heroes, and pursued
'national' policies whenever possible. This was not just the case in
Europe. From Cuba to Korea, communist parties and states presented
themselves as patriots. A national communist self-image was not the
exception, but the rule. It is surprising that the communist "invention of
tradition" and the socialist "imagined community" have been studied
relatively little. Though there is an extensive body of literature on the
relationship between communism and nationalism, the national element in
communist ideology has on the whole remained from view. This has changed in
recent years. Independent of one another, several excellent studies have
been published on attempts by communists in individual countries to gain
national legitimacy. This informal workshop aims to be a first step towards
a more comprehensive view. Students of nationalism, historians of
communism, specialists on Cold War history, as well as country or regional
experts, are invited to give their opinion.

Presenters of papers are welcome to concentrate on an individual state,
party, national symbol or policy, but are asked to place these in a broader
context. To what extent does 'Socialist Patriotism' fit into existing
theories of nationalism? Could communists actually be called
'nationalistic' or even 'nationalists'? Was the communist use of national
propaganda instrumental and exploitative, or was it founded on progressive
traditions of nationalism? How were national credentials of local parties
squared with proletarian internationalism and the alliance with other
communist countries? To what extent did communist parties construct ethnic
" enemies of the people"? In what way did anti-Semitism influence the
national credentials of communist parties? Was communist national
propaganda ultimately successful? These and other questions will be central
to the discussions at the meeting. A practical goal is take first steps
towards the organization of a larger workshop on this topic in 2009. This
is to culminate in an edited volume on nationalism and communism.

Please send proposals for papers (max 400 words) to dr. Martin Mevius
before 15 February 2008 (<mailto:m.mevius la uva.nl>m.mevius la uva.nl , Eastern
European History and Eastern European Studies, Postbus 134, 1012 VB
Amsterdam, tel +31205252269, Fax: +31 20 5252086).
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