[Oberlist] Out now on Mute: 'All Problems Will be Solved by the Masses' by Simon Yuill

Jaya yopapaya la gmail.com
Mar Feb 12 15:50:06 CET 2008

M | U | T | E | __ rrrrrread it!

______________________________ __________________07 February 08 _

We are proud to announce the winning essay of the Transmediale Vilém
Flusser Theory Award, co-commissioned by Mute and Goto10 [goto10.org]:

All Problems of Notation Will be Solved by the Masses

By Simon Yuill

If relational aesthetics and open source were always commercial, can the
musical score provide a way of thinking through different relationships
between creativity and code? The return to improvisation in 'livecoding'
draws parallels with experimental practices developed by maverick
musicians, programmers and educators from Sun Ra, The Art Ensemble of
Chicago and the Scratch Orchestra to Seymour Papert. Simon Yuill argues
that these 'distributive practices' are worth extending today

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