[Oberlist] LT* PLArTFORMA Festival

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Vin Apr 25 06:47:07 CEST 2008


Klaipeda, Lithuania, 5-7 September 2008

The non governmental cultural institution Fish Eye invites applications to
the fourth international festival of contemporary art PLArTFORMA, to be
held in Klaipeda, Lithuania on 5 - 7 September 2008.

The main idea of the festival is to combine the forms of visual and
performing arts as well as the artists from Lithuania and foreign
countries in one cultural platform. All the performances are presented in
the old buildings of the port and in the open air. The concept of the
festival is related to the geographical and metaphysical interpretations
of boundary zones. Artists are invited to interpret this concept freely:

The proposal/application deadline is 21 May 2008.

Contact: Agnija Šeiko, Festival Curator, tel.: + 370 611 14800; e-mail:
agnija77 la gmail.com, plartforma la gmail.com

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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