[Oberlist] LT* ART VILNIUS’09!

Oberliht info la oberliht.org.md
Mar Iul 15 23:28:31 CEST 2008


Vilnius is the European capital of culture 2009. One of the most important
and biggest events of this programme will be the first international art
fair ever held in the Baltic States – ART VILNIUS’09. The main purpose of
the fair is to show a broad and representative panorama of contemporary
art galleries in Vilnius, city with active artistic life. Our intention is
to provide podium for well-known and new galleries from Lithuania and the
neighbouring countries – Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Russia and Belarus, as
well as for important and promising established young galleries from more
remote art centres of the European Union.

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: oberliht
tel: + (373) 69171010
email: info la oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

----------------------------- Mesaj original -----------------------------
Subiect: Invitatie Vilnius
De la:   "Gabriela Ciumac" <gabriela.ciumac la pmc.md>
Data:    Mar, Iulie 15, 2008 14:23

  Buna ziua,

  Va rog sa faceti un forward celor caror credeti ca le va fi interesanta
informatia atasata.

  Cu multumiri,
  Gabriela Ciumac
  Sef, Directia Relatii Externe,
  Cooperare Regionala si
  Integrare Europeana.
  Primaria Municipiului Chisinau
  Tel: +37322 201504
  Tel/Fax: +37322 229140

  http://www.vilnius.eu, http://www.culturelive.lt/en/

  Acum si cu info atasata.
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