[Oberlist] SI* call: realization of collective artistic concepts

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Sâm Sep 13 16:08:56 CEST 2008

Razpis za skupinske umetniške koncepte

[English below]

9. - 18. oktober 2008, Maribor

Razpis za prijavo skupinskih umetniških konceptov nanagiriti.si

Razpis je namenjen vsem mladim vizualnim umetnikom, ki delujejo v Evropi,
šele zaèenjajo svojo umetniško kariero ali pa imajo za seboj že nekaj
Razpis je odprt za vse medije ustvarjanja. Posebno pozornost namenja
prostorsko vpetim, performativnim, aktivistiènim in socialno angažiranim
projektom. Pogoj so skupinska dela.
Tematsko išèemo konceptualne vizualne rešitve problematike mladih
umetnikov: eksistencialne, socialne, politiène, finanène, produkcijske 

Namen projekta Na nagi riti.si je spodbujati ustvarjalnost mladih
umetnikov na podroèju interdisciplinarne, sodobne vizualne umetnosti in
tako zagotoviti celosten vpogled v problematiko razvoja mladega umetnika
znotraj tržne, tehnološke, mobilne 
Na razpis pravoèasno prispeli in strokovno selekcionirani koncepti bodo
imeli v èasu festivala možnost prostorske realizacije v mestu Maribor
(ulice, trgi, fasade, podhodi 
). Organizator bo uredil potrebne
formalnosti na Mestni obèini Maribor za izvedbo projektov. Stroške in
odgovornosti za projekte pa nosijo avtorji.
Razstavo bo spremljala publikacija pa tudi drugo pestro dogajanje z
debatnimi zajtrki, delavnicami in koncerti.

Na razpis pošljite dokumentacijo predvidenega konceptualnega skupinskega
projekta: fotografije, video, teksti, skeni 
 Poslana dokumentacija bo
lahko uporabljena v promocijske namene projekta Na nagi riti.si in se
avtorjem ne vraèa.
Prijave pošljite na e-naslov info la nanagiriti.si. V zadevo napišite
„Prijava Nanagiriti.si 08“ in pripnite datoteke (doc, pdf, jpg) z
naslednjim poimenovanjem:

1. Kontakt_ime-skupine (vsebuje naj: imena in priimke avtorjev umetniške
skupine, poštni naslov, gsm in e-pošto)
2. Delo_naslov-dela (vsebuje naj: naslov dela, opis dela, koncept,
tehniène podatke)
3. CV__ime-skupine (vsebuje naj: biografijo vsakega avtorja na svoji strani)

ROK PRIJAVE 20. september 2008



info la nanagiriti.si


9th - 18th October 2008

Call for entries for the realization of collective artistic concepts

This call for entries is open to all young visual artists that work in
Europe, are at the beginning of their artistic careers, or who already
have some experiences behind themselves.

The call is also open to works in all the creative media. Special
attention, however, will be paid to spatially determined, performance,
activist and socially engaged projects. A condition for all entries is
that they are collective projects.

Thematically we are looking for conceptual visual solutions of young
artists that are existentially, socially, politically, and financially
engaged with problems of production 

The aim of the project Na nagi riti.si is to promote the creativity of
young artists working in the field of contemporary and interdisciplinary
visual arts and thus to ensure a holistic insight in to the problematics
of the development of a young artist working within a market based,
technological, mobile

Those entries that will arrive on time and that will be judged as
successful will have the opportunity of being spatially realized in the
city of Maribor (on its streets, squares, façades). The organizer will
arrange for all the formalities necessary for the realization of the
projects at the Municipality of Maribor. The fees of, and responsibilities
for, the projects themselves are, however, in the domain of their authors.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication as well as by diverse
other events such as debating breakfasts, workshops, and concerts.


Entries should be sent in the form of a documentation of your envisaged
conceptual collective project: photographies, videos, texts, scans, etc.
Documentation thus sent will be used for the promotional needs of Na nagi
riti.si and will not be returned to the authors.

Entries should be sent electronically to info la nanagiriti.si.Write “Entry
for Nanagiriti.si 08“ in the email subject line and also attach files
(doc, pdf, jpg) named in the following way:

1. Contact_name-of-the-group (this file should include the names and
surnames of the members of the artistic group wanting to participate, a
contact postal address, mobile phone number and email address).

2.Work_title-of-the-work (this file should contain the title of the work,
a description of the work, its concept, technical data and technical needs
connected to it).

3. CV__name-of-the-group (a short biography of each author participating
in the group on a separate page for each biography in question).

Final date for entries: 20th September 2008


info la nanagiriti.si

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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