[Oberlist] MD* INTERVENTII3 - ARThotel, Chisinau 11/12/2008

Oberliht info la oberliht.org.md
Mar Dec 9 19:56:23 CET 2008

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interventii artistice in spatiul public

dezbatere pe marginea viitorului proiectului INTERVENTII

11 decembrie 2008  |  16:00
str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, Chisinau
proiect realizat de Asociatia Oberliht

– lansarea catalogului
– proiectia filmului INTERVENTII3

Director de proiect, curator – Vladimir US
Co-curator – Natasa BODROZIC
+ 373 69 171010

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova ”Oberliht” va invita pe data de 11 decembrie 2008 la prezentarea catalogului si proiectia versiunii finale a filmului INTERVENTII3. Prezentarea va fi urmata de o discutie pe marginea rezultatelor obtinute in cadrul acestui proiect, impactului produs de acesta asupra vietii artistice din Moldova si viitorului acestui proiect.

Prezentarea va avea loc la orele 16:00 la ARThotel, care este un spatiu deschis recent creatiei si schimbului artistic al carui forta motrice o constituie artistii si practicile lor. El a fost lansat in august 2008 cu un proiect realizat de Dan PERJOVSCHI in premiera la Chisinau, care poate fi vizitat pina pe data de 20 decembrie 2008.

Coordonat de Asociatia Oberliht, ARThotel gazduieste un program de resedinte de scurta durata pentru artisti si arte vizuale – un spatiu de productie, creatie, difuzare, formare, dezbateri etc. cu posibilitatea extinderii domeniului acoperit catre alte discipline in viitor.


In luna august anul curent, orasul Chisinau si suburbiile sale au gazduit proiectul de arta contemporana INTERVENTII3, un program de evenimente axate pe arta in spatiul public. In proiect au fost implicati peste treizeci de participanti din Moldova, Romania, Croatia, Germania si Franta – invitati, in cadrul unei resedinte de scurta durata, sa elaboreze lucrari care sa reflecte asupra proceselor ce influenteaza si modeleaza, la zi, spatiul public al Chisinaului, structura vizuala a orasului, memoria si experienta vietii cotidiene a locuitorilor lui.

Activitatile lor se regasesc sub forma unui catalog, in numerele 6 si 7 al revistei STARE de URGENTA / Supliment Oberliht si intr-un film.

Proiectul a constat din citeva faze: plimbari exploratorii prin oras si suburbii, prezentari publice urmate de discutii, elaborarea si crearea lucrarilor artistice, Ghidighici GRAFFITI session si inaugurarea ARThotel-ului – un spatiul dedicat creatiei si schimbului artistic. Cu aceasta ocazie Chisinau a fost vizitat de unii dintre cei mai cunoscuti artisti romani – Dan PERJOVSCHI, Vlad NANCA, Nicu ILFOVEANU etc., care au produs lucrari inca accesibile publicul larg.

Proiectul a jucat si rolul unei platforme de cercetare a practicilor sub-culturale existente in contextul urban (graffiti si street art, circulatia libera a bunurilor culturale etc.) ca forma de rezistenta in fata procesului coplesitor de comercializare a spatiului public. Drept efect secundar in orasul Chisinau pot fi vazute diverse exemple de street art.

Totul incepe la orele 16:00

Locul si ora de intilnire este 15:45 in fata la ”Andy`s Pizza” de la Telecentru, str. Docuceaev nr. 1 (din partea strazii Gh. Asachi), dupa care se va merge la ARThotel, pe adresa str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. “A”, Chisinau.

Pentru informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa vizitati pagina web http://www.oberliht.org.md sau sa ne contactati la telefoanele indicate mai sus.


Ludmila BOUROS – artist [md]
Michele BRESSAN – artist, fotograf [ro]
Ion BUZU – poet, anarhist [md]
Vlad CADAR – artist [ro]
Angela CANDU – artist [md]
Alexandru CIUBOTARIU – artist [ro]
Catharina COCH – regizor de film [de]
Alexandru COSMESCU – poet [md]
Nicoleta ESINENCU – dramaturg [md]
Tatiana FIODOROVA – artist [md]
Ion FISTICANU – artist [md]
Stephane IBARS – curator [fr]
Nicu ILFOVEANU – artist, fotograf [ro]
Vadim LUNGUL – poet, situationist [md]
Vlad NANCA – artist, curator [ro]
Mircea NICOLAE – artist [ro]
No Shagga: Serghei TERENTII – voce, Mihai GITU – chitara, Sergiu ZGARDAN – chitara [md]
Dan PERJOVSCHI – artist [ro]
Alina POPA – artist, fotograf [ro]
Andy SINBOY – artist [es/uk/ro]
Larisa SITAR – artist [ro]
Stefan TIRON – traficant de informatie [ro]
Mark VERLAN – artist [md]
Vladimir US – artist, curator [md]
2 + 2: Alexandru RAEVSCHI & Ruxanda STEFANOV – artisti [md]

Ghidighici GRAFFITI session
Nicu BOUROS [md] | Vlad CADAR [ro] | Alexandru CIUBOTARIU [ro] | Victor DRAGHICI [md] | Constantin DRUTA [md] | Evghenii [md] | Ilie HADIRCA [md] | Vadim LUNGUL [md] | Andy SINBOY [ro/es/en] | Constantin SARCOV [md] | Dorin SAVCO [md] | Vadim TIGANAS [md] | Petia VINARI [md]


UNAgaleria este spatiul expozitional al Universitatii Nationale de Arte din Bucuresti, proiectat ca punct de contact, sprijinire si informare al studentilor, cadrelor didactice, invitatilor si partenerilor nostri. Aici se organizeaza expozitii, conferinte, ateliere deschise si mese rotunde care promoveaza imaginea universitatii si calitatea exercitiului teoretic si practic–expozitional. In fiecare an, aici au loc aproximativ 20 de expozitii de arta romaneasca si internationala, insotite de dezbateri teoretice si de ateliere de discutie. Se acorda atentie egala fiecarui limbaj artistic – pictura, sculptura, arte decorative, fotografie, arta video, obiect, instalatie, performance etc, prezentate fie in cadrul unor manifestari de grup, fie ca expozitii personale – un accent deosebit avandu-l proiectele interdisciplinare.
Programul anual al galeriei se lanseaza prin sesiuni de proiecte semestriale; propunerile vin din partea studentilor sau a cadrelor didactice ale universitatii ori din partea unor artisti si curatori invitati.

Revista STARE de URGENTA se doreste un spatiu interactiv oferit diferitor grupuri de creatie exponente ale culturii romanesti. Proiectul de revista Stare de Urgenta uneste un numar mare de scriitori, artisti, intelectuali, critici literari, din Romania si din Republica Moldova, dar si din alte regiuni unde se inregistreaza prezenta unei culturi literare si artistice inovatoare, astfel facilitind interactiunea intre acestea prin stabilirea unor contacte directe, incurajarea unor proiecte de colaborare si schimb cultural, identificarea si promovarea tinerelor talente, informarea si formarea unui nou cititor, promovarea literaturii si artei cu implicatii sociale.
Incepind cu decembrie 2007 Asociatia Oberliht editeaza suplimentul Oberliht, un spatiu de 4 pagini A3 dedicat artei si culturii contemporane din Moldova, care apare impreuna cu revista Stare de Urgenta. 


ARThotel (str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. “A”, Chisinau)
ARThotel este un spatiu deschis recent creatiei si schimbului artistic din orasul Chisinau al carui forta motrice o constituie artistii si practicile lor. El s-a lansat in august 2008 cu un proiect realizat de Dan PERJOVSCHI.
Coordonat de Asociatia Oberliht, ARThotel gazduieste un program de resedinte de scurta durata pentru artisti si arte vizuale – un spatiu de productie, creatie, difuzare, formare, dezbateri etc. cu posibilitatea extinderii domeniului acoperit catre alte discipline in viitor.

Ferma din Ghidighici (satul Ghidighici, mun. Chisinau)
In satul Ghidighici, o suburbie a Chisinaului, unul dintre peretii fostului colhoz a fost acoperit de graffiti, estompind astfel limita dintre mediile urbane si cele rurale. Ceea ce reprezenta inainte un bun agricultural comun a devenit un loc de actiune comuna a unui grup de artisti graffiti localnici si invitati. Peretele peste care s-a intervenit reprezinta astazi o expozitie in aer liber, care poate fi vizitata la orice ora a zilei.

Circul din Chisinau (bd. Renasterii 33, Chisinau)
Circul din Chisinau a gazduit prezentarea finala a proiectului INTERVENTII3. Reactivat de un grup international de artisti implicati pe parcursul lunilor august si septembrie 2008 la realiizarea proiectului SYNAPSES (http://www.project-synapses.eu), Circul Municipal, dupa 5 ani de pauza, devine o platforma utilizata de diverse grupuri si organizatii active din Chisinau.

Radio Europa Libera

Director de Proiect

Vladimir US
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Coordinator de proiect

Gheorghe ZUGRAVU
tel: + /373/ 68 289364

mai multe detalii despre etapele 1 si 2 a proiectului INTERVENTII desfasurate anterior gasiti aici:

INTERVENTII2   |   2007   |   http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii2.html
INTERVENTII1   |   2006 – 2007   |   http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii/index.html

Proiectul INTERVENTII3 este organizat in parteneriat cu UNAgaleria/Bucuresti, revista de literatura, arta si atitudine STARE de URGENTA/Chisinau, Alianta Franceza din Moldova si Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau [ksa:k] si finantat de Uniunea Latina (biroul din Republica Moldova), Institutul Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR, Fundatia Culturala Europeana si Henkel Romania.


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artistic interventions in public space

public debate about the future of the project INTERVENTIONS

December 11, 2008  |  4 pm
53/1, lit. "A", Gh. Asachi str., Chisinau
a project by Oberliht Association

– launch of the catalogue
– film projection

Project director, curator – Vladimir US
Co-curator – Natasa BODROZIC
contact: + 4 0744 680 622 (RO)
 + 373 69 171010  (MD)

Moldova Young Artists Asociation “Oberilht” invites you on 11th of December 2008 to take part in the launch of the catalogue and screening of the final version of the documentary film INTERVENTIONS3. The presentation will be followed by a debate about the results obtained during the project, the impact that this project had over the cultural life in Moldova and the future of this project.

The presentation will take place at 4 pm at ARThotel, a space recently open for creation and cultural exchange whose driving force constitute the artists and their practices. It opened in August 2008 with a project by Dan PERJOVSCHI presented for the first time in Chisinau.

Run by Oberliht Association it will primarily host visual art(ists) for short term residencies, creation, production, diffusion, workshops, debates with the possibility to open towards other disciplines in the future.


The INTERVENTIONS3, artistic project dealing with public space took place in the city of Chisinau and its surroundings throughout August this year. The project gathered more than thirty participants from Moldova, Romania, Croatia, Germany and France who stayed in the city for a short term residency creating art works and reflecting over the processes producing Chisinau’s public space today, the city's visual structure, the memory and experience of its inhabitants' everyday life.

Their stay is documented in the catalogue of the project, in two different issues of STATE of EMERGENCY magazine / Oberliht Supplement and a in the film that is going to be shown on this occasion.

The project consisted of several phases: city walks, artists’ projects, public presentations and discussions, Ghidighici GRAFFITI session and opening to the public of ARThotel – a space for artistic production and exchange. Leading Romanian artists visited Chisinau and created work exclusively for this occasion (Dan PERJOVSCHI, Vlad NANCA, Nicu ILFOVEANU etc.), some of which are still accessible to the visitors. The project was also exploring sub-cultural urban practices (graffiti and street art, free cultural goods flux) as a form of resistance to overwhelming processes of commercialization of public space. As a side effect, througout the city of Chisinau various examples of street art can be found.

Everything begins at 4 pm

Meeting point and time is 3:45 pm in front of “Andy's Pizza” at Telecentru, Docuceaev str. nr. 1 (entrance from Gh. Asachi str.), after that we will walk toward “ARThotel”, Gh. Asachi str. 53/1, lit. “A”, Chisinau.

For more detailes about the project please visit our web site http://www.oberliht.org.md or contact us by the phone numbers stated above.


Ludmila BOUROS – artist [md]
Michele BRESSAN – artist, photographer [ro]
Ion BUZU – poet, anarchist [md]
Vlad CADAR – artist [ro]
Angela CANDU – artist [md]
Alexandru CIUBOTARIU – artist [ro]
Catharina COCH – film director [de]
Alexandru COSMESCU – poet [md]
Nicoleta ESINENCU – play writer [md]
Tatiana FIODOROVA – artist [md]
Ion FISTICANU – artist [md]
Stephane IBARS – curator [fr]
Nicu ILFOVEANU – artist, photographer [ro]
Vadim LUNGUL – poet, situationist [md]
Vlad NANCA – artist, curator [ro]
Mircea NICOLAE – artist [ro]
No Shagga: Serghei TERENTII – voice, Mihai GITU – guitar, Sergiu ZGARDAN – guitar [md]
Dan PERJOVSCHI – artist [ro]
Alina POPA – artist, photographer [ro]
Andy SINBOY – artist [es/uk/ro]
Larisa SITAR – artist [ro]
Stefan TIRON – information smuggler [ro]
Mark VERLAN – artist [md]
Vladimir US – artist, curator [md]
2 + 2: Alexandru RAEVSCHI & Ruxanda STEFANOV – artists [md]

Ghidighici GRAFFITI session
Nicu BOUROS [md] | Vlad CADAR [ro] | Alexandru CIUBOTARIU [ro] | Victor DRAGHICI [md] | Constantin DRUTA [md] | Evghenii [md] | Ilie HADIRCA [md] | Vadim LUNGUL [md] | Andy SINBOY [ro/es/en] | Constantin SARCOV [md] | Dorin SAVCO [md] | Vadim TIGANAS [md] | Petia VINARI [md]


UNAgaleria is an exhibition space of the National University of Art from Bucharest that serves as a contact point, place of information for students, professors, guests and partners. Its activities include organization of exhibitions, conferences, open workshops and round tables that promote the image of the university and the quality of the theoretic exercise and exhibition practice. Every year the gallery hosts about 20 Romanian and international art exhibitions, with theoretical debates and workshops. It gives equal attention to every artistic language – painting, sculpture, decorative arts, photography, video, installation, performance, etc, that are present in group manifestations, or personal exhibitions – an important accent is on interdisciplinary projects.
The annual program of the gallery is launched through projects related to University program schedule; the proposals come from students or professors from the university or from artist and curators that are invited. 

STATE of EMERGENCY magazine aims to become an interactive space run by different creative groups relevant for Romanian culture. The project State of Emergency unites a big number of writers, artists, intellectuals, literary critics from Romania and Republic of Moldova, but also from other regions where the presence of an artistic and literary innovative culture is registered, in this way enabling the interaction between them by establishing direct contacts, encouraging cultural cooperation and exchange projects, identifying and promoting young talents, informing and forming new readers, promoting literature and art with a strong social focus.
Beginning with December 2007 Oberliht Association is editing the Oberliht supplement, a 4 pages A3 space dedicated to contemporary art and culture from Moldova, that appears together with State of Emergency magazine. 


ARThotel (Gh. Asachi str., nr. 53/1, lit. “A”, Chisinau)
ARThotel is a space for artistic creation and exchange in the city of Chisinau whose driving force constitute the artists and their practices. It opened in August 2008 with a project by Dan PERJOVSCHI realized in the frame of INTERVENTIONS3 project. The exhibition is open to the public and is possible to be visited till December 20, 2008 by contacting the organizers at: + 373 69 171010
Run by Oberliht Association it will primarily host visual art(ists) for short term residencies, creation, production, diffusion, workshops, debates with the possibility to open towards other disciplines in the future.

The farm in Ghidighici (Ghidighici village, Chisinau municipality)
In the village of Ghidighici, a suburb of Chisinau, a wall of ex kolkhoz was to be covered with graffiti, blurring this way the limits between the urban and rural environments. What used to be communal agricultural good now became a place of joint action by a group of local and invited graffiti artists. The wall today represents an exhibition in open air and is possible to be visited in any time of the day.

Chisinau Circus (bd. Renasterii 33, Chisinau)
Chisinau Circus will host the final presentation of the INTERVENTIONS3 project. Re-activated by an international group of artists involved throughout August and September 2008 in the realization of SYNAPSES project (http://www.project-synapses.eu), the Municipal Circus, after a pause of 5 years, becomes a platform used by different groups and organizations active in Chisinau.

Radio Free Europe

Project director

Vladimir US
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Project coordinator

Gheorghe ZUGRAVU
tel: + /373/ 68 289364

For more detailes about the 1st and 2nd phaze of INTERVENTIONS project please visit these pages: 

INTERVENTIONS2   |   2007   |   http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii2.html
INTERVENTIONS1   |   2006 – 2007   |   http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii/index.html

The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with UNAgaleria / Bucharest, STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and attitude / Chisinau, French Alliance from Moldova and Center for Contemporay Art, Chisinau, with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from Republic of Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR Programme, European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania.

Vladimir US

INTERVENTII3 | director de proiect


Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: oberliht
mobile: + (373) 69171010
mailto:info la oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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