[Oberlist] Ru* Dialog Der Kulturen [Dialogue of Cultures] 2009 - Youth international project week

gheorghe la oberliht.org.md gheorghe la oberliht.org.md
Mie Dec 10 13:17:16 CET 2008

Dialog Der Kulturen [Dialogue of Cultures] 2009

Youth international project week

We invite youth educating and/or cultural projects concerning social and worldview problems to take part.
    What problems are you concerned with: the development of modern town? The place of culture in the society? Education? How to counteract xenophobia and discrimination? Gender problems?

Forms of projects: workshops, presentations, research projects, art exhibitions, installations, theater actions, photo- and film projects.
The project may be run both by a group and by a single person.

Compulsory conditions:

    * The reveal/analysis of any problem (social, worldview), alternatives and vivid art form.
    * Projects, implying international cooperation during the Dialog of Cultures2009 are most welcome
    * The project should be fulfilled during a week from 20 till 27 of March

Possible topics:

    * The development of modern town (social town, place of culture in town, commercialization)
    * The development of culture (the decrease of its level, the prevailing of commercial offer, subcultures)
    * The counteraction to xenophobia, the development of tolerance
    * Problems of modern mass-media, their influence on society
    * Relations between individuals and society (the freedom of personality, choice, religion, citizens’ solidarity)

Participants: young people to 35 years
Duration: 20-27 March
Place: Murmansk
You are free to apply until 15 of December 2008
MRYSM “Youth humanistic movement”
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Demokratische JugendFourum Brandenburg
Roter Baum e.V. Leipzig
Murmansk Regional Youth Department
Murmansk Regional Palace of Culture in honour of  Kirov

More info: dialogmurmansk.ru   

Gheorghe ZUGRAVU
Coordonator [Oberlist]
Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373) 68289364
email: gheorghe la oberliht.org.md
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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