[Oberlist] call for 'non western artists'
Freek Lomme
info la freeklomme.com
Lun Mar 2 16:13:36 CET 2009
Dear ,
I've been invited to curate a fair for non western art, to be realized
in November this year in Tilburg, Netherlands.
We focus on artists working in area's of the world that are in need of
cultural support and/or economic stimuli.
Thematic perspective
We focus on Other perspectives on cultural validation, both in the
economic as the cultural meaning of the word as to consider 'the
cultural value in a real economy'. We're still working on this.
We're searching for artist portfolio's, preferably from artists
working out there with the thematically perspective mentioned.
Together with a committee of advisors, we will select artists. By mid
April, we will let the respondents to the call know if they are in or
not. We will also notify them on what we can offer more specific.
Below a letter on behalf of the organization: please spread it around!
maybe you could help us spreading the word, or know a artist fitting
the profile: any way: all assistance is welcome!
kind regards and many thanks!
Freek Lomme
freelance curator and writer
frederiklaan 79
5616 ND Eindhoven
The Netherlands
info la freeklomme.com
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