[Oberlist] FR* evnt/expo: Rena Raedle & Vladan Jeremic, Psychogeographical Research, CCS

oberlist mailing list ober at emdash.org
Sun Apr 19 07:44:04 CEST 2009

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: >top Rena Raedle & Vladan Jeremić, Centre culturel de Serbie,
Paris, Opening: Saturday, 25th of April 2009, 7 p.m.
From:    "various euro" <e la various-euro.com>
Date:    Thu, April 16, 2009 23:03
To:      "top list" <top-list la top-ev.de>

Exhibition: Psychogeographical Research
Rena Raedle & Vladan Jeremić

25th of April until 14th of March

Centre culturel de Serbie
123, rue Saint Martin 75004 Paris
M°Châtelet / Rambuteau

*Opening: Saturday, 25th of April 2009, 7 p.m.*

*Raedle & Jeremić* call their artistic practice "OUT-Praxa" or
"Psychogeographical Research", with the latter being a clear reference
to the situationist neologism of psychogeography. It suits perfectly
that their exhibition in Paris takes place at the very place where Guy
Debord and his friends strolled around, before part of the quarter was
torn down and the area gentrificated in the late 50ies. In the Belgrade
of today the cleansing of the so-called "unhygienic" settlements of
thousands of Roma families is the declared strategy for urban development.

A documentary video *“Belleville”* about the recent tearing down of Roma
houses by the Belgrade authorities and the following protests in front
of the city hall is one part of the exhibitions' section about work with
the Roma community in Serbia.

Six photographs from the *"Monument Series - Unforgettable Moments in
the Life of New Belgrade Workers"* tell a story about people's destiny
in times of harsh economic transition. According to their typical
approach, Raedle and Jeremić take over the role of workers in the given
situation. Avoiding the phenomenological distance of the camera, they
open space for personal experience and fictional dimensions of reality.

*“Under the Bridge Beograd”* is a complex research project about the
city space of Belgrade (2004), which makes use of the potential of
different perspectives and social relations within the city, involving a
bigger number of participants: Alexander Nikolic, Rena Raedle, Ricarda
Wallhaeuser, Maja Ciric, Karin Laansoo, Hanno Soans, Sinisa Cvetkovic,
Dragan Ignjatov, Zorica Jovanovic, Stephan Kurr, Vladan Jeremic, Predrag
Miladinovic, Tanja Ostojic, Dr Agan Papic, Ivana Rankovic, David Rych,
Milica Lapcevic, Minna L. Henriksson, Peter Jap Lim, Sezgin Boynik,
Matthias Roth, Thomas Crane and Anna Balint. One of the numerous walks
or interventions was meeting under the bridge of the motorway that
connects the old and the new part of Belgrade. The gathering turned into
a big happening that should last eight hours, when the inhabitants of
the slum, Roma and refugees, invited all present to light a fire in
their neighborhood.

The opening starts with the assembling of *"SENDI"*, which establishes a
channel for communication in non-standardized languages. Guest artist
and sound contributor at the opening is *various euro*
( http://www.various-euro.com ) from Berlin.

*Rena Raedle and Vladan Jeremić* (http://raedle-jeremic.modukit.com)
work together since 2002, detecting, researching and commenting societal
conditions and changes in Belgrade and elsewhere. They use art as one
possible format for radical criticism and take an active public position
in different fields of social activism.

The event is kindly supported by The Ministry of Culture of republic of
Serbia and top e.V. Berlin

top e.V. Mailingliste
top-list la top-ev.de

top - Verein zur Förderung kultureller Praxis e.V.
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