[Oberlist] Loose Associations/ Lines of movement: Bucharest/ HDLU, 13.05. 19.00 Zagreb, Croatia

natasa bodrozic abodrozi at gmail.com
Wed May 13 03:32:49 CEST 2009

*HDLU, predavaona*

*Srijeda, 13.05. 2009.*

*19.00 sati*


#scroll down for English

*Slobodne veze/Loose Associations*

*Linije kretanja: Bukurešt*

*Vlad Nancă (gostovanje umjetnika)*

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*Vlad Nancă (Bukurešt,1979.) jedan je od ključnih aktera mlađe rumunjske
umjetničke scene. Njegov se rad vezuje uz potragu za novim modusima
zajedništva nasuprot strogo individualiziranoj umjetničkoj produkciji, s
ciljem kolektivnog promišljanja aktualnih društvenih okolnosti, proizvodnje
umjetnosti, njezinog značenja i kanala distribucije.*

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*Kao umjetnik, Nancă reagira na drastične promjene u novijoj rumunjskoj
povijesti i njihove utjecaje na svakodnevni život, a  ključna riječ je
dokumentiranje. Nancina fotografija (uglavnom studije trivijalnih pojava
urbanog iskustva) preuzima ulogu bilježenja brzine promjene, ali i stvaranja
novih značenja. *

*Njegovi radovi poput "Original Adidas", (par svinjskih nožica s tipičnim
Adidas prugama) ili "Dacia- 30 godina društvene povijesti" snažna su i
nadasve duhovita "alegorija mentalnog i ekonomskog stanja čitave jedne
zemlje". *

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*Vlad Nancă pokretač je brojnih akcija usmjerenih na stvaranje okvira "nove
rumunjske umjetničke scene", među kojima je i ona naziva "2020.", koja
uključuje projekte "kućnih galerija" (Home gallery), mailing diskusijskih
lista (Incepaem) i fanzina, te "Romanian stencil archive". Riječ je o
ekstenzivnoj dokumentaciji stencilsa na zidovima i fasadama većih rumunjskih
gradova koji su "eksplodirali" vizualnim znakovima u post-Ceausescuovo doba
i postali jedno od prepoznatljivijih obilježja urbanog pejsaža suvremene
Rumunjske. Sam naziv projekta, odnosno brojka 2020. odnosi se na ironični
credo sudionika da će Rumunjska biti epicentar "art svijeta" 2020. godine. *

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*Vlad Nancă govorit će o svome radu, "Rumunjskom stencil arhivu" i Bukureštu
danas. Prezentacija i diskusija bit će na engleskom jeziku.*

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**Program "Slobodne veze" realiziraju Nataša Bodrožić i Ivana Meštrov u
suradnji s Galerijom PM/HDLU*


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*Loose associations, contemporary art practices on the international scene
today* is the project

dealing with critical research on current art practices and potentials of
their wider reception. It has been running in Zagreb since 2007.

This year's program has a part of Eastern Europe in focus. By adopting
documentary view of the passenger, who is visiting this area, trying to
record at least some of the stories from these trips, we intend to sketch a
map of possible movements to the east, after our compass, previously, almost
as a rule, has been pointing to the west.

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Processes of transformation in the space colloquially marked as a
postsocialist Europe are far from uniform. The formerly communist and
socialist countries each experienced this epoch in different ways and thus
also produced very divergent cultural and art scenes.

In several editions, presentations and gallery projects, we will try to
bring closer contemporary artistic production from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova
and Romania.


*The lines of movement: Bucharest*

*Guest artist:  Vlad Nanca*

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Vlad Nancă (Bucharest, 1979.) is one of the key actors of the Romanian art
scene. His work is related to the search for the new modes of collectiveness
versus strictly individualized artistic production, with the purpose of
collective reflection upon current social circumstances, the production of
art, its meaning and distribution channels.

As an artist, Nancă reacts to drastic changes in the recent history of
Romania, and their effects on everyday life, and the keyword is-
documentation. Nanca's photography takes over the role of recording the
speed of change, in the same time creating new meanings.
His other works such as "Original Adidas" (a couple of pork leg with typical
Adidas stripes) or "Dacia-30 years of social history" have been strong and
above all humorous, "allegory of the mental and economic state of an entire

Vlad Nancă will speak about his work, "Romanian Stencil Archive" and
Bucharest today.

*The Loose Association project is realized by Ivana Meštrov and Nataša
Bodrožić in collaboration with Gallery PM/Croatian Visual Artists

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nataša bodrožić
slobodne veze/loose associations
vinogradska 34
10 000 zagreb

tel: + 385 91 763 2983
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