[Oberlist] RO* Reminder CALL FOR ARTISTS

Silvia Costin silviapictor at yahoo.com
Thu May 21 06:00:20 CEST 2009

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Apel de participare 

Tabara Internationala de Pictura - Tescani 2009 
Proiectul Spatii citate 

MUZEUL NATIONAL « GEORGE ENESCU », in colaborare cu Sectia „Dumitru si Alice Rosetti - Tescanu - George Enescu” (Tescani, Bacau) si Complexul Muzeal „Iulian Antonescu” Bacau, invita artisti din Romania si din strainatate sa participe la Tabara Internationala de Pictura - Tescani 2009. Instituita organizatoare va asigura artistilor participanti, cazarea integrala si masa, precum si materiale de lucru.
Perioada si locul de desfasurare: 1 - 21 august 2009, Sectia „Dumitru si Alice Rosetti - Tescanu - George Enescu”, localitatea Tescani, jud. Bacau 
Locuri disponibile: 12, dintre care 6 pentru artisti straini si 6 pentru artisti din Romania 
Data limita de inscriere (termen prelungit): 30 mai 2009 (data postei) 
Date generale 
Proiectul face parte din seria programelor de rezidente artistice pe care Muzeul National „George Enescu” le desfasoara incepand cu anul 2007 si a caror finalitate o reprezinta incurajarea creatiei contemporane in domeniul muzicii, literaturii si artelor plastice. Organizate sub forma unor ateliere de creatie, rezidentele se desfasoara la sediul Sectiei „Dumitru si Alice Rosetti-Tescanu – George Enescu" si presupun importante participari artistice, nationale si internationale, precum si parteneriate cu diverse institutii: ProHelvetia, Institutul Cultural Roman si Complexul Muzeal „Iulian Antonescu” Bacau. 
Concept / Finalitate 
Proiectul de fata urmareste sa genereze si sa faciliteze schimburile culturale si artistice, promovand mobilitatea artistilor si interactiunea, ca modalitate unica pentru artist de a-si imbogati experienta. Proiectul este destinat artistilor interesati de diversitatea mediilor de exprimare in pictura, grafica si ilustratie. Se subliniaza importanta procesului de elaborare, ca element determinant în explorarea unor noi modalitati de expresie. 
In cadrul taberei, artistii rezidenti au posibilitatea de a dezvolta proiecte personale, pornind de la tema propusa, precum si de a colabora cu artisti locali si internationali. 
La finalul proiectului este prevazuta organizarea unei expozitii de grup in Bucuresti, precum si realizarea unui catalog. 
Tema Spatii citate 
Tema face referire la conceptul general de spatiu, din perspectiva fenomenului de extindere a spatiului urban, fapt ce presupune o reinventare si o recontextualizare a notiunii (de spatiu). A gandi un spatiu inseamna a-l organiza. 
Tema propune explorarea diferitelor perceptii asupra spatiului, sugerand interpretari deconstructive, abandonarea cadrului, interferarea, s.a., fara sa excluda metafora sau calitatile iluzioniste. Se incurajeaza specularea tuturor tipurilor de tensiuni, reactii si emotii ce apar atunci cand sunt confruntate conventiile istorice de reprezentare si descriere a spatiului, cu perceptiile subiective si arbitrare. 
Termeni cheie: imagini manipulate, elemente care subliniaza natura arhitecturala a spatiului, utilizarea unor module figurative sau abstracte care sa sugereze spatii în miscare. 
Dosarele de inscriere pot fi trimise prin e-mail la urmatoarea adresa, pana pe 30 mai 2009: transfer.tescani la gmail.com 
sau, direct prin posta, la adresa de mai jos. 
Dosarele de inscriere trebuie sa cuprinda: 
- un curriculum vitae (inclusiv date de contact) 
- o fotografie recenta 
- o propunere de proiect pe marginea temei ( max. 1 pagina) 
- 7 fotografii cu lucrari reprezentative, recente (in format jpeg, pentru aplicatiile trimise pe e-mail) 
Institutia organizatoare 
MUZEUL NATIONAL « GEORGE ENESCU » cuprinde, pe langa sediul central din Bucuresti, alte două sectii, institutii muzeale dedicate compozitorului George Enescu, anume : Vila Luminis (Sinaia, jud. Prahova) si Sectia « Dumitru si Alice Rosetti Tescanu – George Enescu » (loc. Tescani, jud. Bacau) . 
Sectia „Dumitru si Alice Rosetti Tescanu – George Enescu”, Tescani, jud. Bacau 
Plasata într-un cadru natural deosebit, în apropierea unei zone montane de interes turistic, sectia funcţionează într-un fost conac boieresc, care a apartinut Printesei Maria Cantacuzino, soţia compozitorului George Enescu, donat de catre acestia statului roman in vederea infiintarii unui asezamant cultural. 
Astazi, sectia „Dumitru si Alice Rosetti Tescanu – George Enescu" este cunoscuta ca fiind un spatiu consacrat, care, prin istoricul si imprejurimile sale, prezintă o oferta bogata în materie de peisaj si cultura. 
Sectia gazduieste, anual, programe internationale de rezidente pentru artisti plastici, scriitori, muzicieni, stagiuni de concerte, precum si diverse ateliere si scoli de vară, festivaluri si conferinte. 
Cazare si conditii de lucru 
Institutia organizatoare va asigura artistilor selectati cazare integrala, incluzand 3 mese pe zi, materiale de lucru, cheltuielile de transport pe teritoriul Romaniei, un atelier comun, utilat. 
- cazare in camere single (in regim de pensiune) 
- 3 mese/zi (bucatarie romaneasca si internationala) 
- materiale de lucru 
- un atelier comun, echipat 
- suport tehnic: computer, laptop, dvd player, tv, video proiector 
- cheltuielile de transport doar pe teritoriul Romaniei 

aici pot fi vazute imagini cu spatiile de cazare: http://transferproject2008.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html 
- Artisti profesionisti din Romania si din strainatate, activi in domeniile: pictura, grafica, ilustratie, interesati de dezvoltarea extensiilor picturale in procesul tehnic si tematic. 
- Nu exista limita de varsta 
Participanţii vor fi selectati de catre un juriu format din curatori si critici de arta. 
Conditii de participare 
- la finalul proiectului, fiecare participant va trebui sa ofere institutiei doua lucrari, destinate colectiei muzeului 
- fiecare participant va semna un contract cu institutia organizatoare, prin care va accepta conditiile de participare 
- abilitati de comunicare in lb. engleza 
- artistii straini vor trebui sa-si asigure cheltuielile de transport, precum si sa-si procure asigurarea de sanatate 
- Participantii la proiect vor semna un contract cu institituia organizatoare, privind respectarea regulilor ce tin de buna desfasurare a proiectului 
- Copyright: 
Drepturile de copyright ale lucrarilor realizate de catre artisti in cadrul proiectului, vor apartine atat autorilor cat si Muzeului National George Enescu si presupun urmatoarele aspecte: 
a) posibilitatea fotografierii si filmarii video a lucrarilor realizate, precum si libera publicare si difuzare a acestora (publicatii tiparite si online) 
b) expunerea lucrarilor sau proiectarea video, in cadrul expozitiilor sau proiectelor destinate publicului larg, realizate de catre institutia organizatoare 
c) includerea lucrarilor in albume, cataloage si brosuri de specialitate, impreuna cu alte lucrari de arta si libera distributie a acestora 
Adresa postala: 
Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, nr. 141, sector 1 
Tel: (021) 318.14.50 
e-mail: office la georgeenescu.ro 

Persoana de contact 
Silvia Costin - artist & coordinator de proiect 
e-mail: transfer.tescani la gmail.com 

International  Painting  Camp - Tescani 2009 
Sampling Spaces Project 

Where: Romania, Bacau, Tescani - “Dumitru and Alice Rosetti - Tescanu – George Enescu”  Department
Period: August 1 - 21st, 2009 
Deadline: May 30th, 2009 

The “George Enescu” National Museum (Bucharest), together with the „Dumitru and Alice Rosetti - Tescanu – George Enescu” Department (Tescani, Bacau) and The Museum of Art Bacau, invite artists from all countries, including Romania, to apply for the International Painting Camp – Tescani 2009 : August 1 – 21st, 2009 
The host institution will provide during the camp (21 days) the complete accommodation, including food and working materials, for 12 selected artists ( 6 from Romania, 6 from abroad). The closing date for submissions is May 30th, 2009 (postmark)
General information 
The project is part of a series of residencies programmes developed by The ''George Enescu” National Museum since 2007, intented to stimulate the contemporary creation in the field of music, literature and visual arts. The residences are held at „Dumitru and Alice Rosetti - Tescanu – George Enescu” Department and comprises important artistic involvments, from Romania and abroad, as well as partnerships with  different cultural institutions, like ProHelvetia, Romanian  Cultural  Institut,  The ''Iulian Antonescu”  Museum, Bacau. 
The project aims to generate and facilitate cultural and artistic exchange, promoting the mobility and interaction, as a unic way for an artist to enrich his experience. 
Artists from all countries, including Romania , working in the field of painting, graphic and illustration, interested of various forms of painting intervention, are eligible to apply. Selected artists will have the chance to work on a proposed project, but also to reconsider their current practices. They have the opportunity to directly familiarise themselves with the work of local and international artists, to exchange future projects. The works done within the project will be presented in group exhibition in Bucharest and will be published in a catalogue. 
Sampling spaces 
This idea covers the wide notion of space as it is perceived in light of the extension of urban space. The latter implies a new contextualization of what one understands by “space”. To mentally perceive space means to organize it. 
The current theme offers towards assessment various conceptions of space, suggesting deconstructive interpretations, abandonment of context, interference, and so on, without leaving out metaphors or illusory characteristics. One will encourage speculation of the whole range of tensions and emotional reactions which are brought forth when historical agreement on representation and description of space meets subjective and random perceptions. 
Key words: manipulated images, quoted lines, elements emphasizing the architectural nature of space, the usage of figurative or abstract modules suggesting spaces in motion. 
How to apply 
You can apply via e-mail, not later than May 30th, at the following address: transfer.tescani la gmail.com 
or you can send the application directly to The “George Enescu” National Museum at the down address, together with the following documents: 
- a curriculum vitae, comprising contact details (Word or PDF format) 
- a recent photograph 
- a work proposal, related to the project’s topic (not to exceed 1 page) 
- 7 photographs of recent works (jpeg format for e-mail applications) 
Postal address: 
Bucuresti,  Calea Victoriei, nr. 141, sector 1 
Tel: (021) 318.14.50 
e-mail: office la georgeenescu.ro 

More pictures with the past edition of the project , 1 -21st August 2008 , including participating artists: http://transferproject2008.blogspot.com/2008/09/transfer-project-tescani-2008.html 

Organizing institution 
The “George Enescu” National Museum ( Bucharest ) is dedicated to the greatest Romanian composer – George Enescu. The museum has three departments, the main in Bucharest (Cantacuzino Palace) and two other departments, that are also dedicated to George Enescu’s memory: Memorial House „Villa Luminis” (Sinaia, Prahova) and „Dumitru and Alice Rosetti - Tescanu – George Enescu” Cultural Centre (Tescani, Bacau). 
Host institution 
The Department “Dumitru and Alice Rosetti - Tescanu – George Enescu” is situated in Tescani county, 40 km from Bacau , a beautiful touristic region, surrounded by mountains and hills. 
The department hosts a Memorial House dedicated to George Enescu, being located in a former manor, that belonged to Princess Maria Cantacuzino, the composer’s wife. 
Due to its surrounding area, that offers an interesting setting in terms of landscape and culture, the department hosts, each year, international programmes of residencies for writers, visual artists and musicians, as well as concerts, exhibitions, conferences, summer schools. 

Accommodation / Working conditions 
The organizing institution will provide, as mentioned above, the complete accommodation, single, comfortable room, including 3 meals/per day and working materials. 
Artists are offered a shared equipped workshop and a plenty of space in open air, in the surrounding area. 
see here some pictures with venue & accommodation: http://transferproject2008.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html 
- complete accommodation, single comfortable room 
- 3 meals / day (Romanian and international cuisine) 
- working materials 
- a shared equipped workshop 
- access to technical support: computer, DVD player, video projector, screen and TV 
- the transport costs only for Romanian area (from the airport to Tescani, and for the way back) 

- Professional artists having a certain experience and achievement in the field of painting, drawing, illustration, are eligible to apply. 
- No age limit 
- Guest artists should be open to exchange with international artists. 
The participants will be selected by a jury of curators and art critics. 

- Working knowledge of English or French is required 
- At the end of the project, each participant must deliver two works (done within the camp) for The „George Enescu” National Museum ’s patrimony. 
- Each participant must sign a contract with Terms of Agreement, accepting the project’s conditions of participation. 
- Foreign artists must provide their own health insurance, as well as the travel costs 

Acceptance of the rules and regulations of the camp: 
The participants will sign a contract with Terms of Agreement, accepting the rules regarding the development of the project in good conditions. 
All copyrights of the works remain with the artist together with the George Enescu National Museum and concern the following: 
a) the possibility of printing photographs of each works and their free distribution to art critics, journalists, and the public 
b) the public (free) exhibition and the projection of the videos of the works in different locations/venues or projects chosen by the organizing institution 
c) the printing of the work together with other artworks in a special album/brochure and their free distribution to the public. 

Postal address: 
Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, nr. 141, sector 1 
Tel: (021) 318.14.50 
e-mail: office la georgeenescu.ro 

Contact person 
Silvia Costin – artist & project coordinator 
E-mail: transfer.tescani la gmail.com 
- Selected artists will be announced by June 15th, 2009 
- The applications sent by post cannot be returned 
- Please read carefully. Only complete applications will be considered. 



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