[Oberlist] GÎRBOVAN @ NEU / NOW Festival - Vilnius

igor mocanu hierorfeu at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 17 02:01:24 CET 2009


Project description



				Vilnius LIVE! Events

/ 1 is a survey on convenient housing conducted through photography.
More specifically, it is a documentation of apartment blocks in
Bucharest (built during the communist regime), representing over 70% of
the housing buildings in the capital city.The ugly apartment blocks
were built with the goal of radically equalising individuals in a new
empire of concrete (during the ‘Golden Era’). People were lodged in
identical apartments with the intention of putting an end to any
individualistic inclinations that might be considered a threat to the
so-called ‘new man’, who was not supposed to have any opinions of his
own.The apartment serves only basic needs such as resting, cooking,
education and hygiene, satisfying the most urgent requirements but with
no allowance for the social, cultural or communicational needs of the
individual. It provides minimum life quality, completely ignoring
comfort or privacy.

				Artistic statement
project is comprised of ten photographs, taken in ten single-room flats
in an apartment block located in the eastern area of Bucharest. It is a
10-storey apartment block, and the apartments are placed one on top of
the other. They are identical, both in the detail of the exterior and
interior. I have selected this building as I also live in it, on the
10th floor, and it is easier to approach the subjects. It is only one
apartment block, erected in 1966, of the approximately 70,000 apartment
blocks facing the same problem.I
took a photograph of each apartment (the interior of each space) from
the same angle, in order to better illustrate the mix of social classes
in the block, displaying only differences in the character and design
of the interior. The rooms may be regarded as a psychological chart of
those who live in them, reflecting their history and relation to
present times.

			ELIA is the primary independent membership organisation of major higher
arts education institutions and universities in Europe and beyond. With
its 350 member institutions in 47 countries ELIA promotes dialogue,
mobility, research, sharing of best practice and activities between
artists, teachers, administrators and leaders. With the NEU/NOW
Festival ELIA taps into the potential of more than 250,000 art
students, intending for the annual festival to grow into a major
leading and trendsetting event showcasing the artists of the future.

What is the Neu/Now festival?


The NEU/NOW Festival provides an innovative platform for talented
graduating artists – emerging from Higher Arts Education Institutions
and Universities across Europe – to present themselves to wider
European audiences in the NEU/NOW online festival and in the NEU/NOW Live festival.
The European League of Institutes of the Arts received hundreds of
nominations from art institutions from 28 European countries from which
an international jury selected 145 projects to be part of the NEU/NOW
online festival.
In a second jury selection, 30 projects were selected out of those 145
to be part of the NEU/NOW Live festival.
This first iteration of the NEU/NOW online and the NEU/NOW Live
Festival includes projects arranged across the following five broad
arts discipline categories: 

						DesignFilmMusicTheatre and DanceVisual Arts

						ELIA-European League of Institutes of the Arts

						Beulingstraat 8

						1017 BA Amsterdam

						The Netherlands


						Ute Kohlmann

						Project Manager

						ute.kohlmann la elia-artschools.org


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