[oberlist] Invitatie expozitie "About life, houses, people and others" - Victoria Art Center

razvan neagoe neagoe.razvan at gmail.com
Sat May 19 07:31:12 CEST 2012

[image: Inline image 1]

for english please scrool down*


*Victoria Art Center* va invita *marti, 22 mai, 19:00 – 22:00*, la
vernisajul expozitiei:

*About life, houses, people and others…*

*Artisti:** Alina Tudor & Razvan Neagoe*

*Curator:** Petru Lucaci*

* *

Dintr-o perspectiva biologica si sociala, omul este un permanent consumator
de bunuri, servicii si informatii. Pentru a trai, el trebuie sa isi
satisfaca diverse nevoi care presupun consumul bunurilor aferente. Natura
furnizeaza unele elemente necesare, insa fiintele umane trebuie sa le
preia, modifice si adapteze pentru consum. Aceste schimbari pun bazele
productiei si decurg din necesitatea indivizilor de a-si satisface nevoile.

Pe website-ul oficial al Ministerului Muncii, Familiei și Protectiei
Sociale, o hotarare de guvern a fost publicata pentru a stipula salariul
minim brut obligatoriu. Am decis sa facem un experiment bazat pe stabilirea
ariei de consum asigurate de catre o asemenea remuneratie. Proiectul nostru
consta in documentarea fotografica si video a experientei de viata care
este repetata continuu pentru o categorie neprivilegiata a cetatenilor

Alina Tudor si Razvan Neagoe lucreaza impreună incepand cu anul 2006.
Preponderent ei folosesc ca modalitate de exprimare instalatia imbinand
actiunea, video, fotografia, performance-ul filmat si obiectul. Ei
manifesta o atentie deosebita spatiului de expunere, in majoritatea
proiectelor lor acesta reprezentand parte din instalatie fie ca este vorba
de container, apartament,  cabina telefonica sau galerie de arta. Demersul
lor artistic se mentine in zona sociala si politica,  fiecare proiect
prezentat fiind o sinteza a unei perioade de timp.

Au fost implicati  in diferite programe culturale, educationale si de
rezidenta artistica cum ar fi  City Switch (2011 Franta), Artistic Mobility
and trans-Mediterranean Cooperation (2011 Franta), I Love Bucharest
(2006-2009 – Bucuresti).

Au o bogata experienta expozitionala in tara si in strainatate, printre
cele mai recente amintind Je passé / J’habite /Je vis (Lyon2011), Bienala
de fotografie Erosion (Lithuania 2010), The Travellers Box Project (London
2010), 23rd Festival Les Instants Vidéo (Marseille 2010), MOnuMENTS (UNA
Galeria 2010). De asemenea sunt implicati in diverse actiuni care au ca
subiect Orasul vs Natura, Societatea vs Politica aici amintind “Atentie la
urs…”(interventie artistica in cadrul Protest in Vant – asociatia Oberliht
Republica Moldova 2011),  “Agenda”(2009), Red Spot (2008), “EXIST”- Phone
Box(2007),  stART Dambovita (2007).

*Expozitia este eveniment paralel in cadrul Bienalei Internationale de Arta
Contemporana Bucuresti si este inclusa in programul “Noaptea Alba a

Expozitia va fi deschisa in perioada *22 mai – 10 iunie, 2012*.

Victoria Art Center: Calea Victoriei 12 C, (lângă Biserica Zlătari),


* *

*Victoria Art Center *invites you on *Tuesday, May 22, 19:00 – 22:00 hrs*,
to the opening of the exhibition:

*About life, houses, people and others…*

*Artists:** Alina Tudor & Răzvan Neagoe*

*Curator:** Petru Lucaci*

* *

>From a biological and social standpoint, man is a permanent consumer of
goods, services and information. In order to live one has to satisfy
different needs that entail consuming related goods. Nature provides some
necessary elements but human beings need to seize, alter and adapt them for
consumption. Such changes lay the basis for what we call “production” and
ensue from the human necessity to satisfy one’s needs.

On the official website of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social
Protection a draft Government decision has been published to establish the
guaranteed minimum gross wage. We have decided to make an experiment based
on establishing the consumption range ensured by such an amount of
compensation. Our project comprises photography and video documentation of
this life experience which is repeated over and over again for an
unprivileged category of Romanian citizens.

Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe have worked together since 2006. They mainly
use installations as a means of artistic expression, combining actions,
video, photography, filmed performances and objects. They pay special
attention to the exhibition space which, for the majority of their
projects, is included in the installation may it be container, apartment,
phone both or art gallery. Their artistic endeavours maintain within the
social and political sphere and each project is a synthesis of a certain
period of time.

Alina and Razvan have been involved in various cultural, educational or art
residence programs such as City Switch (2011 France), Artistic Mobility and
trans-Mediterranean Cooperation (2011 France), I Love Bucharest (2006-2009
– Bucharest).

Among their most recent exhibitions the following can be mentioned: Je
passé / J’habite /Je vis (Lyon, 2011), the Photography Biennial Erosion
(Lithuania 2010), The Travellers Box Project (London 2010), 23rd Festival
Les Instants Vidéo (Marseille 2010), MOnuMENTS (UNA Galeria 2010). They are
also involved in various actions on the theme of City vs. Nature and
Society vs. Politics such as “Watch the bear…” (artistic intervention
within Protest in the Wind – the Oberliht Association, Moldova 2011),
 “Agenda”(2009), Red Spot (2008), “EXIST”- Phone Box(2007),  stART
Dambovita (2007).

*The exhibition is included in Bucharest Biennale of Contemporary Art as a
parallel event and also part of the “White Night of Galleries” programme.*

The exhibition can be visited during *May 22 – June 10, 2012*.

Victoria Art Center: Calea Victoriei 12 C, (next to Zlătari Church),



Razvan Neagoe
E-mail: rrazvan_neagoe at yahoo.com
Website: http://razvanneagoe.artforclick.com/

Follow Razvan Neagoe on Facebook:
Follow Razvan Neagoe on Twitter:
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Razvan Neagoe
E-mail: rrazvan_neagoe at yahoo.com
Website: http://razvanneagoe.artforclick.com/

Follow Razvan Neagoe on Facebook:
Follow Razvan Neagoe on Twitter:
Follow Razvan Neagoe on LinkedIn:
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