[oberlist] SI* call/expo: the Tir Gallery / Kulturni center Mostovna

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Sat Jul 20 17:54:40 CEST 2013

Nova Gorica, Slovenija
perioada: 2013/14

Kulturni center Mostovna


Slovensko (English below):

Galerija Tir, ki od leta 2006 deluje v okviru Zavoda neinstitucionalne
kulture Masovna, in se nahaja v prostorih Kulturnega centra Mostovna v
Novi Gorici, objavlja razpis za razstave v sezoni 2013/14. Prijavijo se
lahko avtorji, ki ustvarjajo v  tradicionalnih medijih in ustvarjalci
sodobnih, tehnološko podprtih umetniških zvrsti, brez kakršnih koli
tehničnih, slogovnih ali vsebinskih omejitev.

Galerija je dopolnjena tudi z manjšim odrom, ki lahko služi številnim
namenom. K sodelovanju vabimo tudi mlade likovne kritike in kuratorje, ki
bi si želijo pridobiti izkušnje pri pripravi in predstavitvi razstav.

V galeriji krijemo stroške predstavitve in tiska, poskrbimo za promocijo v
medijih in nudimo tehnično pomoč pri izvedbi razstave. Vsak
razstavljavec pa mora sam poskrbeti za prevoz del.

Prijave lahko pošljete na elektronski naslov: tir at mostovna.com ali po pošti.

Kandidati naj v prijavni dokumentaciji predložijo:
- predstavitev avtorja ali skupine (biografija)
- predstavitev koncepta razstave, naslov razstave
- tehnične podrobnosti (mere del, uporabljena tehnika, način
prezentacije ...)
- slikovni material razstave oz. digitalne reprodukcije del

Za likovne kritike, kuratorje:
-  biografija
-  kratek opis zaželenih poklicnih usmeritev

Ekipa Galerije Tir bo obravnavala vse prijave, ki bodo prispele do 31.
avgusta 2013.

O rezultatih razpisa bodo kandidati obveščeni do 15. septembra 2013.


The Tir Gallery, which operates under the Masovna Institute since 2006,
and is located in the Cultural Centre Mostovna of Nova Gorica, opend a
call for exhibitions for the season 2013/14. The enrolment is open to
artists who work in traditional media and for those who use modern,
technologically-based art forms, without any technical, stylistic or
content limitations.

The gallery is supplemented with a small stage, which can serve to many
purposes. We invite to collaboration also young art critics and curators,
who are interested in acquiring experience in the organisation and
presentation of an exhibition.

The gallery covers the costs of the presentation and those of the press
material, the gallery also offers tecnical support during the preparation
of the exhibition. The gallery does not cover the expences of the
trasportation of the works.

Applications can be sent by email to: tir at mostovna.com or by mail.

The documentation should include:
- the biography of the author / the presentation of the group
- the concept and the title of the exhibition
- tecnical detalis (the dimensions of the works, the technique, the
exhibition design ...)
- the photographic material

For art critics and curators:
- the biography
- a short text about the interests on the professional field

The gallery will consider the projects submitted by 31 August 2013. The
authors will be informed of the outcome of the selection by 15 September

data limita: 31/08/13

Kulturni center Mostovna
Galerija Tir
p. p. 1
5001 Nova Gorica
tir at mostovna.com


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