[Oberlist] Cultural Policy of Russia: Yesterday , Today, Tomorrow / ÊÓËÜÒÓÐÍÀß ÏÎËÈÒÈÊÀ ÐÎÑÑÈÈ: Â×ÅÐÀ, ÑÅÃÎÄÍß, ÇÀÂÒÐÀ > >>

Oberliht ober la emdash.org
Vin Dec 8 01:22:38 CET 2006

Cultural Policy of Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
22-25 March 2007, St. Petersburg

Dear colleagues,
Conference Cultural Policy of Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow will be
hosted 22-25 March 2007 in St. Petersburg by INTERSTUDIO – Federal
Institute for the Professional Development in Culture in collaboration
with the Theatre Union of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Branch of
the Theatre Union of the Russian Federation and with the support of the
Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation.

This is the fifth large-scale conference, held as a part of our continual
project - the Yufit Assemblies. Under this general title we arrange the
series of the events, dedicated to the current issues of the today’s
culture. The first one took place in 2002 and was dedicated to the
Cultural Policy of the Countries on the Post-Soviet Space. At that time it
was important to realize the common problems and the perspectives of the
development of the state cultural policies in those countries and to
define the actual position of Russia in that context.

Since then a lot of significant reforms had happened in the national
cultural policy of Russia both on the federal and on the regional and
local levels. First of all they have appeared in the change of the concept
of the interaction between the legislative and executive bodies and the
cultural sphere; reflected in the general and special federal and regional
legislation, in the system of the cultural sphere financing. This process
requires the particular understanding – analysis of the actual state and
prediction of the future development tendencies.

We warmly invite experts, scholars, teachers, practitioners in the arts
and culture and all who are interested, to participate in the discussion
on the fallowing main topics:

Changes in the cultural policy of Russia and comparison of its actual
position with the international practice.
Dynamics of the cultural policy of the federal legislative and executive
bodies of Russia.
Issues of the regional cultural policy of Russia.
Changes in the Russian legislation and their influence on the cultural
22 March – arrival, 23 and 24 March – working days of the conference,
25 March – conclusions and departure.

If you would like to contribute to our conference with presentation or
speech, please, send us the abstract (up to 250 words) by 20 February

To participate in the conference, please, complete the registration form
and return it to us by 26 February 2007.

The registration, hotel reservation and visa support forms.

For the Contact:
INTERSTUDIO “Conference”
Nevsky prospect, 86, of.93, St. Petersburg,
191025 Russia
Tel./fax +7 (812) 275-3709, 275-4221
e-mail: conference la interstudio.ru

22-25 ìàðòà 2007, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã
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Äëÿ êîíòàêòà:
Íåâñêèé ïðîñïåêò, 86, îô.93
191025, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, Ðîññèÿ
Òåë./ôàêñ +7 (812) 275-37-09, 275-42-21
e-mail: conference la interstudio.ru



Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

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