Oberliht ober la emdash.org
Dum Ian 7 19:31:42 CET 2007


Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From:    "e-Flux" <info la mailer.e-flux.com>
Date:    Fri, January 5, 2007 18:37
To:      ober la emdash.org


APRIL 16 - MAY 6 (application deadline:
January 12, 2007)
Robert Dick, composer/flutist
James Hyde, visual artist
Alice Notley, poet

MAY 14 - JUNE 3 (application deadline:
February 9, 2007)
Michael Burkard, poet
Stephen Jaffe, composer
Thomas Struth, visual artist

JULY 23 - AUGUST 12  (application deadline:
March 16, 2007)
Cornelius Eady, playwright/poet
Maria Elena Gonzalez, visual artist
Denis Smalley, composer

OCTOBER 15 - NOVEMBER 4 (application
deadline: May 25, 2007)
Paul Pfeiffer, visual artist
Sarah Skaggs, choreographer
Gioia Timpanelli, storyteller/author

&quot;ACA allows artists from different disciplines the opportunity to
interact in a supportive space with time for artistic production as well
as isolated studio time. It is a rare bird in the American cultural
landscape.&quot; Laura Owens (ACA Master Artist, 2006)

&quot;My three weeks at ACA were a chance to focus in a positive
atmosphere amongst a diverse group of people - all energetic and
enthusiastic about making work and sharing ideas. The collaborative
possibilities with Associates from other disciplines, the technical
support of the staff, the fantastic natural environment, made my residency
an unforgettable experience.&quot; Xana Kudrjavcev-DeMilner (Associate
Artist, 2006)

Since 1982, Atlantic Center's residency program has provided artists from
all artistic disciplines with spaces to live, work, and collaborate during
three-week residencies. Located just four miles from the east coast
beaches of central Florida, the pine and palmetto wooded environment
contains award-winning studios that include a resource library, painting
studio, sculpture studio, music studio, dance studio, black box theater,
writer's studio, and digital computer lab. Each residency session includes
three master artists of different disciplines. The master artists each
personally select a group of associates - talented, emerging artists -
through an application process administered by ACA. During the residency,
artists participate in informal sessions with their group, collaborate on
projects, and work independently on their own projects. The relaxed
atmosphere and unstructured program provide considerable time for artistic
regeneration and creation. Atlantic Center for the
 Arts provides housing (private room/bath with work desk), weekday meals
(provided by ACA chef) and 24 hour access to shared studio space.
financial Aid is available to qualified applicants.

For more information on how to apply, please telephone (386) 427-6975 or
(800) 393-6975 (domestic US only) or visit 
http://www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org or email us at 
program la atlanticcenterforthearts.org

*All applications must be postmarked by the application deadline date.

For more information go to:  http://www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org

AOL users <a href=" http://www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org">click here</a>
for more information.

Electronic Flux Corporation
295 Greenwich st, #532, NYC NY 10007
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