[Oberlist] LINDART, International Artists' Colony >>>

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Mar Mar 13 18:30:22 CET 2007

Anunt pentru tinerii artisti care practica pictura si grafica.

mult succes,

Lendava, Slovenija

LINDART-Društvo mladih likovnikov
Lendava 2007

12. mednarodna likovna kolonija LINDART / 12. LINDART, International
Artists' Colony

English (Slovenian below):

A ten day Residency Program for young emerging artists and art students in
the town Lendava, Slovenia.

>From 10th to 20th of July 2007; the lendava castle (its gallery space and
printmaking studio).

The 12. international residency programme for young artists, entitled
LINDART, Lendava 2007 is organized by the LINDART association of young
artists from Lendava in collaboration with Gallery-Museum Lendava. The
residency is part of an Art festival organized by Gallery-Museum Lendava
that will take place from July to September 2007 in the town Lendava; the
LINDART association joins and support the project with independent
programmes and offers a competent assistance by execution of the project.

Motto of this year's residency is: »co-operate«.

The time that we live in is subject to technology and its legitimacy.
Although it seems that it is the significance of the individual that is
popularized under her control, at the same time we can notice a trend of
all kinds of connection, collaboration, cooperation world wide. With
Internet our ubiquitousness become possible. The mobile technology helps
us to have our love ones always and everywhere at hand ... but, somewhere
down the line in spite of this nation wide mass-connections we loosed the
sense for the single person.

Our relationships are turning to became plastic and distillate, a sort of
virtual illusion that does not require direct eye to eye confrontation. On
the basis of such critical reflection we constructed the platform of this
year's residency programme for young artists in Lendava.

Our idea is to gather the selected artist (that have never meet before)
into tandems to work during the residency period on a project-theme that
is define beforehand by the organizer.

The purpose of the residency is to promote sociability, to aid
creativeness, interchange of ideas, opinions and experiences, to
contribute new ways to assess oneself production, and after all the
confrontation and acceptability for otherness.

Two exhibitions, organized in the gallery space of Lendava castle, will
give the participants the opportunity to introduce them self to the
public. The first will open with the start of the residency and will
consists of art pieces by individual artists made in their existing art
career; the second exhibition will be a presentation of working results in
the residency.

As the main concern of this year’s programme, the meaning of
„co-operation” is not only an art enigma and should be broaden to the
„ordinary” person and his society, we will try to attract him into an open
debate and active his participation. The visitor of the exhibition will
possess a possibility to give a vote for the art work of his choice and
decide which two artists will receive a stimulating prize: a one man show
in the gallery space of lendava castle, during the next 13th LINDART
International Artists’ Colony, Lendava 2008.

All works will be documented and archived to the art collection of the
LINDART association. A colour catalogue will also be published. LINDART
provides artists with studio space, living quarters, meals and materials
at no cost to the artist.

Among painting technique we offer oil, acrylic, aquarelle,...paint, while
the printmaking studio is adequate for all traditional print making
methods (lino- or woodcut, etching, engraving, lithography and

10 artists will be selected via application that is open to all young
(under age of 30), promising visual artists and art students working in
painting or printmaking.

Please include the following materials only:
1.) at least 10 color digital reproduction of your work on a CD
(jpg-format, the CD should be labeled with your name). Catalogs,
brochures,..are also welcome.
2.) a numbered list of photos submitted with title, date of work, medium
and size. At the top of the page list the artist’s name, address,
telephone number, email address, nationality, age, sex and languages
3.) curriculum vitae listing education and exhibitions
4.) the sent material will be returned only by added self addressed
stamped envelope (do not send metered or dated postage. Please use
international postal coupons if possible.)

= = =

Od 10.07. do 20.07.2007 na lendavskem gradu, v prostorih galerije in
grafiène delavnice

Društvo mladih likovnikov LINDART iz Lendave v sodelovanju z
Galerijo-Muzejem Lendava letos organizira tradicionalno 12. Mednarodno
likovno kolonijo, pod imenom LINDART, Lendava 2007. Kolonija bo
organizirana v sklopu likovnega festivala, ki se bo odvijal med julijem in
septembrom 2007 na lendavskem gradu in ga organizira Galerija-Muzej
Lendava. Društvo LINDART se kot partner prikljuèuje projektu, ga podpira s
programi ter nudi strokovno pomoè pri izvedbi.

Moto letošnje kolonije je: “so-deluj / co-operate”.

Èas v katerem živimo je podvržen tehnologiji in njenim zakonitostim.
Opazen je trend povezovanja, sodelovanja z drugim-i. S pomoèjo interneta
smo lahko hkrati prisotni na vseh 6 celinah, mobilna tehnologija nam
omogoèa, da imamo ljubljene »vedno in povsod« na dosegu rok,
vendar nekje
na poti te množiène povezanosti med ljudstvi in ljudmi je zbledel naš èut
za posameznika. Stiki, ki jih vzdržujemo so vse bolj plastièni in
destilirani. V bistvu postajajo virtualna iluzija, ki ne potrebuje
neposrednega sooèanja iz oèi v oèi.

Na podlagi takšnega kritiènega razmišljanja o naravi odnosov, povezovanj
in vseh vrst sodelovanj, som zgradili platformo letošnje likovne kolonije
LINDART v Lendavi.

Naša ideja je, da se izbrani avtorji povežejo v umetniške tandeme, ki bodo
v èasu kolonije delovali na zastavljenem projektu-temi kolonije, ki je
vnaprej doloèen s strani organizatorja.

Namen projekta je druženje, ustvarjanje, izmenjava mnenj in izkušenj,
ovrednotenje lastne produkcije, sprejemanje drugih kultur in èloveka kot
posameznika ter širjenje umetniških idej med mladimi umetniki.

Likovne ustvarjalce bomo širši javnosti predstavili na dveh razstavah v
galeriji Lendavskega gradu; najprej v spremljevalnem programu kolonije z
razstavo likovnih del letošnjih udeležencev (to so izbrana dela, ki so jih
ustvarili v svoji dosedanji samostojni likovni karieri), nato pa še skozi
razstavo likovnih del nastalih v skupinskem delu na koloniji.

V projekt si želimo aktivno vkljuèiti tudi gledalca oz. obiskovalca, ki mu
tako na zakljuèni razstavi ponujamo možnost glasovanja za delo, ki mu je
najbolj priraslo k srcu. Obèinstvo bo odloèilo, katerima avtorjema bo v
èasu naslednje tj. 13. mednarodne likovne kolonije LINDART pripadla
stimulativna nagrada samostojne razstave v prostorih lendavske galerije.

Vsa nastala dela bomo digitalno dokumentirali, jih arhivirali v umetniški
zbirki društva LINDART in Galerije-Muzeja Lendava ter predstavili v
spremljajoèem barvnem katalogu.

Tudi letos ponujamo možnost ustvarjanja v razliènih slikarskih tehnikah
(olje, akril, tempera, akvarel,
), v risarskih tehnikah (grafit, oglje,
) in seveda v grafiènih tehnikah kot so visoki (lesorez,
) in globoki tisk (jedkanica, suha igla, kolagrafija,
) ter
tehnika litografije in sitotiska.

Udeležencem nudimo: umetniški material (barve, platna, papir
), tehniènega
asistenta, primeren prostor za ustvarjanje, prehrano, noèitev, udeležbo na
razstavi in umetnostnega zgodovinarja. Strokovni vodja in koordinator
kolonije bo akademski slikar Dubravko Baumgartner.

Razpis je odprt vsem mladim, obetavnim likovnim ustvarjalcem, umetnikom,
študentom likovnih akademij mlajših od 30 let.

Na podlagi prijav bo komisija izbrala ter povabila 10 ustvarjalcev.

Zainteresirane prosimo, da ob prijavi na razpis priložijo naslednjo
dokumentacijo: 1.) najmanj 10 reprodukcij svojih umetniških del v
digitalni obliki na CD-ju (jpg-format, vsak CD naj bo oznaèen z imenom
avtorja), zaželeni so tudi katalogi, brošure,

2.) oštevilèen seznam predloženih del, ki naj vsebuje: naslov dela,
letnico nastanka, medij-tehniko ter velikost dela.
Na vrhu seznama naj bodo dodani podatki o avtorju: ime in priimek, naslov,
telefonska številka, email naslov, nacionalnost, starost, spol ter jeziki,
ki jih aktivno obvlada.
3.) življenjepis (izobrazba ter dosedanje reference)
4.) predmete, ki jih boste poslali vam bomo vrnili le v primeru, da k
vlogi dodate tudi prazno ovojnico s svojim naslovom in znamkami.

data limita: 05/04/07

LINDART-Društvo mladih likovnikov
Banffyjev trg 1
9220 Lendava
lindart.lendava la yahoo.com

sursa: artservis
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype ID: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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