[Oberlist] The 3rd international festival of experimental movement NagiB, Maribor, Slovenija

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Mar Mar 13 18:43:50 CET 2007

Maribor, Slovenija

Pekarna-magdalenske mreze
Festival NagiB


The 3rd international festival of experimental movement NagiB, organized
by Pekarna-magdalenske mreze, will take place from September 5 to
September 8 in Maribor, Slovenia.

We invite young emerging authors from the field of contemporary dance and
performance from Slovenia and abroad, who are at the beginning of their
careers and who share our desire to meet new choreographers and authors
during the festival and thus constitute a space for further artistic

Festival of experimental movement NagiB emerged from the need for the
opening out of contemporary dance scene in Maribor.

NagiB is a space for the enactment of movement. It understands dance as an
integral part of contemporary culture. Its driving force is creativity
which confronts and struggles with the uniform expressions, produced by
contemporary society. It enacts into the visible the different forms and
ways of perception, and seeks authors who are capable of conveying an
experience of the world, which has consequences for the individual’s
comprehension of itself and the world around her. Besides, it attempts to
surpass the understanding of the viewer as a disinterested observer of the
work of art and challenges the viewer to become an active and critical
participant of the work of art.

We call for projects which are undertaking a research in the problem of
the body in contemporary society. The works should not be shorter than 20
minutes, projects taking place outside of the traditional theatre space
are welcome (foyer, in the street...).

The festival will provide for the artists' travel costs, accommodation,
technical equipment and promotion. Medical insurance must be covered by
artists themselves.

Please, send your proposals to the following address: Pekarna-magdalenske
mreze with specification »Festival NagiB 2007«.

Proposals should contain the following information: filled-in form with
information about the author, CV of the author(s) and performers, DVD of
the work, short description of the concept and of the technical
requirements. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The DVDs will
not be returned.

Authors will be notified about the selection by e-mail no later than April
30 2007.

Upon agreement with the authors and performers the performances will be
documented by Pekarna-magdalenske mreze.
Poziv za izbor projektov s podrocja sodobnega plesa in performansa / Call
for submissions from the field of contemporary dance and

= = =

Pekarna-magdalenske mreze ze tretje leto organizira mednarodni festival
eksperimentalnega giba NagiB, ki bo letos potekal med 5. in 8. septembrom
v Mariboru, Slovenija.

K sodelovanju vabimo mlade avtorje, avtorice, s podrocja sodobnega plesa
in performansa iz Slovenije in tujine, ki so na zacetku svoje kariere in
bi zeleli tekom festivala spoznati nove avtorje, avtorice, ter tako
vzpostaviti prostor za nadaljnje umetnisko sodelovanje.

Nagib je prostor za udejanjanje giba, ki gleda na ples kot integralni del
sodobne kulture. Ustvarjalnost, ki nas vodi, dvomi in nasprotuje
uniformiranim izrazom, ki jih producira sodobna druzba. V vidno udejanja
drugacne oblike in nacine percepcije in isce ustvarjalce, ustvarjalke, ki
so sposobni podati izkusnjo sveta, ki bo imela posledice na posameznikovo
dojemanje samega sebe in sebe v svetu. Prav tako si prizadeva izzvati
gledalca kot aktivnega in kriticnega spremljevalca in udelezenca
umetniskega dela. Gledalec naj ne bo ravnodusen, temvec udelezen.

Del letosnjega programa na festivalu bomo namenili se neuveljavljenim
mladim avtorjem, avtoricam, s podrocja sodobnega plesa in performansa.

Iscemo projekte, ki z novimi, inovativnimi izrazi raziskujejo problem
telesa v sodobni druzbi. Dela naj ne bodo krajsa od 20 min., lahko so
predstavljena tudi zunaj gledaliskega prostora (v preddverju, na ulici..)

Izbranim avtorjem, avtoricam ponujamo placilo potnih stroskov in
nastanitve, potrebno tehnicno opremo za izvedbo predstave ter promocijo.
Zdravstveno zavarovanje si mora izbrani avtor, avtorica ( in izvajalci)
urediti sam.

Vse zainteresirane prosimo, da posljejo prijavo do 14.4.2007 na naslov
Pekarna-magdalenske mreze s pripisom »Festival Nagib 2007«.

Popolno prijavo sestavlja:
- izpolnjen obrazec z osnovnimi podatki o avtorju, avtorici,
- CV avtorja, avtorice in izvajalcev,
- DVD dela, ki bo predstavljeno na festivalu,
- kratek opis koncepta predstave ali performansa,
- tehnicne zahteve za izvedbo.

Nepopolne prijave bo komisija izlocila iz postopka izbora. Prejetih DVD ne

Avtorje, avtorice bomo o odlocitvi komisije obvestili preko elektronske
poste najkasneje do 30.4.2007.

V dogovoru z avtorjem, avtorico in izvajalci bo Pekarna-magdalenske mreze
dokumentirala del izvedenega programa na festivalu.

data limita: 14/04/07

Pekarna-magdalenske mreze, Festival NagiB
Vlasta Veselko
Ob zeleznici 8
2000 Maribor
tel: 00386 40322378
nagib.festival la gmail.com

sursa: artservis
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype ID: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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