[Oberlist] SI* call: The International Student Film and Video Festival FILOFEST
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Joi Sep 13 17:20:29 CEST 2007
Slovenian (English below)
1. UVOD:
Mednarodni festival študentske filmske in video produkcije FILOFEST poleg
osrednjega filmskega programa ponuja tudi spremljevalni program v obliki
predavanj, okroglih miz, diskusij, razstav, koncertov, družabnih dogodkov
in drugih prireditev.
Tekmovalna kategorija je namenjena izkljuèno neodvisnim tudentskim
filmom, katerih režiserji so brez akademske filmske izobrazbe, posnetim v
lastni produkciji, brez pomoèi profesionalnih produkcijskih hi in
filmskih akademij. Netekmovalna kategorija je namenjena izkljuèno filmom,
katerih režiserji so študentje filmskih šol ali akademij in so nastali v
produkciji ali koprodukciji filmskih šol oz. akademij.
Festival sprejema igrane, dokumentarne, animirane in eksperimentalne
filme. Festival si pridržuje pravico prikazati tudi filme, ki ne spadajo v
nobeno od teh kategorij. Festival sprejema kratke, srednjemetražne in
celoveèerne filme; omejitve pri dolini filma ni.
Producent oz. lastnik avtorskih pravic filma izbere kategorijo, v katero
eli prijaviti film. Èe film ne izpolnjuje pogojev za predvajanje v
izbrani kategoriji, ga lahko festival premesti v kategorijo, za katero
izpolnjuje pogoje.
Natisnjeni, pravilno in v celoti izpolnjeni ter podpisani prijavi morata
biti priloženi dve selekcijski kopiji filma v DVD PAL formatu. Na enem DVD
nosilcu je lahko posnet samo en film. Èe prijavitelj prijavi veè kot en
film, mora biti vsak film posnet na svojem nosilcu. Prijavi mora biti
priloena zgoèenka (CD), ki naj vsebuje naslednje gradivo: tekstovno
datoteko s kratko vsebino filma, tekstovno datoteko s popolno zasedbo
filma, fotografije iz filma, fotografijo režiserja, tekstovno datoteko s
kratko biografijo in filmografijo režiserja ter tekstovno datoteko z
izvirnim seznamom dialogov. Prijavitelj naj gradiva ne pošilja v papirnati
obliki; prav tako ga naj ne pošilja po elektronski pošti.
Vsi prijavljeni filmi, ki niso v angleškem jeziku, morajo biti angleško
podnaslovljeni, kar velja tudi za kopiji, ki sta poslani za selekcijo. Za
selekcijo je izjemoma in le po dogovoru s selektorjem mogoèe poslati tudi
kopiji, ki nista podnaslovljeni, vendar le s popolnim izpisom dialogov v
angleèini. Vsebina predvajalne kopije mora biti enaka vsebini selekcijske
kopije. Selekcijska kopija je lahko hkrati tudi predvajalna kopija.
Selekcija bo zakljuèena do 15. novembra 2007. Rezultati selekcije bodo
objavljeni najkasneje en teden po zakljuèku selekcije na spletni strani
festivala www.filofest.com.
Vsakdo, ki prijavi svoj film, daje festivalu pravico do predstavitve
njegovega dela na kateremkoli nosilcu ali javnem predvajanju za namen
promocije festivala, in sicer brezplaèno. Prijavljene filme lahko festival
prikae najveè trikrat (3x) na obmoèju Republike Slovenije in trikrat (3x)
v tujini v okviru selekcije "Best of Filofest".
Festival krije tujim avtorjem filmov v uradnem tekmovalnem programu
(najveè enemu avtorju na film) stroke bivanja za èas festivala. Na eljo
avtorja festival pomaga pri iskanju primernih prenoèitvenih kapacitet v
bližini festivala. Festival ne krije potnih stroškov. Na željo avtorja
festival pomaga pri iskanju primernih pokroviteljev za kritje potnih
stroškov. Potencialni pokrovitelji so lahko tuja veleposlaništva v
Sloveniji ter kulturni centri ali inštituti ter druge primerne
Ob prijavi filma je treba v celoti izpolniti uradno prijavnico festivala
ter jo skupaj z vsemi prilogami, oznaèenimi na prijavnici, in s
selekcijskima kopijama poslati na festivalski naslov. Kopiji filma za
selekcijo morata biti v DVD PAL formatu. Film, izpolnjeno prijavnico in
zgoèenko z obveznimi prilogami je treba poslati na naslov:
Filozofska fakulteta
Akerèeva 2
1000 Ljubljana
Pošiljke, ki so prijavljene v zadnjih desetih (10) dnevih razpisnega roka,
je potrebno poslati po hitri pošti in o tem po elektronski pošti takoj
obvestiti festival. Poiljka mora biti ob oddaji na vidnem mestu oznaèena
FESTIVALSKA PRED-SELEKCIJA". Prav tako mora biti na vsakem DVD nosilcu
jasno oznaèen naslov filma. Potnino za poiljanje selekcijskih kopij
krije prijavitelj filma.
Roke za prijavo filmov je treba spotovati. Po izteku roka prijava ni veè
mogoèa. Prepoznih in nepopolnih prijav festival ne upoteva. Rok za
pravilno prijavo filma se upošteva po oddajni teoriji; za pravilno
prijavljen film se upošteva datum oddaje pošiljke in ne datum prejema
(velja datum potnega iga). Razpis zaène teèi s 01.09.2007 in se zakljuèi
s 15.10.2007. Pošiljke oddane pred 01.09.2007 ali po 15.10.2007 ne bodo
sprejete v selekcijo. Prijavnine ni. Kopij filmov, ki so bile poslane za
selekcijo, festival ne vraèa. Istoèasno s tem, ko odpolje film, je
pošiljatelj dolžan festival obvestiti o pošiljki, in sicer prek
elektronske pošte. Pri tem mora navesti ime pošiljatelja, ime kontaktne
osebe, datum oddaje poiljke, naslov filma in AWB tevilko, èe je to
mogoèe (za letalski promet). Morebitne dodatne informacije v zvezi s
prijavami dobite na www.filofest.com ali na info la filofest.com.
Predvajalne kopije so lahko v enem izmed naslednjih formatov: Beta PAL,
DVD PAL, DV ali miniDV. Stroške pošiljanja predvajalne kopije na festival
krije pošiljatelj, stroške transporta v nasprotno smer pa nosi festival.
Predvajalne kopije se vraèajo najkasneje trideset (30) dni po koncu
V primeru poškodbe ali izgube filma med festivalom, festival krije le
stroške izdelave nove kopije poškodovanega ali izgubljenega formata, v
skladu s trenutnimi ceniki slovenskih studiev za izdelavo Beta PAL kasete,
DVDja, DVja ali miniDVja.
Festival sestavi irijo, ki teje najmanj pet èlanov, od katerih je eden
predsednik irije. Za èlana ali predsednika irije ne more biti imenovan
nihèe, ki je kakorkoli sodeloval pri nastajanju kateregakoli od filmov v
tekmovalnem programu festivala. Predsednika irije izvolijo èlani irije
na njihovem prvem sestanku.
Žirija lahko podeli nagrade zgolj v tekmovalni kategoriji. Žirija podeli
nagrado za najboljši film, nagrado za najboljšo režijo, nagrado za
najboljši scenarij in nagrado za najboljšo igro, nagrado za najboljši
igrani film, nagrado za najboljši dokumentarni film, nagrado za najboljši
animirani film in nagrado za najboljši eksperimentalni film. Vsi nagrajeni
filmi prejmejo priznanja. Glavna nagrada festivala, nagrada za najboljši
film, znaša €500,00. Nagrado za najboljši film prejme producent filma.
Žirija si pridržuje pravico, da katere od predvidenih nagrad ne podeli.
irija lahko izreèe tudi posebno priznanje filmom, za katere meni, da so
izkazali doloèene kvalitete. To priznanje se imenuje "Posebna omemba
irije" in ni materialnega znaèaja.
Festival si pridržuje pravico podeliti posebno nagrado. Festival lahko da
slovenskim in mednarodnim organizacijam pravico do podelitve svoje
nagrade. V kolikor se organizacija odloèi za podelitev lastne nagrade mora
festivalu pred uradno otvoritvijo priskrbeti izvod pravil o podeljevanju
nagrade in zagotoviti nagradni sklad.
Festival je odgovoren za protokol in sestavo programskih blokov za vse
festivalske dogodke.
Vsak tudent iz prvega odstavka druge toèke tega pravilnika ima enake
pogoje za sodelovanje na festivalu. S prijavo filma v selekcijo
prijavitelj brez zadržkov sprejema ta pravila. V primeru dvoma ima pravno
veljavo zgolj slovenska verzija pravil. Direktor festivala ima pravico
odloèanja v vseh primerih, ki jih ta pravila ne urejajo.
11. ARHIV:
Festivalski filmski arhiv vkljuèuje selekcijske kopije vseh filmov, ki so
kadarkoli sodelovali na festivalu. Festival lahko uporabi filme iz svojega
arhiva za promoviranje FILOFESTa na drugih festivalih in dogodkih ter za
druge projekcije z namenom promocije festivala. Poleg tega lahko festival
uporablja filme v izobraževalne namene delavnic, ki jih organizira sam
Along with its primary role as a film festival The International Student
Film and Video Festival FILOFEST is accompanied by additional programme in
the form of lectures, panel discussions, exhibitions, social happenings
and other events.
The competition part of the programme is open exclusively to independent
student films, whose authors must be amateurs without formal film
education. The films must be made in home production without any help from
professional production companies and/or film schools and academies. The
non-competition part of the programme is open exclusively to films
directed by students of film academies or film schools (films that have
been produced and/or co-produced by film academies or film schools).
The festival accepts fiction, documentary, animated and experimental
films. The festival reserves the right to show any film, which does not
fall into any of these four categories. The festival accepts short and
feature films; there is no length limitation.
The producer or the copyright owner of the film chooses a category in
which he or she wants the film to appear. In case the film does not meet
the criteria for the chosen category, the festival is entitled to transfer
the film to another category.
A printed out copy of the application form, which has to be correctly
filled out and signed, has to be enclosed in the package, together with
two selection copies of the film in DVD PAL format, region free. Each DVD
can contain one film only. In case the applicant sends more than one film,
each of the films has to be on a separate DVD. Along with the printed out
application form and two copies of the film on DVD, the applicant has to
enclose a CD with the following files: a text file with the short synopsis
of the film, a text file with the complete cast list, photos from the
film, photo of the director, a text file with the biography and
filmography of the director, and a text file with the original dialogue
list. Applicants should not send the obligatory enclosures on paper or via
All submitted films have to be subtitled in English unless the dialogues
are in clear English. The same rule applies to the selection copies. Only
exceptionally and subject to agreement with the category selector can a
copy without subtitles be sent for selection, provided that a full
dialogue list in English is enclosed with the application form. The
content of the screening has to be the same as the content of the
selection copy. The selection copy may be used as the screening copy.
Selection closes by 15 November 2007. Results of the selection will be
published on the festival website (www.filofest.com) one week after the
closing of the selection.
The festival has the right to present submitted films free of charge and
in any format for promotional purposes. The festival has the right to
screen any submitted film in the "Best of Filofest" selection for a
maximum of three (3) times on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia
and for a maximum of three (3) times abroad.
The festival provides accommodation for foreign authors selected into the
competition programmes (one author per entry). The festival will however
help other authors in finding suitable accommodation upon request. The
festival does not cover travel expenses. The festival will help the
authors in finding sponsors for travel expenses. Potential sponsors are
embassies of foreign countries in Slovenia, cultural centres or
institutes, and other suitable organisations.
When applying for selection, the original application form and all
required documents have to be enclosed with the selection copies.
Selection copies have to be in DVD PAL format. The material is to be sent
to the festival address:
Filozofska fakulteta
Askerceva 2
1000 Ljubljana
With "FOR SELECTION – DO NOT OPEN" written on the package.
Material sent in the last 10 days before the deadline should be sent via
fast mail (UPS, DHL, FEDEX, etc.) and the festival should be notified via
email. On the package containing the DVDs a visible declaration has to be
PRE-SELECTION". The DVDs have to have the title of the film written on
them. Expenses for sending the copy are covered by the applicant.
It is obligatory for the applicants to meet the deadline. It is not
possible to apply after the deadline. Applications sent after the deadline
and incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications are valid
if they were SENT before the deadline (the date on the postmark applies).
This year's call for entries opens on 1st September 2007 and closes on
15th October. Packages sent before 1st September 2007 and after 15th
October will not be accepted into selection.
There is no application fee. The festival does not return selection
copies. After having sent the selection copy, the applicant is required to
inform the festival via email. The applicant has to give his or her name,
contact number, date of sending the package, title of the film and the AWB
number if possible (only for air mail). For further information visit our
website at www.filofest.com or send us an e-mail at info la filofest.com.
Screening copies are accepted only on one of the following formats: Beta
PAL, DVD PAL, DV or miniDV. Expenses for sending the copy are covered by
the sender. Return expenses are covered by the festival. Screening copies
will be returned thirty (30) days after the closing of the festival at the
In case of damage to or loss of the screening copy, the festival is liable
to cover the expenses of making a new copy of the damaged or lost copy in
accordance to price lists of Slovenian studios.
The festival jury consists of at least five members, one of which is the
president of the jury. No one who has participated in making of any of the
films entered in the competition part of the festival programme can be a
member of the jury.
The jury can only present awards to films entered in the competition part
of the programme. The jury presents awards for best film, best directing,
best screenplay, best performance, best fiction film, best documentary
film, best animated film, and best experimental film. All winning films
receive awards. The main award of the festival, the award for best film,
will receive a cash prize of €500.00. The award for best film is presented
to the producer of the winning film. The jury has the right not to present
an award in any of the categories. The jury can award a special
recognition to films, when it so chooses. This recognition is called
"Special mention by the jury" and is not a material award.
The festival reserves the right to give out special awards. The festival
may permit domestic or international organisations to present their own
awards. Should an organisation decide to do so, it is obliged to provide
the festival with the rules for presenting such an award and secure the
prize fund.
The festival is the only one responsible for the protocol and is entitled
to freely compose the schedule of projections and other accompanying
Equal conditions apply for all students who enter the festival. They are
all bound by these festival rules. By applying their film to the festival,
the applicants agree to an unconditional acceptance of these rules. In
case of any dilemma, the Slovenian language version of the Rules and
regulations is valid. The festival director has the right of decision
about anything not specified in these Rules and regulations.
The festival film archives include selection copies of every film that has
ever applied for festival selection. The festival is entitled to use films
from its archives for the promotion of FILOFEST at other festivals and
events and for other projections with the aim of promoting the festival.
The festival may also use the films for educational purposes at the
workshops organised by the festival.
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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