[Oberlist] SI* call for exhibition Recycling-Lights

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Lun Ian 26 21:05:24 CET 2009

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Ljubljana, Slovenija
Datum dogodka: 2009

Strip Core c/o Forum Ljubljana


Slovensko (english below):
Festivala svetlobe Svetlobna gverila (Slovenija) in Beograd svetlosti
(Srbija) objavljata razpis za predloge za razstavo z delovnim naslovom
Reciklaža – luči.

Vabimo vas, da kreativno prispevate k razstavi Reciklaža - luči. S to
temo želimo skozi fenomen svetlobe izpostaviti pomen svetlobe in energije,
opozoriti na pomen varovanja okolja in varčevanja z energijo ter
spodbuditi odgovorno udejstovanje na področju razvijanja kreativnega
recikliranja in trajnostnega oblikovanja.

Otvoritev razstave Reciklaža – luči in dodelitev nagrad najboljšim
rešitvam, bo 23. junija 2009 v Galeriji Vžigalica v Ljubljani v okviru
prireditve Svetlobna gverila. Iz Ljubljane se bo septembra preselila na
beograjski festival Beograd svetlosti.

Natečaj je odprt za vse zainteresirane. Dela, ki jih bo izbrala
žirija, bodo predstavljena na razstavi Reciklaža – luči.

Na podlagi prispelih del bo žirija dvem najboljšim rešitvam podelila tudi
odkupni denarni nagradi (prvo v višini 500 eur, drugo v višini 400 eur).
Obema (nagrajenima) avtorjema ali avtoricama bo festival zagotovil tudi
stroške prevoza v Ljubljano v maksimalnem znesku 400 eur in 2 nočitvi
v Ljubljani (23. in 24. junija).

Avtorici/avtorja bosta imeli/a tudi možnost kratke predstavitve svojega
dela v okviru predavanj 24. junija.

Razstava Reciklaža - luči je prodajnega značaja. Od avtorjev se
pričakuje, da bodo sami določili prodajno vrednost svojih del.

Žirijo sestavljajo: Katerina Mirović, Slovenija (kuratorica razstave,
producentka in soustanoviteljica festivala Svetlobna gverila, programski
vodja Strip Corea); dr. Tomaž Novljan, Slovenija (arhitekt, predavatelj na
Fakutleti za arhitekturo), Aleksandra Stratimirović, Srbija / Švedska
(kuratorica razstave, vizualna umetnica, soustanoviteljica festivalov
Svetlobna gverila in Beograd svetlosti), Andrej Štular, Slovenija
(vizualni umetnik), Marjeta Zupančič, Slovenija (oblikovalka


Na razpis lahko prijavite vse kreativne, inovativne in duhovite rešitve na
temo Reciklaža - luči.

Načini izvedbe, tehnike, dimenzije, funkcija itd. so prepuščeni
odločitvi avtorjev. Pričakujemo predloge, ki na inspirativen
način prikazujejo povezavo med recikliranjem in svetlobo. Sprejemamo
samo predloge oz. projekte, ki so že realizirani, v obliki delujočih
(svetlobnih) objektov. Projektov na ravni skic ali idejnih konceptov ne

ROK za oddajo predlogov (v digitalni obliki) je 22. marec 2009.

Predloge sprejemamo na e-naslovu,(zadeva) svetlobna gverila – reciklaža.

Za prijavo na razpis nam pošljite natančno digitalno dokumentacijo
svojega projekta. Ta mora vsebovati sledeče:
1. ime in priimek avtorja, avtorske skupine
2. kratko biografija avtorja ali avtorkse skupine
3. 3 – 5 fotografij predlaganega dela (300 dpi, 12 x 18 cm)
4. ime dela in konceptualno utemeljitev
5. tehnične informacije (material, dimenzije, teža ipd.)
6. izklicno ceno za avkcijo v eur
7. naslov, kamor želite, da vam delo vrnemo
8. avtrojev e-mail in skype naslov
9. tel. številko avtorja

Avtorji na razpis lahko prijavijo le že realizirana (obstoječa) dela,
ki jih lahko avtorji ob morebitni izbiri nemudoma pošljejo na festival.

Vse avtorje bomo o rezultatih natečaja obvestili med 1. in 3. aprilom

Vsak posamezen avtor je sam odgovoren za pošiljanje v Ljubljano in
zavarovanje transporta izbranega dela, prav tako mora tudi sam pokriti
stroške teh storitev.


The Slovenian Lighting Guerrilla and Serbian Belgrade of Light festivals
announce an open invitation for proposals for the exhibition with the
working title Recycling-Lights.

It is our pleasure to invite you to propose and send us your creative
contribution to the Recycling-Lights exhibition.

The exhibition’s theme aims to explore the phenomenon of light in order to
emphasise the importance of light and energy, pay attention to the
preservation of our surroundings, point to the saving of energy, and
stimulate a conscious engagement in the research of creative recycling and
sustainable design.

In the framework of the Lighting Guerrilla festival, the opening of the
Recycling-Lights exhibition and the bestowing of awards for the best
products will be held on 23 June 2009 at the Vzigalica Gallery in

An expert jury will select works to be exhibited at the Recycling- Lights

Among the exhibited works, two best products will win financial awards of
purchasing for 500 Euros and 400 Euros, respectively. The organiser will
also cover travel expenses to the winning artists (in the maximum sum of
400 Euros) and two overnight stays in Ljubljana (23 and 24 June).

The artists will have a chance to give short public presentations of their
works on 24 June 2009. The Recycling-Lights exhibition will be a selling
exhibition. The artists are asked to decide upon the selling price of
their works.

The members of the expert jury:
Katerina Mirovic, Slovenia (curator of the exhibition, producer, founder
of the Lighting Guerrilla festival, programme director of the visual art
department of Forum Ljubljana); PhD Tomaz Novljan, Slovenia (arhitect,
senior lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana);
Aleksandra Stratimirovic, Serbia/Sweden (curator of the exhibition, visual
artist, founder of the Lighting Guerrilla and Belgrade of Light
festivals); Andrej Stular, Slovenia (visual artist), Marjeta Zupancic,
Slovenia (lighting designer);

Conditions of Participation

The invitation is open to all proposals for creative, innovative, and
witty solutions related to the subject of Recycling-Lights.

What kind of a product you make, the way it is done, what materials are
used, its size, quantity, function 
 all these questions have no
restrictions, they are left entirely to your decision.

However, we expect to receive proposals pointing in an inspired way to the
connection between recycling and light. The proposed products should be
completed, finished and functioning (lighting) objects. The proposals only
in the phase of sketches, drawings or texts, will not be included in the

Applications should be sent in the digital form to the e-address, subject:
lighting guerrilla – recycle

The proposals should be based on already executed and finalised works
ready to be sent for the exhibition.

The application in digital form should comprise:
1/ Name and surname of the artist.
2/ Short CV of the artist or group of artists.
3/ Maximum 5 photographs of the work (.jpg format, 300 dpi, 12 by 18 cm).
4/ Title of the work, and a textual description of the concept.
5/ Technical data (material, dimension, weight, etc.).
6/ Selling price of the work.
7/ Mail address to which the submitted work should be returned.
8/ E-mail and Skype addresses.
9/ Telephone number.

Between 1 and 3 April 2009, all the artists will be informed about the
decision taken by the jury.

The decision will be final. Explanations of the jury about the selected
and refused works will not be published. In the case of non-adequate works
submitted to the application, the jury has the right to withhold the

The artists themselves are responsible for the mailing and the transport
insurance of their works until they reach the stated address in Ljubljana.
It is understood that the artists sending their proposals to the
application comply with this stipulation.

We would like to suggest that you get acquainted with conditions and price
of transporting your work to Ljubljana before submitting your proposal to
the invitation. The selected works should reach Ljubljana until 30 April
2009 at the latest.

Shipments out of European Union should have a declaration saying: non
commercial value, for exhibition purposes only.

data limita: 22/03/09

Strip Core c/o Forum Ljubljana
Katerina Mirovic
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 1 2319662
fax: +386 1 4338074
core la mail.ljudmila.org

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