[Oberlist] IT* call: Inteatro festival Academy 09

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Mar Ian 27 11:30:23 CET 2009

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [artbox] Inteatrp festival Academy 09 URGENT
From:    "Stephan A. Shtereff" <stephan.shtereff la gmail.com>
Date:    Mon, January 26, 2009 13:13
To:      "Artbox" <artbox la groups.cult.bg>

*   **presents...*

IFA InteatroFestival Academy is the name of the professional artistic
project promoted and founded in 2006 by Inteatro. Every year, young artists
of various nationalities have the possibility to stay for a long period in
Villa Nappi (Polverigi, An - Italy), in order to work with established

The program has *12 vacancies for young artists / performers aged between 18
and 32 years*, of different nationalities, who want to gain experience in
research and training for the development of their practice.  English
knowledge is necessary.
Among the Mentors who have already confirmed their participation: *Rosa
Casado* (Madrid), *Cláudia Dias*(Lisbona), *Gustavo Frigerio* (Roma), *Jan
Ritsema* (St Erme Outre et Ramecourt),* Aydin Teker* (Istanbul).

The course is intensive, and attendance is mandatory. IFA 2009 will start on
Monday May 18th and will end on July 4th 2009.
To participate in the program, applicants must send by: *March 31st,
2009* (date
as postmark)

to the following address: Inteatro Villa Nappi - Via Marconi, 75 60020
Polverigi (An) Italy
Applications must include: letter of application; curriculum vitae,
including personal details (name, surname, address, telephone, email); a
research project proposal that the candidate would like to develop during
the residency. It is possible to add video materials, texts, and photos of
previous works that may be useful in understanding the candidate's training
and creative experience. Application can be submitted in Italian, English or
French. The received applications will not be returned.

An international artistic committee will make a first selection. Selected
applicants will then be invited to audition. Auditions should be in the form
of a performed live work (max 10 minutes) and will take place in Polverigi.
The jury reserves the right not to comment on its decision.

*IFA 09 is part of the project "Scenari danza 2.0".**
IFA 09 is also part of the international network IMPACT International Moving
Performing Arts Creation & Research.*

For more detailed information, *please consult the integral version of the
Call (in attachment)*.

IFA 09 reserve the right to make any changes to the programme that may
become necessary.

*INFORMATION* ph. +39 071.9090007  fax +39 071.906326
www.inteatro.it/IFA_eng.html email ifa la inteatro.it

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