[Oberlist] IT* call/fest: nopasswd Artists.Curators.Critics.

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Joi Feb 19 02:27:59 CET 2009

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [openremont] contemporary art festival  nopasswd
From:    "remont_asocijacija" <remont_asocijacija la yahoo.com>
Date:    Tue, February 17, 2009 14:17
To:      openremont la yahoogroups.com

participation form

The invited and indicated artists , curators and critics will be able
to range from creating  and performing within the map of the
historical centre of Genoa supplied by nopasswd , with the exception
of projects that require specific areas of the city .
The implicit prerogative of nopasswd is to not benefit from local
institutional authorizations . The organization behind nopasswd wants
to make it very clear that the A.C.C. will be personally responsible
of the repercussions of every artistic action on the public space and
on the local population .
Self-management of every single social responsibility will be
paramount !
In order to legalize the above mentioned , and to avoid any kind of
legal issue that could involved the nopasswd organizers , it has been
decided to request a letter from the participant to declare full
liability for any damage caused .
It also requested to not use the nopasswd name and logo for any kind
of activity punishable by law .
All the projects and the ideas that are suggested for and within
nopasswd will be exclusively low-budget .
A common fund will be available to the A.C.C. in order to realize
works and actions .
The A.C.C. will be invited to attend provided with their usual
working tools : video-cameras , laptops , cameras , etc...
nopasswd is willing to provide help and advice for those who cannot
cover the board and lodging costs .
The work and documentation of the actions that take place during the
festival will remain the authors' property .
nopasswd reserves the right to publish a detailed report of the
actions that will take place at the festival , on the web-site and on
paper , using all the material supplied by both authors and staff ,
including debates and personal opinions .

To join the contemporary art festival nopasswd , applications must be
forwarded not later than the 1th of March 2009 to :
npsswdfestival la gmail.com .

Please include :

1. artistic portfolio ( pdf. if possible )

2. project or/and idea imagined for the nopasswd festival

3. a signed letter in which you declare an assumption of
responsibility regarding full liability for any act or action that
could cause damage , harm or injury to

4.  logo or name of the space which indicates you ( if necessary ) ,
with deliberation for vision and/or use

For further information or questions please contact nopasswd staff at
the following addresses :
info and contact : npsswdfestival la gmail.com
artistic direction and concept :
eleonora gruppo estraneo permanete
mobile phone :+393401485405
e-mail : gruppoestraneopermanente la gmail.com
artistic direction assistants :
giulia cilla
mobile phone : +41 76 71 05 760
e-mail : cillagiulia la hotmail.com
guido affini
mobile phone : +39 339 84 72 470
e-mail : g.affini la libero.it
press office :
elisa d'andrea
mobile phone : +39 320 16 28 485
e-mail : elisa.dand la gmail.com

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