[Oberlist] RO* evnt: focAR group prezinta MOnuMENTS project

US Vladimir us_v at hotmail.com
Thu May 14 08:56:15 CEST 2009

Vladimir Us
artist & curator

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 12:46:58 -0700
From: ar_foc la yahoo.com
Subject: focAR group(Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe) prezinta MOnuMENTS project
To: y_daniel_alexandru la yahoo.com; yianasnrj la yahoo.com; yorgos.garanis la fx.ro; yoshinogata la hotmail.com; yuliamurgu la yahoo.com; ma la artmix.ro; uae_flunky la yahoo.com; uap la arexim.ro; uca_dum la yahoo.com; uivalf_m la yahoo.com; umbraalbastra la yahoo.com; ungureanura la yahoo.com; uno_catalin la yahoo.com; urbane la vait.com; us_v la hotmail.com; usla44 la hotmail.com

MOnuMENTS project
Coordonator: focAR group Alina Tudor & Razvan Neagoe
Documentare:  Alexandru Bounegru si Ramon Sadic Demirel
26 mai 2009 
Termenul Monument (provine din limba latina monere = a aminti, a semnala, a comemora) defineste de cele mai multe ori o constructie sau un complex de constructii destinat comemorarii unei personalitati importante sau unui eveniment sau evenimente majore in viata unei comunitati, tari, etc. Monumentele pastreaza si transmit informatii istorice si politice. Monumentele publice au avut dintotdeauna un caracter dual - de a comemora o istorie oficiala, adeseori ideologizata, pe de alta parte fiind contestate de grupuri sociale opuse diferitelor curente ideologice. Prin urmare, istoria monumentelor s-a desfasurat permanent intre cele doua extreme - acceptare si evocare pioasa a unui trecut glorios si contestare. Studierea
 monumentelor de for public este un demers necesar oriunde, deoarece aceste insemne incremenite ofera numeroase informatii despre diferite tipare ideologice si momente istorice. 
MOnuMENTS este un proiect artistic, propunand totodata o reflectie culturala si sociala; MOnuMENTS descompune si cartografieaza harta monumentelor de for public din Romania in mai multe parti, propunand totodata un dialog intre spatii rurale si urbane, intre mentalitati din diferite colturi ale tarii, intre present si trecut. MOnuMENTS prezinta pe de o parte momentul cand Monumentul respectiv a fost inaugurat precum si momentul in care cand noi l-am documentat fotografic.
MOnuMENTS a aparut din nevoia noastra de a explora si asimila istoria proprie prin prisma acestor insemne statice. 
MOnuMENTS are si o latura educativa. Fiecare Monument important a generat discutii aprinse in epoca ridicarii sale.  Fotografiind  monumentele le-am clasificat in functie de epoca, modelaj, zona. Am observat ca simbolul care troneaza pe soclu defineste si perioada precum si destinatarul. Vulturul (simbol specific al Romaniei) si ostasul din perioada lui Carol sau Ferdinand s-au transformat in figurile reprezentative ale regimului comunist: ostasul sovietic si ostasul roman, Mircea, Stefan cel Mare, Mihai Viteazu, taranul, minerul sau muncitorul. Dupa revolutie monumentele publice au fost contestate
 iar in jurul lor s-au iscat numeroase controverse. De obicei s-a contestat autorul, subiectul si tehnica de executie, de catre specialisti. Un monument extrem de controversat a fost si este inca "Monumentul pentru Cinstirea Eroilor Revoluţiei din Decembrie 1989" din Piata Revolutiei, Bucuresti.
MOnuMENTS reprezinta un raspuns firesc, organic al artistilor la aceste mutatii si reconfigurari. Rezultatul imediat il reprezinta documentarea diversitatii ca mixtura intre dezvoltarea urbana si cea rurala, intre gesturi culturale si gesturi individuale sau colective.  
Deschidem proiectul MonuMENTS cu primul traseu care va documenta monumente aflate pe ruta Constanta - Bucuresti. Actiunea - performance incepe la ora 10.00 si se termina la 18.00. In majoritatea cazurilor monumentele de pe parcursul acestui traseu comemoreaza eroii din cele doua razboaie mondiale sau  diferite personalitati istorice reprezentative pentru spatiul romanesc. Actiunea consta in depunerea unui buchet de flori si respectarea unui MOMENT de reculegere in memoria celor care au realizat MONUMENTELE (sculptori, arhitecti, comanditari, sponsori, alti membrii ai comunitatii respective etc.).
Incepand in Constanta, traseul va continua prin Murflatar, Castelu, Cernavoda, Fetesti, Dragos Voda, Dor Marunt,Lehliu, Stefanesti, Tamadan, Branesti, Pantelimon, punctual final fiind in Bucuresti in piata Valter Maracineanu. Documentarea va fi realizata de Alexandru Bounegru. 
MOnuMENTS project
Coordinator: focAR group: Alina Tudor & Razvan Neagoe
Documentation Alexandru Bounegru and Ramon Sadic Demirel
26 may 2009
The term Monument (from the latin word monere = to remind, to signal, to commemorate) defines a construction or a complex of buildings designed to commemorate an important personality or an important event or major events in the life of a community, country, etc. Monuments hold and transmit historical and political information. Public monuments have always had a dual character - on one hand to commemorate the official history, often doubled by an ideological discourse, on the other hand being the target of controversies from different social groups opposed to various ideological discourses. As a result, the history of public monuments evolved always between those two extremes - the acceptance and the pious evocation of a
 glorious past and denial. Studiyng the public monuments is always a necesary approach, as these petrified signs offer numerous information about various ideologies and historical moments.   
MOnuMENTS is an artistic project, which proposes a cultural and social refelction; MOnuMENTS decomposes and realizes a map of public monuments from Romania in several stages, questioning a dialogue between rural and urban spaces, between mentalities form different parts of the country. MOnuMENTS present the moment when the monument was erected and the moment when we documented. 
MOnuMENTS started from our need to explore and assimilate our own history through these static signs. 
MOnuMENTS also hold an educational character. Every important monument gave birth to furious debates in the time of its erection. Taking photographs of the monuments we classified them by the era when they were build, by the technique and by the area where they were placed. We noticed that the symbol on the pedestal defines also the period and the recipient. The eagle (a specific symbol of Romania) and the soldier from Carol or Ferdinand period, was transposed in the representative figures of the communist regime as the Russian soldier or the Romanian soldier, Mircea, Stephen the Great, Michael the Brave, the peasant, the miner or the worker. After the Revolution, the public monuments
 were fiercely contested and numerous controversies appeared regarding their status. Usually the author or the subject or the technique were the target of contestation. A good example of a monument that sparked serious debates is the "Monument for the Revolution heroes from December 1989" from Revolution Square in Bucharest. 
MOnuMENTS is a natural, organic response from the artists to all these mutations and reconfigurations. The immediate result is the documentation of the diversity as a mixture between the urban and rural development, between cultural gestures and collective and individual gestures.   
The MonuMENTS project will start with the first journey in which we will document monuments located on the Constanta - Bucuresti route. The action - performance will start at 10.00 and will finish at 18.00. Most of the monuments commemorate the heroes from the two world wars or different representative personalities for Romanian space. The action will consist in the placement of a flower bouquet at each monument and in holding a silent moment in the memory of those who realized the monuments (sculptors, architects, sponsors, members of the community, etc.) We will start in Constanta, and the route will continue through Murflatar, Castelu, Cernavoda, Fetesti, Dragos Voda, Dor Marunt,Lehliu, Stefanesti, Tamadan, Branesti, Pantelimon, the final point being in
 Bucharest, in the square Valter Maracineanu. Alexandru Bounegru will realize the documentation. 
grupul focAR
Alina Tudor si Razvan Neagoe
mail: ar_foc la yahoo.com
site: http://sites.google.com/site/focargroup/blog: http://www.urbantraces-focar.blogspot.com/

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