[Oberlist] MD* evnt/meet/urb: CHIOSC prezentare publica la ARThotel / public presentation at ARThotel, Chisinau

Vladimir US vladimir at oberliht.org.md
Tue Jul 7 08:03:50 CEST 2009

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Proiectul CHIOSC
punct de informare cultural - platforma de participare publica

Tonka MALEKOVIC si Ion FISTICANU, Posibilitatea orasului - prezentare  
Lansarea Suplimentului Oberliht (#14SdU)

7 iulie 2009, Chisinau

descarcati comunicatul de presa la:

proiect realizat de Asociatia Oberliht
director de proiect, curator - Vladimir US
co-curator - Natasa BODROZIC
contact: info(la)oberliht.org.md

Posibilitatea orasului
prezentare publica

7 iulie, 2009

ARThotel, Chisinau

Tonka MALEKOVIC (Zagreb, 1982), prima invitata in cadrul resedintei  
pentru artisti a proiectului CHIOSC si Ion FISTICANU (Chisinau, 1997)  
vor avea o prezentare publica a lucrarilor lor in cadrul proiectului  
colaborativ Posibilitatea orasului care incepe luni, 6 iulie, in  
Chisinau. Proiectul reflecta diferite scenarii pentru dezvoltarea  
orasului si va invita sa va alaturati.

Tonka, Ion si toti cei care accepta "jocul" lor vor oferi viziunile  
lor personale asupra oraselor construite din piatra, carton, lemn,  
plastic, culori si orice alte materiale gasite in cale, care se vor  
inmulti ca ciupercile prin Chisinau. Oricine este interesat de proiect  
(tineri, batrini, artisti ori non-artisti) este invitat sa li se  
alature intre 6 si 10 iulie, 2009, conform urmatorului grafic

06.07.2009, luni: 9:00 - 12:00 / 17:00 - 20:00
07.07.2009, marti: 9:00 - 12:00
08.07.2009, miercuri: 9:00 - 12:00
09.07.2009, joi: 9:00 - 12:00
10.07.2009, vineri: 9:00 - 12:00

Punct de intilnire: monumentul lui Stefan cel Mare
(intersectia strazilor St. cel Mare si Banulescu Bodoni)

Artistii propun de asemenea sa construiti orasele voastre personale,  
chiar daca nu va alaturati acestor plimbari. Fiecare poate sa-si  
fotografieze lucrarile si sa le expedieze prin e-mail: possibility.of.the.city at gmail.com
Prezentarea Tonkai si a lui Ion va avea loc la ART hotel, Marti, 7  
iulie 2009, la orele 18:00.


Ion FISTICANU (Chisinau, 1997) este artist si elev la Liceul Prometeu  
din Chisinau. Proiectul ìPosibilitatea orasuluiî este bazat pe o  
lucrare anterioara a sa ìOrase pe acoperisul casei meleî, realizata  
anul trecut in cadrul proiectului INTERVENTII3.

Tonka MALEKOVIC (Zagreb, 1982), absolventa a Academiei de Arte  
Frumoase din Zagreb. In lucrarile sale deseori lucreaza cu tematica  
orasului si transformarilor urbane care au loc in sinul sau, fenomene  
ce sint reflectii ale proceselor ecomonice si relatiilor de putere. Cu  
mijloace minime ea submineaza codurile dominante si promoveaza  
ecologia in arta. Pentru lucrarile sale de o puternica tensiune  
conceptuala a luat citeva premii (Premiul Essl pentru tinerii artisti,  
Salonul din Zagreb al artelor decorative si design).


Marti, 7 iulie 2009, 18:00, ART hotel, Chisinau.


(str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. ìAî, Chisinau)
harta: http://arthotel.wordpress.com/arthotel-map

ARThotel este un spatiu deschis creatiei si schimbului artistic in  
orasul Chisinau al carui forta motrice o constituie artistii si  
practicile lor. El s-a lansat in august 2008 cu un proiect realizat de  
Coordonat de Asociatia Oberliht, ARThotel gazduieste un program de  
resedinte de scurta durata pentru artisti si arte vizuale - un spatiu  
de productie, creatie, difuzare, formare, dezbateri etc. cu  
posibilitatea extinderii domeniului acoperit catre alte discipline in  


Revista STARE de URGENTA http://staredeurgenta.blogspot.com
Vizura Aperta http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-12943-en.html
Asociatia Slobodne Veze http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-29115-en.html
Centrul de Arta Contemporana din Kiev
Studio ñ Asociatia Tinerilor Artisti http://studio.c3.hu
UNAgaleria http://unagaleria.blogspot.com
AREA Chicago http://www.areachicago.org


Muzeul National de Arta al Moldovei (MNAM)
Filarmonica Nationala Serghei Lunchevici
Sala cu Orga
Teatrul Satiricus I. L. Caragiale http://satiricus.md
Teatrul Rus de Stat A. P. Cehov
Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau [ksa:k] http://www.art.md
Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Dansului Modern
OWH TV Studio http://owh.md
Asociatia ARTIstudio
Clubul Literar http://www.clubliterar.com
Grupul Human Zone http://humanzone.wordpress.com


Fundatia Culturala Europeana
Directia Cultura a Municipiului Chisinau
Uniunea Latina (Biroul din Republica Moldova)
Institutul Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR
CEC ArtsLink
Programul Gulliver Connect
Alianta Franceza din Moldova


director de proiect
Vladimir US
tel: + /373 22/ 286317

responsabil pentru relatii cu publicul
tel: + /373/ 69  679472

Proiectul CHIOSC, punct de informare cultural si platforma de  
participare publica a fost lansat in orasul Chisinau. Este conceput  
intr-un context social-politic complex al procesului de tranzitie,  
intentionind sa promoveze arta contemporana si cultura tinerilor in  
spatiul public prin strierea si contaminarea informationala a  
teritoriului urban, sa incurajeze participarea activa a diverselor  
categorii de persoane reprezentind diferite domenii deseori  
marginalizate si oferindu-le o platforma de manifestare publica, sa  
intareasca retelele locale si sa dezvolte retelele internationale de  
operatori si profesionisti din domeniul culturii, sa influenteze  
politicile publice in vederea extinderii accesului si utilizarii mai  
putin restrictionate a spatiul public.

Flat Space | Spatiu Deschis pentru Galeria Mobila ñ o compozitie  
arhitecturala de dimensiuni mici, proiectata de Stefan Rusu ñ este o  
replica functionala a unui apartament fara pereti care va servi drept  
spatiu deschis prezentarilor publice si evenimente culturale. Totodata  
CHIOSC-ul va reprezenta un punct de informare cultural accesibil  
oricarei categorii de public: profesionistilor, amatorilor sau celor  
interesati de arta contemporana.

Proiectul intentioneaza sa prezinte diversitatea si bogatia unor  
practici artistice din majoritatea tarilor care formeaza continentul  
european, astfel unul dintre obiective este de a invita artisti,  
teoreticieni, operatori culturali sa participe in activitatile CHIOSC- 
ului cu expozitii, ateliere, proiectii, prezentari, intalniri s. a.

Proiectul CHIOSC cuprinde si rezultatele proiectului INTERVENTII3 care  
a fost realizat in 2008:

Proiectul CHIOSC beneficiaza de sprijinul Fundatiei Culturale  
Europene, Directiei Cultura al Municipiului Chisinau, Preturii  
sectorului Centru, Preturii sectoruluii Buiucani, Aliantei Franceze  
din Moldova, Institutului Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR  
(2008), Uniunii Latine (Biroul din Republica Moldova), Henkel Romania  
precum si a CEC ArtsLink si programului Gulliver Connect.

Pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ne contactati la:
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: info(la)oberliht.org.md
skype: oberliht

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The CHIOSC project
cultural info-point - platform for public participation

Tonka MALEKOVIC and Ion FISTICANU, The possibility of the city -  
public presentation
Launch of the Oberliht Supplement (#14 SoE)

July 7, 2009, Chisinau

download the press-release at:

a project by Oberliht Association
project director, curator - Vladimir US
co-curator - Natasa BODROZIC
contact: info(at)oberliht.org.md

The possibility of the city
public presentation

July 7, 2009

ARThotel, Chisinau

Tonka MALEKOVIC (Zagreb, 1982), the first artist in residency  
participant in CHIOSC project and Ion FISTICANU (Chisinau, 1997) will  
have a public presentation of their work within their collaborative  
project ìPossibility of the cityî that starts on Monday, July 6th in  
Chisinau. The project is reflecting different scenarios for  
development of the city and invites for participation.

Tonka, Ion and all the others who accept their ìgameî will offer  
personal visions of the cities built from stones, cardboard, wood,  
plastic, paint and all the other materials found on their way, which  
will grow all over the city. Everyone interested to take part in the  
project (young, old, artists and non-artists) is invited to join them,  
between July 6th and July 10th 2009 according to the following schedule:

06.07.2009, Monday, 9:00 - 12:00 / 17:00 - 20:00
07.07.2009, Tuesday, 9:00 - 12:00
08.07.2009, Wednesday, 9:00 - 12:00
09.07.2009, Thursday, 9:00 - 12:00
10.07.2009, Friday, 9:00 - 12:00

Meeting point: the Stephen the Great monument
(intersection of Stefan cel Mare bd. and Banulescu-Bodoni str.)

The artists also propose to build your own cities, even if you donít  
join the walks. Everyone can take a photo of their work and send it by  
e-mail: possibility.of.the.city at gmail.com

The presentation of Tonka and Ion will take place in ART hotel, on  
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 6 pm.


Ion FISTICANU (Chisinau, 1997) is an artist currently studying at the  
Prometeu Lyceum in Chisinau. The ìPossibility of the cityî project is  
based on his previous work ìTowns on the roof of my houseî realized  
last year in the frames of INTERVENTIONS3 project.

Tonka MALEKOVIC (Zagreb, 1982), graduated Academy of Fine Arts in  
Zagreb. In her works she often deals with the city, urban fabric  
transformation, phenomena that are mainly a reflection of economic /  
power relations, by subverting dominant codes, with minimal means,  
promoting ecology in art. For her work of strong conceptual voltage  
she won several awards (Essl award for young artist, Zagreb salon of  
applied art and design).


Tuesday, July 7 2009, 6 pm, ARThotel, Chisinau


(str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. ìAî, Chisinau)
map: http://arthotel.wordpress.com/arthotel-map

ARThotel is a space for artistic creation and exchange in the city of  
Chisinau whose driving force is generated by artists and their  
practices. It opened in August 2008 with a project by Dan PERJOVSCHI.
Run by Oberliht Association it will primarily host visual art(ists)  
for short-term residencies, creation, production, diffusion,  
workshops, and debates with the possibility to open towards other  
disciplines in the future. http://arthotel.wordpress.com


STATE of EMERGENCY magazine http://staredeurgenta.blogspot.com
Vizura Aperta http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-12943-en.html
Slobodne Veze http://www.rhiz.eu/institution-29115-en.html
Center for Contemporary Art http://studio.c3.hu
UNAgaleria http://unagaleria.blogspot.com
AREA Chicago http://www.areachicago.org


National Museum of Art of Moldova
Serghei Lunchevici National Philarmonics
Organ Hall
Satiricus I. L. Caragiale Theatre http://satiricus.md
A. P. Cehov State Russian Theatre
Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau [ksa:k] http://www.art.md
Modern Dance Development Association
OWH TV Studio http://owh.md
ARTIstudio Association
Literary Club http://www.clubliterar.com
Human Zone Group http://humanzone.wordpress.com


European Cultural Foundation
Cultural Department of the city of Chisinau
Latin Union (Republic of Moldova office)
Romanian Cultural Institute through CANTEMIR Program
CEC ArtsLink
Gulliver Connect
French Alliance Moldova


project director
Vladimir US
tel: + /373 22/ 286317

public relations
tel: + /373/ 69  679472

The CHIOSC project, a cultural info-point and a platform for public  
participation is being launched in the city of Chisinau. It has been  
conceived in a complex social and political context that marks the  
period of transition, with the intention to promote contemporary art  
and youth culture in public space by contaminating the urban territory  
with relevant information. It is meant to encourage active  
participation of diverse social groups representing often marginalized  
or less visible domains by putting at their disposal a public platform  
for manifestation, to strengthen local and develop regional and  
international network of cultural operators and professionals, to  
influence the existing public policies and local authorities to extend  
the access to public space and allow itís less restricted usage.

The FLAT SPACE for mObile gallery ñ small architecture unit designed  
by Stefan RUSU will represent a functional replica of an apartment  
without walls that will provide an open space for public presentations  
and cultural activities. It will also serve as a cultural info-point  
accessible to general publics: professionals, amateurs or cotemporary  
art lovers.

This project intends to present the diversity and richness of various  
art practices carried out in different parts of European continent,  
thus one of its objectives is to invite artists, theorists, cultural  
workers to participate in CHIOSCís activities with exhibitions,  
workshops, screenings, talks etc.

The CHIOSC project includes the results of the INTERVENTIONS3 project  
realized in 2008:

The CHIOSC project receives support from the European Cultural  
Foundation, Cultural Department of the city of Chisinau, Center and  
Buiucani districts of city of Chisinau, Latin Union (Republic of  
Moldova office), Romanian Cultural Institute through CANTEMIR Program  
(2008), CEC ArtsLink, Gulliver Connect, French Alliance Moldova and  
Henkel Romania.

For more details please contact us at:
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: info(at)oberliht.org.md
skype: oberliht

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   director de proiect


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
mob:	+ (373) 69 171010
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova

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