[oberlist] Open Call - Bucharest International Dance Film Festival

Emilia Cazan emilia.cazan at gmail.com
Thu May 25 01:49:06 CEST 2017

*For Romanian please scroll down*

Bucharest International Dance Film Festival (September 7th-10th, 2017)
invites *directors, choreographers and artists* to submit their dance films
to the third edition of BIDFF.


This year's festival theme is *The Age of The Strange*, through which we
question the authenticity of our daily lives in the troubling context of a
world in crisis, embracing contradiction and fragility as vectors in our

Last year alarming geopolitical events have generated an acute form of
social paranoia. We have heard more than never the phrases "fake news" and
"fall of democracy", while the chaos of the digital world has provoked an
atmosphere of global uncertainty. How do we respond to these sudden changes
and what is their real impact on our lives? Can we still talk today about
"the natural" and "the organic" or do we live in a world in which
everything has been altered so much, that all we have left is a feeling of
strange interconnectivity? In this almost dystopian context, we might feel
the need of authenticity, simplicity, unfiltered imperfection and debatable


The competition is open for short *dance films (fiction, documentaries and
animations) *around the world, with a prize pool of* 3000 euro*.

BIDFF is looking for cutting edge dance films with a transparent and
sometimes coded meaning, challenging the viewer to a playful exchange of
information about social life, politics, extreme emotions, out of the
ordinary places and oddly beautiful dance aesthetics. BIDFF encourages
syncretism and dialogue between movement and the diverse forms of cinema
from the most traditional to experimental.

- Shorts of *maximum 15 minutes* will be accepted and should be *produced
in the last 2 years*.
- A minimum quality of *Full HD (1920 x 1080)* is required for the
exhibition copies.
- You can submit *a maximum of 2 films*. Both can be taken into
- Films submitted to previous editions of the festival will not be taken
into consideration.
- Three movies shall be awarded by a professional jury appointed by the
organizers. The jury members will be made public prior the festival.


To submit your films to the festival please fill in the form:


June 30th, 2017


Irena Isbasescu
international relations
contact at bidff.ro


Bucharest International Dance Film Festival (7-10 septembrie 2017)
invita *regizori,
coregrafi si artisti *sa isi inscrie filmele de dans la cea de-a treia
editie a festivalului.


Tema editiei din acest an este *The Age of The Strange*. Contextul din ce
in ce mai tulburator al unei lumi in situatie de criza pune sub semnul
intrebarii autenticitatea existentei cotidiene, contradictiile si
fragilitatea devenind vectori ai traiectoriei zilnice.

Evenimentele geopolitice alarmante ce au avut loc in decursul anilor
trecuti au generat o forma acuta de paranoia la nivel de societate. Am
auzit mai mult ca niciodata termeni ca stiri false sau declinul
democratiei, haosul lumii digitale sporind la randul lui atmosfera generala
de insecuritate. Cum raspundem acestor schimbari bruste si care este
impactul lor real in viata noastra? Mai putem oare vorbi astazi despre
Firesc sau despre Organic sau traim intr-o lume atat de alterata din care
tot ce a mai ramas este o stranie interconectivitate? In acest context
aproape distopic am putea simti nevoia de autenticitate, de simplitate, de
imperfectiuni nefiltrate, de identitati nefixate.


In competitie pot fi inscrise scurtmetraje de* dans (fictiune, documentar,
animatie)*, produse in orice regiune a lumii,  premiile totale insumand *3000
de euro*.

BIDFF este in cautare de filme inovatoare, cu un mesaj transparent si
cateodata codificat, provocand audienta la un schimb de informatii intre
viata sociala, politica, emotia exacerbata, locurile neobisnuite si
miscarea corpului.

- Vor fi luate in considerare filmele de scurtmetraj *produse in ultimii 2
ani*, cu o lungime *maxima de 15 minute*.
- Materialele de proiectie sunt acceptate in format *Full HD, rezolutie
minima 1920 x 1080*.
- Pot fi inscrise maxim *2 filme/participant*. Ambele vor fi luate in
- Nu se accepta filme înscrise la editiile anterioare ale festivalului.
- Juriul, numit de organizatori, va selecta 3 filme castigatoare. Membrii
juriului vor fi anuntati inaintea inceperii festivalului.


Pentru inscrierea filmelor va rugam sa completati urmatorul formular:


Inscrierile se pot face pana cel tarziu pe 30 iunie 2017.


Irena Isbasescu
relatii internationale
contact at bidff.ro
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